6 research outputs found

    National-and-Cultural Specificity of Biblical Anthroponyms in the Composition of Spanish and Russian Phraseological Units: Dynamic Aspect

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    The article presents a synchronous comparative analysis of the semantic structure of biblical anthroponyms Matusalén / Mafusail (Methuselah), Adán / Adam, Lázaro / Lazar as part of the Spanish and Russian phraseological units. The research aims at determining and comparing the national-and-cultural specifics of biblical anthroponyms in the Spanish language worldview against the background of the Russian one, and elucidates the cognitive basis of this specificity. The methods of phraseological identification, vocabulary definitions analysis, functional and pragmatic interpretation have been used. The main methods applied are component, discursive, linguo-cultural and comparative analysis. It is concluded that national and cultural specificity of biblical-anthroponyms in the Spanish language picture of the world is manifested in the contradiction between the actual and etymological meanings of biblical anthroponyms, in the stylistic detraction of biblical images, their habitation and desacralization with the predominance of pejorative assessment. In Russian linguoculture, biblical anthroponyms mostly retain their original etymology, relate to moral categories and internal characteristics of a person, while in Spanish they are associated with external, physical characteristics. In everyday Spanish discourse, there is a further expansion and detraction in the semantics of bibleisms, their reinterpretation within the tendency to carnivality, resulting from implementation of humorous attitude to reality comprehension

    Перспективні напрямки переробки основних олійних культур

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    У світовому виробництві харчової рослинної олії перше місце належить соєвій олії, друге – пальмовій, третє і четверте – соняшнику і ріпаку. Велику роль у загальному обсязі виробництва харчової рослинної олії відводять арахісовій, бавовняній та оливковій олії

    Математичні взаємозв'язки між врожайністю олійних культур та гідротермічними умовами вегетаційного періоду в Південному Степу України

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    Зона Південного Степу України має досить високий потенціал врожайності олійних культур, який може бути реалізований лише за умов повної та сукупної дії усіх факторів. Рівень реалізації біологічного потенціалу рослин залежить як від технології вирощування, так і від кліматичних умов певного року

    Strategy for the development of agricultural enterprises

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    The article is a development of a variation of the methodology for developing a strategy for the development of an enterprise in the field of agribusiness. The strategic development line for an agribusiness enterprise is based on a detailed analysis of the external environment and a comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the potential of the internal environment, but the emphasis in the development strategy, unified for all agribusiness enterprises in Russia, should be uniform, as the results of this work show. Many agribusiness enterprises are not able to use a development strategy, due to the fact that they have a weak internal potential that does not allow them to realize the opportunities provided to them by a favorable external environment. An agribusiness that is in a different position, in order to use all the benefits available to enterprises that use the traditional approach in forming a development strategy, must first use a comprehensive analysis. Agromarketing is singled out as the main direction aimed at strengthening and developing the internal environment of the agribusiness organization. Agromarketing, based on the principles of customer orientation, realizing all the needs and requirements of a potential consumer of agricultural products

    Developing reflective competence of university students through network volunteering

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    The article describes the facilities of volunteering for students in social pedagogy and medicine during their professional training. Theoretical and methodological basis for developing students’ reflective competence, facilities for modeling it and implementing it at university through volunteering are considered. Successful development of reflective competence of students is viewed through volunteering and based on mastering the ways of social and professional behavior and new social roles. It is implemented in uneven-aged groups and depends on conscious choice of contents, forms, methods and means of training at university. That is what constitutes the concept of the research. The aim of the study is to develop, substantiate and implement theoretical and conceptual grounds for developing reflective competence of students in pedagogy and medicine at university through volunteering. The research experimentally proved the important role of volunteering in developing reflective competence of future specialists at university. It showed the correlation of characteristics of educational space at university and facilities for transferring effective reflective practices to volunteering. The results of the research indicate that developing reflective competence of future specialists through volunteering is a long process which should be specially organized. The aim of improving student’s reflective competence is personal and professional self-development. Based on the studied scientific literature, the authors revealed the characteristics of volunteering as a social and pedagogical phenomenon which had a positive influence on social and professional development of students

    Independent work as a teaching method

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    UK: Стаття порушує проблему організації самостійної роботи студента. Пропонуються заходи для її вирішення. Розглядається питання методичного забезпечення та контролю знань при виконанні самостійних робіт. EN: The artісle reveals the іssues of organіzatіon of іndependent work of the student. Proposed measures to address thіs problem. The іssue of methodісal support and сontrol of knowledge when performіng іndependent work іs сonsіdered