363 research outputs found

    Alumni Giving of Business Executives to the Alma Mater: Panel Data Evidence at a Large Metropolitan Research University

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    Charitable giving to public and private institutions of higher learning in the US is a growing major source of financing academic and support programs. The novel contribution of this research is the estimation of an econometric model of gift-giving alumni business executives of a large public urban university using 10,192 individual donor observations [that is, a panel of 392 donors for 26 years]. Our theoretically consistent empirical results reinforce the earlier research findings that male alumni in Greek social organizations gave significantly more. New insights unique to this study are that alumni individuals with the higher-order executive job titles (proxy for permanent income) of a Chief Executive Officer or President (relative to the lesser ranks) are significantly more charitable, and that the number of other gift-giving alumni and friends known to donors, and national athletic conference (basketball and football) championship wins are also highly statistically significant positive drivers of alumni annual giving to the comprehensive metropolitan research university. The resulting profile of gift-giving alumni business executives can be profitably used to more effectively target likely donors and raise cost-effectiveness of fundraising efforts in these times of fiscal austerity in higher education.educational economics, educational finance, charitable donations, alumni giving of business executives

    Small Business Economics of the Lakota Fund on the Native American Indian Reservation

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    Poverty rates on Native American Indian reservations are triple the US average. Small business incubation programs, available elsewhere in the US, are sparse on the reservations. Small businesses are potent drivers of US economic growth. Some 25.5 million entrepreneurs generate more than 50% of the GDP, are 26% of the exporters, and create 80% of the total net new job formation. The Small Business Administration (SBA), an independent agency of the federal government created in 1953, maintains and strengthens the nation's economy by aiding, counseling, assisting, and protecting the interests of small businesses and by assisting families and businesses to recover from national disasters. SBA services hardly exist on the Native American Indian Reservations (NAIRs), however. Studies have linked micro entrepreneurial activities to economic growth and poverty reduction. Our study tests the effects of the Lakota Fund (LF), a small business development initiative, on the NAIRs to determine whether SBA-like programs (loans, training, and consulting) can improve economic conditions on the NAIRs. The LF, a private micro loan and business training initiative on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, is tested for its effectiveness in generating income. The 1980-2006 annual county-level data (Shannon Co. is 'treatment', Todd Co. is 'control') are a natural experiment; the counties are similar otherwise. Using the real per capita income (RPCI) dependent variable, and controlling for other factors, our regression results indicate that the LF initiative and its duration (intensity) raised RPCI significantly āˆ’ suggesting the success of a privately funded small business incubation initiative targeted at isolated impoverished groups within the highly developed US economy. Suggestions for future research and program replication ideas are explored.poverty rates, Small Business Administration, Lakota Fund, life expectancy, public sector

    Analysis of Foreign and Domestic Investment on Economic Growth in Nigeria (1980-2013)

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    Several factors have hampered economic growth in Nigeria, though there has been improvement in the recent times. Nevertheless, it remains fragile and is not strong enough to significantly reduce the prevailing level of poverty in the country. Against this backdrop, the study investigates the relationship between foreign and domestic investment on Economic growth in Nigeria, during the period 1980-2013, using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The study finds out that foreign and domestic investment have a strong influence both in short and long run, on the economic growth of Nigeria. The result shows unidirectional long-run causality between domestic investments to real GDP in Nigeria. Also, there is unidirectional long-run causality between exchange rate and real GDP in Nigeria. The result implies that change in current GDP is better explained by domestic investment and exchange rate rather than national income, foreign direct investment and credit to private sector. Hence, the government may encourage foreign investors to invest in the high risk areas, where the domestic investment lacks the technology and experiences needed

    Corruption and Economic Growth in Nigeria (1980-2013)

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    Corruption is as aged as the existence of man and it exists in all sphere of human life. TheĀ  persistencyĀ  ofĀ  corruptionĀ  erodesĀ  theĀ  socialĀ  economicĀ  valueĀ  ofĀ  aĀ  nation. The study investigates the relationship between corruption and economic growth in Nigeria, in the period 1980-2013, using the VAR analysis. The study finds the existence of long-term relationship between corruption and unemployment growth on the economic growth of Nigeria. Also, the study found no short-term relationship in corruption and unemployment on economic growth. Hence, the result in the analysis shows that corruption positively has a strong influence on the output of Nigeria. So the rise in growth rate experienced in Nigeria is influenced by high corruption rate in the country, which is making the few rich to be richer, eradicating the middle class and making the poor to be poorer. Therefore, there is a need to develop political will to prosecute anyone found guilty of corruption irrespective of their position, tribe, religion or party affiliation. Such a punishment would also serve as a deterrent to others and help improve real economic growth and development

    Market level characteristic factors influencing smallholder coffee marketers in Kogi State, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the market level characteristic factors influencing coffee marketing among coffee farmers in the study area. The study was carried out in Kogi State and purposive sampling technique was used to select eighty four respondents. Data were collected from the respondents with the use of structured questionnaire and the data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency and percentages) as well as multi-variate regression analysis. Result of the descriptive analysis shows that the mean age of the farmers was 64 years while 60% of the farmers had no access to formal education. Regression analysis revealed that farm size, variety of coffee, marketing channels, trading experience, membership of association, price satisfaction and selling method constituted major characteristic marketing factors influencing coffee marketing in the study area and they all affected coffee marketing at 1% significant level. Based on the findings, the study therefore recommended that efforts should be made to assess variety of coffee that is more preferred by the buyers. Also, farmers should be given incentives to increase their farm holdings for higher productivity

