3 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Obat Nyamuk dan Pencegahan Demam Berdarah di DKI Jakarta dan Depok

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    Dari hasil salah satu studi diketahui bahwa penggunaan obat nyamuk memiliki efek lebih besar dalam menanggulangi penyakit Demam Berdarah dibandingkan penggunaan larvasida dan fogging. Tujuan studi ini untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang penggunaan obat nyamuk di masyarakat. Studi ini merupakan studi deskriptif yang pengumpulan datanya dilaksanakan pada Februari-Maret 2013 di DKI Jakata dan kota Depok. Dari hasil studi ini didapatkan bahwa: Dari 83 responden yang mengisi kuesioner (terdiri dari 65% perempuan, 45% berpendidikan SLTA dan 11% salaah satu anggota keluarganya pernah menderta demam berdarah), didapatkan bahwa Jenis obat nyamuk yang sering digunakan adalah obat nyamuk lotion (32,5%), disusul dengan spray (26,5%), semprot/cair (18,1%), elektrik (15,7%) dan bakar (1,2%). Obat nyamuk yang dianggap paling efektif; lotion (29%), spray (19%), elektrik (16%) dan semprot/cair (13%). Obat nyamuk yang dianggap paling aman; lotion (31%), elektrik (30%), spray (15%) dan semprot/cair (12%). Alasan penggunaan obat nyamuk oleh masyarakat yaitu; murah, mudah di dapat dan memiliki aroma khusus. Studi menyarankan agar masyarakat menggunakan obat nyamuk dengan baik, benar dan aman.Kata kunci: obat nyamuk, studi deskriptif, obat nyamuk efektif dan ama

    Recognition of and care-seeking for maternal and newborn complications in Jayawijaya district, Papua province, Indonesia: a qualitative study

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    Background: Indonesia\u2019s progress on reducing maternal and newborn mortality rates has slowed in recent years, predominantly in rural areas. To reduce maternal and newborn mortality, access to quality and skilled care, particularly at the facility level, is crucial. Yet, accessing such care is often delayed when maternal and newborn complications arise. Using the \u201cThree Delays\u201d model originated by Thaddeus and Maine (1994), investigation into reasons for delaying the decision to seek care, delaying arrival at a health facility, and delaying the receiving of adequate care, may help in establishing more focused interventions to improve maternal and newborn health in this region. Methods: This qualitative study focused on identifying, analyzing, and describing illness recognition and care-seeking patterns related to maternal and newborn complications in the Jayawijaya district of Papua province, Indonesia. Group interviews were conducted with families and other caregivers from within 15 villages of Jayawijaya who had either experienced a maternal or newborn illness or maternal or newborn death. Results: For maternal cases, excessive bleeding after delivery was recognized as a danger sign, and the process to decide to seek care was relatively quick. The decision-making process was mostly dominated by the husband. Most care was started at home by birth attendants, but the majority sought care outside of the home within the public health system. For newborn cases, most of the caregivers could not easily recognize newborn danger signs. Parents acted as the main decision-makers for seeking care. Decisions to seek care from a facility, such as the clinic or hospital, were only made when healthcare workers could not handle the case within the home. All newborn deaths were associated with delays in seeking care due to caretaker limitations in danger sign identification, whereas all maternal deaths were associated with delays in receiving appropriate care at facility level. Conclusions: For maternal health, emphasis needs to be placed on supply side solutions, and for newborn health, emphasis needs to be placed on demand and supply side solutions, probably including community-based interventions. Contextualized information for the design of programs aimed to affect maternal and newborn health is a prerequisite