238 research outputs found

    The 't Hooft Model As A Hologram

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    We consider the 3d dual of 1+1 dimensional large-N_c QCD with quarks in the fundamental representation, also known as the 't Hooft model. 't Hooft solved this model by deriving a Schroedinger equation for the wavefunction of a parton inside the meson. In the scale-invariant limit, we show how this equation is related by a transform to the equation of motion for a scalar field in AdS_3. We thus find an explicit map between the `parton-x' variable and the radial coordinate of AdS_3. This direct map allows us to check the AdS/CFT prescription from the 2d side. We describe various features of the dual in the conformal limit and to the leading order in conformal symmetry breaking, and make some comments on the 3d theory in the fully non-conformal regime.Comment: Introduction expanded. References rearranged. The version published in JHE

    CMB Signals of Neutrino Mass Generation

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    We propose signals in the cosmic microwave background to probe the type and spectrum of neutrino masses. In theories that have spontaneous breaking of approximate lepton flavor symmetries at or below the weak scale, light pseudo-Goldstone bosons recouple to the cosmic neutrinos after nucleosynthesis and affect the acoustic oscillations of the electron-photon fluid during the eV era. Deviations from the Standard Model are predicted for both the total energy density in radiation during this epoch, \Delta N_nu, and for the multipole of the n'th CMB peak at large n, \Delta l_n. The latter signal is difficult to reproduce other than by scattering of the known neutrinos, and is therefore an ideal test of our class of theories. In many models, the large shift, \Delta l_n \approx 8 n_S, depends on the number of neutrino species that scatter via the pseudo-Goldstone boson interaction. This interaction is proportional to the neutrino masses, so that the signal reflects the neutrino spectrum. The prediction for \Delta N_nu is highly model dependent, but can be accurately computed within any given model. It is very sensitive to the number of pseudo-Goldstone bosons, and therefore to the underlying symmetries of the leptons, and is typically in the region of 0.03 < \Delta N_nu < 1. This signal is significantly larger for Majorana neutrinos than for Dirac neutrinos, and, like the scattering signal, varies as the spectrum of neutrinos is changed from hierarchical to inverse hierarchical to degenerate.Comment: 40 pages, 4 figure

    Supersymmetry in Slow Motion

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    We construct new theories of electroweak symmetry breaking that employ a combination of supersymmetry and discrete symmetries to stabilize the weak scale up to and beyond the energies probed by the LHC. These models exhibit conventional supersymmetric spectra but the fermion-sfermion-gaugino vertices are absent. This closes many conventional decay channels, thereby allowing several superpartners to be stable on collider time scales. This opens the door to the possibility of directly observing R-hadrons and three flavors of sleptons inside the LHC detectors.Comment: A reference added. The discussion on the Higgs sector expanded. The version accepted for publication in JHE

    Conformal Technicolor

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    We point out that the flavor problem in theories with dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking can be effectively decoupled if the physics above the TeV scale is strongly conformal, and the electroweak order parameter has a scaling dimension d = 1 + epsilon with epsilon \simeq 1/few. There are many restrictions on small values of epsilon: for epsilon << 1, electroweak symmetry breaking requires a fine-tuning similar to that of the standard model; large-N conformal field theories (including those obtained from the AdS/CFT correspondence) require fine-tuning for d < 2; `walking technicolor' theories cannot have d < 2, according to gap equation analyses. However, strong small-N conformal field theories with epsilon \simeq 1/few avoid all these constraints, and can give rise to natural dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking with a top quark flavor scale of order 10^{1/epsilon} TeV, large enough to decouple flavor. Small-N theories also have an acceptably small Peskin-Takeuchi S parameter. This class of theories provides a new direction for dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking without problems from flavor or electroweak precision tests. A possible signal for these theories is a prominent scalar resonance below the TeV scale with couplings similar to a heavy standard model Higgs.Comment: 26 pages + References. Slight wording changes. Version appearing in JHE

    The LHC Phenomenology of Vectorlike Confinement

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    We investigate in detail the LHC phenomenology of "vectorlike confinement", where the Standard Model is augmented by a new confining gauge interaction and new light fermions that carry vectorlike charges under both the Standard Model and the new gauge group. If the new interaction confines at the TeV scale, this framework gives rise to a wide range of exotic collider signatures such as the production of a vector resonance that decays to a pair of collider-stable charged massive particles (a "di-CHAMP" resonance), to a pair of collider-stable massive colored particles (a "di-R-hadron resonance), to multiple photons, WWs and ZZs via two intermediate scalars, and/or to multi-jet final states. To study these signals at the LHC, we set up two benchmark models: one for the di-CHAMP and multi-photon signals, and the other for the di-R-hadron and multijet signals. For the di-CHAMP/multi-photon model, Standard Model backgrounds are negligible, and we show that a full reconstruction of the spectrum is possible, providing powerful evidence for vectorlike confinement. For the di-R-hadron/multijet model, we point out that in addition to the di-R-hadron signal, the rate of the production of four R-hadrons can also be sizable at the LHC. This, together with the multi-jet signals studied in earlier work, makes it possible to single out vectorlike confinement as the underlying dynamics.Comment: 32 pages, 28 figures. Several typos fixed, one paragraph added elaborating choice of benchmarks. Version accepted by JHEP

    Radiative Electroweak Symmetry Breaking from a Quasi-Localized Top Quark

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    We consider 5D supersymmetric SU(3) x SU(2) x U(1) theories compactified at the TeV scale on S^1/Z_2 with supersymmetry broken by boundary conditions. Localizing the top quark at a boundary of a fifth dimension by a bulk mass term M_t, reduces the strength of radiative electroweak symmetry breaking. For M_t R approximately 1--2, the natural value for the top and bottom squark masses are raised to 500--1200 GeV, and all other superpartners may have masses of the compactification scale, which has a natural range of 1/R ~= 1.5--3.5 TeV. The superpartner masses depend only on 1/R, and are precisely correlated amongst themselves and with the mass of the Higgs boson, which is lighter than 130 GeV.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, Latex; typos correcte

    WRN participates in translesion synthesis pathway through interaction with NBS1.

