71 research outputs found

    ZOOMによるSPレコードに関する座談会 : 「近代遺産の発掘と活用 寄贈資料を引き継ぐ : SPレコード」

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    Demand for pneumococcal vaccination under subsidy program for the elderly in Japan

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    Abstract Background Vaccination programs often organize subsidies and public relations in order to obtain high uptake rates and coverage. However, effects of subsidies and public relations have not been studied well in the literature. In this study, the demand function of pneumococcal vaccination among the elderly in Japan is estimated, incorporating effects of public relations and subsidy. Methods Using a data from a questionnaire survey sent to municipalities, the varying and constant elasticity models were applied to estimate the demand function. The response variable is the uptake rate. Explanatory variables are: subsidy supported shot price, operating years of the program, target population size for vaccination, shot location intensity, income and various public relations tools. The best model is selected by c-AIC, and varying and constant price elasticities are calculated from estimation results. Results The vaccine uptake rate and the shot price have a negative relation. From the results of varying price elasticity, the demand for vaccination is elastic at municipalities with a shot price higher than 3,708 JPY (35.7 USD). Effects of public relations on the uptake rate are not found. Conclusions It can be suggested that municipalities with a shot price higher than 3,708 JPY (35.7 USD) could subsidize more and reduce price to increase the demand for vaccination. Effects of public relations are not confirmed in this study, probably due to measurement errors of variables used for public relations, and studies at micro level exploring individual’s response to public relations would be required.</p

    田村悟史作成のSPレコードデータベース : その特徴と公開に向けての課題

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    九州大学総合研究博物館は2014年に田村悟史氏の遺品の寄贈を受け、そのなかには約4万枚のSP レコードが含まれている。本稿は、旧蔵者の田村が作成したレコードデータベースを分析の対象とし、データベースの構造や公開に向けての課題、データベースの分析からわかる田村コレクションの特徴を明らかにするものである。The Kyushu University Museum received a donation of Mr. Satoshi Tamura’s relics in 2014, among which about 40,000 SP records are included. In this paper, we analyzed the record database produced by former possessor Mr. Tamura, to clarify database structure and issues for publication, and characteristics of Tamura collection which can be understood from analysis of database.はじめに / 1 データベースの分析 / 2 田村コレクションの特徴 / おわり