3 research outputs found

    Kajian secara In Vitro Ekstrak Etanolik Buah Morinda citrifolia L. sebagai Agen Khemopreventif Kanker Payudara yang Potensial

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    Kanker payudara merupakan kanker terbanyak di Indonesia yang menyebabkan kematian sampai 4,3 juta orang per tahun. Sampai saat ini pengobatan yang biasa dijalani oleh penderita kanker payudara adalah dengan melakukan kemoterapi, tetapi karena efek sampingnya yang relatif besar, banyak pengobatan alternatif mulai dikembangkan. Pengobatan menggunakan bahan herbal menjadi populer untuk menggantikan pengobatan kimiawi tidak hanya karena memiliki efek yang serupa, tetapi juga karena keamanannya. Salah satu agen khemopreventif dari bahan alam adalah menggunakan buah mengkudu (Morinda citrifolia L.). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek ekstrak etanolik buah mengkudu dalam menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker payudara melalui uji sitotoksik dan uji apoptosis. Sebanyak 300 gram serbuk mengkudu diekstraksi dengan 2 Liter etanol kemudian diujikan terhadap sel kanker payudara MCF-7. Uji sitotoksik dilakukan dengan metode MTT untuk mendapatkan nilai IC50. Uji Induksi Apoptosis dilakukan dengan metode double staining menggunakan reagen etidium bromida-akridin oranye. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai IC50 adalah sebesar 1117 ¼g/ml dan dari hasil pengamatan uji apoptosis menunjukkan adanya kenaikan apoptosis sel dengan peningkatan dosis pemberian ekstrak etanolik. Disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak etanolik buah mengkudu berpotensi sebagai agen kemopreventif melalui mekanisme induksi apoptosis pada sel MCF-7. The incidence of breast cancer is the biggest one that causing a huge number of deadly in Indonesia until 4,3 million per years. Until this time, the common medication to threat the cancer by chemotherapy still popular, but because of the negative effect, many alternative herbal medicine was developed faster not only because the safety but also the effectivity to treat. One of the natural substance which can be used as chemopreventive agent is fruits Morinda citrifolia L. The purpose of the research is to know the effects of noni’s extract  as chemopreventive agent for breast cancer by inhibitory cell proliferation and the ability for apoptotic induction. Three hundred grams noni’s flour extracted with 2 liters 70 % ethanol then tested to MCF-7 breast cancer cell lines. Cytotoxic test was done by MTT assay method to get IC50 value. Apoptotic assay was analyzed by double staining method used ethidium bromide-acrydine orange reagent. The result showed that IC50 value of noni’s extract was 1117 mg/ml and the result of apoptotic assay showed that in higher concentration of ethanolic extract could increased apoptotic induction. The conclusion of the research is noni’s etanolic extract having potency as chemopreventive agent by increased apoptotic induction of MCF-7 cell lines

    Hyperuricemia, use of antituberculosis drugs, and liver injury: Case Report

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    Anti-tuberculous drug can cause idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury (DILI). Considering the benefit risk, there will discontinuation therapy and rechallenge after symptom resolve. In addition to anti-tuberculosis drugs, liver injury can occur in patients with hyperuricemia. We report a 60-year-old male patient who had just used the initiation phase of OAT for 20 days experiencing hepatotoxic side effects characterized by complaints of nausea and vomiting for one week. Liver function examination results were normal with AST 23 u/L and ALT 9 u/L. OAT administration was temporarily stopped and started gradually with 150 mg rifampicin, 150 mg isoniazid and 500 mg ethambutol. The second day after using OAT again, given the full dose of 300 mg rifampicin, 300 mg isoniazid and 1000 mg ethambutol. The patient's condition improved after thismodification of therapy so that therapy with three anti-TB drugs was continued until he was discharged from the hospital