117 research outputs found

    Vortex-antivortex wavefunction of a degenerate quantum gas

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    A mechanism of a pinning of the quantized matter wave vortices by optical vortices in a specially arranged optical dipole traps is discussed. The vortex-antivortex optical arrays of rectangular symmetry are shown to transfer angular orbital momentum and form the "antiferromagnet"-like matter waves. The separable Hamiltonian for matter waves in pancake trapping geometry is proposed and 3D-wavefunction is factorized in a product of wavefunctions of the 1D harmonic oscillator and 2D vortex-antivortex quantum state. The 2D wavefunction's phase gradient field associated via Madelung transform with the field of classical velocities forms labyrinth-like structure. The macroscopic quantum state composed of periodically spaced counter-rotating BEC superfluid vortices has zero angular momentum and nonzero rotational energy.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Experimental observation of spontaneous spin polarization of electrons in hybridized states of transition element impurities in semiconductors

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    Experimental evidence of the possible existence of spontaneous spin polarization of the electron system in hybridized states formed by transition element impurity atoms in the conduction band of semiconducting crystals is examined. The details of a quantitative interpretation of experiments on the temperature dependence of the specific heat and elastic moduli of mercury selenide crystals with iron impurities confirm the feasibility of establishing the presence of electron spin polarization in this type of experiment, as well as the possible existence of polarization in the crystals studied here. Theoretical arguments support the observation of a thermodynamic anomalous Hall effect owing to spontaneously polarized donor electrons from low-concentration impurities. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC