1 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Kooperatif Stad Berbantuan Multimedia Dalam Materi Atom, Molekul, Ion Pada Siswa SMP

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    : This study aims to determine differences in learning outcomes class VIII student of SMPN 9 Sungai Raya on the atoms, molecules and ions Chapter between students who applied learning model type STAD cooperative with the aid of multimedia and the conventional model. Forms of research used in this study is Quasy Experiment with the study design "Control Group Pretest-Posttest". Samples were selected based on Purposive sampling techniques, a class VIII B as the control class and class VIII C as the experimental class. Data collection tool used in this study is the achievement test in the form of an essay. Based on the data analysis of test results using the Mann Whitney U test with α = 5% was obtained Zarithmetic <Ztable or 0.000 <0.05. This shows that there are differences in learning outcomes in the atoms, molecules and ions chapter's between students taught using cooperative learning model type STAD with the help of multimedia students taught using conventional. Based on the difference between the value pretest and posttest showed that STAD cooperative learning provides anincrease of 35.85 towards improving student learning outcomes in the atoms, molecules and ions chapter in class VIII SMPN 9 Sungai Ray