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    Werner syndrome (WS), caused by mutation of the WRN gene, is an autosomal recessive disorder associated with premature aging and predisposition to cancer. WRN belongs to the RecQ DNA helicase family, members of which play a role in maintaining genomic stability. Here, we demonstrate that WRN rapidly forms discrete nuclear foci in an NBS1-dependent manner following DNA damage. NBS1 physically interacts with WRN through its FHA domain, which interaction is important for the phosphorylation of WRN. WRN subsequently forms DNA damage-dependent foci during the S phase, but not in the G1 phase. WS cells exhibit an increase in spontaneous focus formation of poleta and Rad18, which are important for translesion synthesis (TLS). WRN also interacts with PCNA in the absence of DNA damage, but DNA damage induces the dissociation of PCNA from WRN, leading to the ubiquitination of PCNA, which is essential for TLS. This dissociation correlates with ATM/NBS1-dependent degradation of WRN. Moreover, WS cells show constitutive ubiquitination of PCNA and interaction between PCNA and Rad18 E3 ligase in the absence of DNA damage. Taken together, these results indicate that WRN participates in the TLS pathway to prevent genomic instability in an ATM/NBS1-dependent manner

    Explicit Supersymmetry Breaking on Boundaries of Warped Extra Dimensions

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    Explicit supersymmetry breaking is studied in higher dimensional theories by having boundaries respect only a subgroup of the bulk symmetry. If the boundary symmetry is the maximal subgroup allowed by the boundary conditions imposed on the fields, then the symmetry can be consistently gauged; otherwise gauging leads to an inconsistent theory. In a warped fifth dimension, an explicit breaking of all bulk supersymmetries by the boundaries is found to be inconsistent with gauging; unlike the case of flat 5D, complete supersymmetry breaking by boundary conditions is not consistent with supergravity. Despite this result, the low energy effective theory resulting from boundary supersymmetry breaking becomes consistent in the limit where gravity decouples, and such models are explored in the hope that some way of successfully incorporating gravity can be found. A warped constrained standard model leads to a theory with one Higgs boson with mass expected close to the experimental limit. A unified theory in a warped fifth dimension is studied with boundary breaking of both SU(5) gauge symmetry and supersymmetry. The usual supersymmetric prediction for gauge coupling unification holds even though the TeV spectrum is quite unlike the MSSM. Such a theory may unify matter and Higgs in the same SU(5) hypermultiplet.Comment: 30 pages, version to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Low Energy 6-Dimensional N=2 Supersymmertric SU(6) Models on T2T^2 Orbifolds

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    We propose low energy 6-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric SU(6) models on M4×T2/(Z2)3M^4\times T^2/(Z_2)^3 and M4×T2/(Z2)4M^4\times T^2/(Z_2)^4, where the orbifold SU(3)C×SU(3)SU(3)_C\times SU(3) model can be embedded on the boundary 4-brane. For the zero modes, the 6-dimensional N=2 supersymmetry and the SU(6) gauge symmetry are broken down to the 4-dimensional N=1 supersymmetry and the SU(3)C×SU(2)L×U(1)Y×U(1)â€ČSU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y\times U(1)' gauge symmetry by orbifold projections. In order to cancel the anomalies involving at least one U(1)â€ČU(1)', we add extra exotic particles. We also study the anomaly free conditions and present some anomaly free models. The gauge coupling unification can be achieved at 100∌200100\sim 200 TeV if the compactification scale for the fifth dimension is 3∌43\sim 4 TeV. The proton decay problem can be avoided by putting the quarks and leptons/neutrinos on different 3-branes. And we discuss how to break the SU(3)C×SU(2)L×U(1)Y×U(1)â€ČSU(3)_C\times SU(2)_L\times U(1)_Y\times U(1)' gauge symmetry, solve the ÎŒ\mu problem, and generate the Z−Zâ€ČZ-Z' mass hierarchy naturally by using the geometry. The masses of exotic particles can be at the order of 1 TeV after the gauge symmetry breaking. We also forbid the dimension-5 operators for the neutrino masses by U(1)â€ČU(1)' gauge symmetry, and the realistic left-handed neutrino masses can be obtained via non-renormalizable terms.Comment: Latex, 33 pages, discussion and references adde

    KeV Warm Dark Matter and Composite Neutrinos

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    Elementary keV sterile Dirac neutrinos can be a natural ingredient of the composite neutrino scenario. For a certain class of composite neutrino theories, these sterile neutrinos naturally have the appropriate mixing angles to be resonantly produced warm dark matter (WDM). Alternatively, we show these sterile neutrinos can be WDM produced by an entropy-diluted thermal freeze-out, with the necessary entropy production arising not from an out-of-equilibrium decay, but rather from the confinement of the composite neutrino sector, provided there is sufficient supercooling.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, published versio