    Perinatal outcome in anaemic pregnant women in South-Western Nigeria

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    Background: Anaemia in pregnancy is a global public health problem in most developing and developed countries with major consequences for human health as well as social and economic development. Fetuses of anaemic mothers are at risk of preterm deliveries, low birth weights, morbidity and perinatal mortality due to the impairment of oxygen delivery to placenta and foetus.Methods: This study was conducted at the antenatal clinic and labour ward complex of a teaching hospital in south-western Nigeria to determine the effect of anaemia in pregnancy on perinatal outcome. Eligible participants were enrolled for the study by consecutive sampling method. Relevant data were extracted from the case records of these eligible women and a structured interviewer administered questionnaire was used for the data collection.Results: There were statistically significant differences between anaemia and reduced gestational age at birth (P = 0.000), low one-minute (P = 0.000) and five-minute (P = 0.003) Apgar scores, reduced birth weight (P=0.005) and foetal death (P = 0.013). No significant difference was noted in the rate of neonatal admission in the two groups (P = 0.085).Conclusion: This study has thus highlighted the importance of considering maternal anaemia as an indicator of adverse perinatal outcomes. There is therefore, a need to counsel intending mothers and their partners about early antenatal booking, compliance with routine antenatal medications and prompt identification and treatment of anaemia in pregnancy, all as means of curtailing the overwhelming perinatal morbidity and mortality associated with the condition.

    Preterm delivery and low maternal serum cholesterol level: any correlation?

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    Background: Preterm birth is a major challenge in perinatal health care with prematurity accounting for 40-60% of all perinatal deaths in Nigeria. The physiologic hypercholesterolaemia of later pregnancy suggests an adaptive function for pregnancy maintenance or fetal growth. Decreased levels of maternal total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol have been reported in association with preterm delivery.Methods: This was a prospective observational cohort study designed to assess whether low maternal serum cholesterol during early pregnancy is associated with preterm delivery in these women. Eligible participants were enrolled for the study at gestational age of 14 to 20 weeks over a period of 12 months. Blood samples were obtained to measure total serum cholesterol concentrations and the sera were then analyzed enzymatically by the Cholesterol Oxidase: p-Aminophenazone (CHOD PAP) method.Results: The study showed an incidence of 5.0% for preterm delivery in the low risk study patients. Preterm birth was 4.83-times more common with low total maternal cholesterol than with midrange total cholesterol (11.8% versus 2.2%,Ā P = 0.024).Conclusions: We can infer from the study that the low maternal serum cholesterol (hypocholesterolaemia) is associated with preterm delivery. We can therefore recommend on this basis that the concept of an optimal range for maternal serum cholesterol during pregnancy may have merit and pregnant women should be encouraged to follow a healthy, balanced diet and ensure regular antenatal visit to their healthcare provider

    Oncogenic human papilloma virus infection among women attending the cytology clinic of a tertiary hospital in Lagos, South-West Nigeria

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    Background:Cervical cancer is the most common gynaecological cancer and a leading cause of cancer death in women in Nigeria. Persistence infection with high risk or oncogenic Human Papillomavirus (HPV) types is now known to be a necessary cause of cervical cancer.Methods:This study is a descriptive cross-sectional study carried out to determine the prevalence and distribution of oncogenic HPV infection among women seen at the cytology clinic of a tertiary hospital in Lagos South-west Nigeria and then identify the likely predisposing factors to this infection. Eligible women were selected by consecutive sampling method for the study. Pap smear and endocervical swab samples were collected from each participant. The endocervical swab samples were screened for HPV types 16, 16A, 31, 33 and 35 by the multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using the specific primers for the HPV types.Results: Twenty-four (30.4%) of the 79 tested swab samples were positive for viral DNA of high risk HPV 16. There was a statistically significant difference in the mean ages of participants with positive cervical HPV and those without the infection respectively (34.8 Ā± 9.9 vs. 46.2 Ā± 10.1 years; P = 0.028). However, there were no significant differences found between the women with HPV positivity and those without with respect to marital status (P = 0.074), tribe (P = 1.009), religion (P = 0.681) and educational status (P = 0.552). Other identified risk factors that showed statistically significant differences for oncogenic HPV infection were age at sexual debut (P = 0.009), parity (P = 0.003), number of lifetime sexual partner(s) (P = 0.000), use of combined oral contraceptives (P = 0.044), HIV seropositivity (P = 0.000) and smoking (P = 0.033).Conclusion:Cumulative high risk HPV infection is high in Lagos, Nigeria. This thus support the need for routine and early screening of all identified high risk sexually active women for HPV infection in Nigeria, as well as emphasising further the importance of sex education for the girl child in schools and increased awareness for parents towards HPV vaccination for their generally healthy adolescent girls.

    Antimicrobial Activities of Some Nigerian Chewing Sticks

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    The antimicrobial activities of the ethanolic extracts of three Nigerian chewing sticks, namely, Terminalia glaucescens, Anogeissus leiocarpus and Pseudocedrela kotschyi were investigated. Results from this study showed that the antimicrobial activities of the tested chewing sticks vary and are target-microbe specific. Of the tested chewing sticks, A. leiocarpus showed a significantly higher antibacterial activity (P\u3c0.05) against Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes; and this was closely followed by T. glaucescens, while P. kotschyi virtually had no activity against these two organisms. However, the activity of T. glaucescens against Streptococcus mutans was significantly higher (P\u3c0.05) than that exhibited by A. leiocarpus. The extracts of the three chewing sticks had no activity against Candida albicans. The antibacterial activities of these two potent chewing sticks made them suitable for better dental care
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