2 research outputs found

    Retention and brain drain of academic staff in higher institution in Nigeria: a case study of University of Calabar

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    Since the inception of higher education, it has been observed that academic staff has been catalysts who have been propellers of the development of higher education through teaching (lecturing), learning, researching and community development when necessary tools and materials were provided to enhance effective teaching and learning of students who invariably become the leaders of tomorrow. But for some decades now, the higher institutions have been criticized for not providing students what it takes so that they can compete favourably with their counterparts in international markets. This unwanted assumption has happened as a result of mismanagement of academic staff in terms of staff development, proper incentives, infrastructure decay such as office accommodation and motivation, proper remuneration, delay in payment of salaries, staff training and retraining, fringe benefits and promotion when due. Based on the stated facts, highly qualified, competent, dedicated, diligent, skilled academic staff always find their way out to where their needs would be met rapidly. This movement of academic staff in tertiary institutions have negative effect on the institution and also the students in that they would be no immediate replacement to fill the vacuum and this can affect their academic performance and expert. If rapid and pragmatic approach for retention is not given proper attention, the academic staff leave the system to seek for a place where there are better conditions of service possibly in overseas countries such as the United Kingdom. If they find that there is disparity, they leave where they were for where better conditions of service are available. This paper suggests various ways where retention of academic staff would be given proper attention to curtail brain drain to the bearest minimum.Keywords: Retention, brain drain and academic staf

    Environmental variables and academic performance of junior secondary school student’s in basic science in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria

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    The main purpose of this paper was to evaluate the extent to which Environmental variables influences secondary school students’ academic performance in Basic Science in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State. To achieve the purpose of this study, two research questions were posed and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at .05 level of significance. Review of literature was carried out according to the sub-variables of the study. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. The population of the study is restricted to all junior secondary three (JSS 3) students in Calabar south L.G.A. of Cross River State with a population of 1830, comprising of 912 males and 918 females respectively. The instrument was “Basic Science Performance Test (BSPT)”. Face and content validity of the instrument was done by the supervisors and three experts in Test and Measurement Department Faculty of Education University of Calabar. Kuder Richardson formula 20. (KR-20) was used to determine the reliability of the instruments. From the administered test (BSPT), data was organized and analysed using One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The findings of the study revealed that the two environmental variables used in the study significantly influences secondary school student’s academic performance in Basic Science in Calabar South Local Government Area of Cross River State. The researcher recommends among other things that, the government should make science education free to motivate people to go into sciences discipline which is the bedrock of every economy