2,177 research outputs found

    Dark Matter and Dark Radiation

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    We explore the feasibility and astrophysical consequences of a new long-range U(1) gauge field ("dark electromagnetism") that couples only to dark matter, not to the Standard Model. The dark matter consists of an equal number of positive and negative charges under the new force, but annihilations are suppressed if the dark matter mass is sufficiently high and the dark fine-structure constant α^\hat\alpha is sufficiently small. The correct relic abundance can be obtained if the dark matter also couples to the conventional weak interactions, and we verify that this is consistent with particle-physics constraints. The primary limit on α^\hat\alpha comes from the demand that the dark matter be effectively collisionless in galactic dynamics, which implies α^104\hat\alpha \lesssim 10^{-4} for TeV-scale dark matter. These values are easily compatible with constraints from structure formation and primordial nucleosynthesis. We raise the prospect of interesting new plasma effects in dark matter dynamics, which remain to be explored.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures Updated equations and figure

    Radiative two-pion decay of the tau lepton

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    We consider the bremsstrahlung and model-dependent contributions to the radiative decay τππ0ντγ\tau^- \to \pi^-\pi^0\nu_{\tau}\gamma in the context of a meson dominance model. We focus on several observables related to this decay, including the branching ratio and the photon and di-pion spectra. Particular attention is paid to the sensitivity of different observables upon the effects of model-dependent contributions and of the magnetic dipole moment of the ρ(770)\rho^-(770) vector meson. Important numerical differences are found with respect to results obtained in the framework of chiral perturbation theory.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted for publicatio

    Interplay of gravitation and linear superposition of different mass eigenstates

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    The interplay of gravitation and the quantum-mechanical principle of linear superposition induces a new set of neutrino oscillation phases. These ensure that the flavor-oscillation clocks, inherent in the phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, redshift precisely as required by Einstein's theory of gravitation. The physical observability of these phases in the context of the solar neutrino anomaly, type-II supernovae, and certain atomic systems is briefly discussed

    Macroscopic Strings and "Quirks" at Colliders

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    We consider extensions of the standard model containing additional heavy particles ("quirks") charged under a new unbroken non-abelian gauge group as well as the standard model. We assume that the quirk mass m is in the phenomenologically interesting range 100 GeV--TeV, and that the new gauge group gets strong at a scale Lambda < m. In this case breaking of strings is exponentially suppressed, and quirk production results in strings that are long compared to 1/Lambda. The existence of these long stable strings leads to highly exotic events at colliders. For 100 eV < Lambda < keV the strings are macroscopic, giving rise to events with two separated quirk tracks with measurable curvature toward each other due to the string interaction. For keV < Lambda < MeV the typical strings are mesoscopic: too small to resolve in the detector, but large compared to atomic scales. In this case, the bound state appears as a single particle, but its mass is the invariant mass of a quirk pair, which has an event-by-event distribution. For MeV < Lambda < m the strings are microscopic, and the quirks annihilate promptly within the detector. For colored quirks, this can lead to hadronic fireball events with 10^3 hadrons with energy of order GeV emitted in conjunction with hard decay products from the final annihilation.Comment: Added discussion of photon-jet decay, fixed minor typo

    Compensation of B-L charge of matter with relic sneutrinos

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    We consider massless gauge boson connected to B-L charge with and without compensation to complete the investigation of the gauging of B and L charges. Relic sneutrinos predicted by SUSY and composite models may compensate B-L charge of matter. As a consequence of the possible compensation mechanism we have shown that the available experimental data admit the range of the B-L interaction constant, 10^{-29} < {\alpha}_{B-L} < 10^{-12}, in addition to {\alpha}_{B-L} < 10^{-49} obtained without compensation.Comment: 6 page

    A simple explanation of the PVLAS anomaly in spontaneously broken mirror models

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    The PVLAS anomaly can be explained if there exist millicharged particles of mass <0.1\stackrel{<}{\sim} 0.1 eV and electric charge ϵ106e\epsilon \sim 10^{-6} e. We point out that such particles occur naturally in spontaneously broken mirror models. We argue that this interpretation of the PVLAS anomaly is not in conflict with astrophysical constraints due to the self interactions of the millicharged particles which lead them to be trapped within stars. This conclusion also holds for a generic paraphoton model.Comment: about 5 pages, expanded discussion, version to be published in PL

    Massive Electrodynamics and the Magnetic Monopoles

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    We investigate in detail the problem of constructing magnetic monopole solutions within the finite-range electrodynamics (i.e., electrodynamics with non-zero photon mass, which is the simplest extension of the standard theory; it is fully compatible with the experiment). We first analyze the classical electrodynamics with the additional terms describing the photon mass and the magnetic charge; then we look for a solution analogous to the Dirac monopole solution. Next, we plug the found solution into the Schr\"{o}dinger equation describing the interaction between the the magnetic charge and the electron. After that, we try to derive the Dirac quantization condition for our case. Since gauge invariance is lost in massive electrodynamics, we use the method of angular momentum algebra. Under rather general assumptions we prove the theorem that the construction of such an algebra is not possible and therefore the quantization condition cannot be derived. This points to the conclusion that the Dirac monopole and the finite photon mass cannot coexist within one and the same theory. Some physical consequences of this conclusion are considered. The case of t'Hooft-Polyakov monopole is touched upon briefly.Comment: 24 pages, revtex, 1 figure appended as a PostScript fil

    `c' is the speed of light, isn't it?

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    Theories proposing a varying speed of light have recently been widely promoted under the claim that they offer an alternative way of solving the standard cosmological problems. Recent observational hints that the fine structure constant may have varied during over cosmological scales also has given impetus to these models. In theoretical physics the speed of light, cc, is hidden in almost all equations but with different facets that we try to distinguish. Together with a reminder on scalar-tensor theories of gravity, this sheds some light on these proposed varying speed of light theories.Comment: 14 pages, Late

    Final-State-Interaction Simulation of T-Violation in the Top-Quark Semileptonic Decay

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    The standard electroweak final-state interaction induces a false T-odd correlation in the top-quark semileptonic decay. The correlation parameter is calculated in the standard model and found to be considerably larger than those that could be produced by genuine T-violation effects in a large class of theoretical models.Comment: 14 pages, 1 diagram (not included

    Superstring-Inspired E_6 Unification, Shadow Theta-Particles and Cosmology

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    We construct a new cosmological model considering the superstring-inspired E_6 unification in the 4-dimensional space at the early stage of the Universe. We develop a concept of parallel existence in Nature of the ordinary and shadow worlds with different cosmological evolutions.Comment: 7 page