129 research outputs found

    Economics & Religious Implications On Adult Literacy In Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Although literacy rates have improved somehow in recent years, there are still large numbers of people that are illiterates in developing countries.  This paper examines the impact of public education expenditures, the percentage of urban population and religious affiliation on adult literacy rate in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this study, a cross-sectional data of 34 Sub-Saharan African countries with adequate data information were analyzed. The results from the ANOVA and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression analysis are quite conclusive - that urban population, government expenditures on education and religious affiliations do have strong statistical impact on literacy

    Knowledge Infrastructure, Service Sector, And Economic Growth In Africa

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    Economic theory and studies have theoretical and empirical evidence suggesting that countries which remain underdeveloped have consistently low levels of human capital, and a large agricultural sector. Of equal importance are the roles of the information technology and service sectors in improving economic growth and stability. This paper examined the extent to which non-industrial factors, such as information technology, knowledge infrastructure, and the service sectors activities helped contribute to the economy of African nations. The results from the analysis of 38 African nations indicate the information infrastructure for index public expenditures on education and personal computers per 1,000 capita contributed significantly to economic productivity

    An Examination of the Impact of Selected Teacher Variables on Student Achievement

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    The relationship between selected teacher variables and high school student achievement was analyzed. Using the Pearson Correlation analysis, this paper tries to: 1) determine the relationship between teachers’ teaching experience and high school student achievement, 2) determine the relationship between teacher turnover rate and high school student achievement, 3) determine the relationship between teachers with advanced degree and high school student achievement, and 4) determine the relationship between teachers with National Board certification and high school student achievement. Results from the analysis showed that teachers’ teaching experiences and teachers with National Board certification were significant in explaining changes in high school student achievement in English 1, and SAT total score

    Implications Of Severe Economic Decline & Demographic Pressures On Youth Literacy In Sub-Saharan Africa

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    Although literacy rates have improved somehow in recent years, there are still large numbers of people that are illiterates in developing countries.  This paper examines the impact of severe economic decline and demographic pressures on youth literacy rate in Sub-Saharan Africa. In this study, a cross-sectional data of 39 Sub-Saharan African countries with adequate data information were analyzed. The results from the ANOVA tests indicate that economic decline is statistically significant in explaining youth literacy, while the results from demographic pressures and movement of refugees are inconclusive in explaining youth literacy

    An Examination of the Impact of Selected Teacher Variables on Student Achievement

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    The relationship between selected teacher variables and high school student achievement was analyzed. Using the Pearson Correlation analysis, this paper tries to: 1) determine the relationship between teachers’ teaching experience and high school student achievement, 2) determine the relationship between teacher turnover rate and high school student achievement, 3) determine the relationship between teachers with advanced degree and high school student achievement, and 4) determine the relationship between teachers with National Board certification and high school student achievement. Results from the analysis showed that teachers’ teaching experiences and teachers with National Board certification were significant in explaining changes in high school student achievement in English 1, and SAT total score

    Social Attributes And Economic Instability In Africa

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    How do the social characteristics of African economies affect their relative economic stability? This paper offers a new nominal definition of economic instability in terms of average standard deviations from the exponential growth path suggested by neoclassical growth theory under ideal conditions. We used the portion of the population that subsists on agriculture as an indication of how diverse and adaptable any particular economy is. Literacy rates may serve as a proxy for the quality and adaptability of the labor force in the various countries. Other variables used are urban population as a percentage of total population, life expectancy, infant mortality rates and the corruption perception index. These variables were all statistically significant in explaining economic instability with the exception of corruption perception index and infant mortality rates that were statistically insignificant

    Social Attributes And Economic Instability In Africa

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    How do the social characteristics of African economies affect their relative economic stability? This paper offers a new nominal definition of economic instability in terms of average standard deviations from the exponential growth path suggested by neoclassical growth theory under ideal conditions. We used the portion of the population that subsists on agriculture as an indication of how diverse and adaptable any particular economy is. Literacy rates may serve as a proxy for the quality and adaptability of the labor force in the various countries. Other variables used are urban population as a percentage of total population, life expectancy, infant mortality rates and the corruption perception index. These variables were all statistically significant in explaining economic instability with the expectation of corruption perception index and infant mortality rates which were statistically insignificant

    Cooperative Learning Structure: Catalyst for Effective Learning for Adult Learners in Higher Education

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    In this research study, the impact of cooperative learning structures on adult education student’s engagement and learning outcomes were examined. The goals of the study are to (1) examine the impact of participation in cooperative learning structures on student’s learning outcomes, (2) examine the impact of participation in cooperative learning structures on student’s engagement, and (3) determine student’s attitude towards cooperative learning structures.  The results from the descriptive and inferential statistics indicate that there were statistically significant differences in the learning outcomes of students that participated in the cooperative learning structures. The results from the qualitative analysis show that students who participated in the cooperative learning environment were actively engaged with peers and teacher

    The Use Of Metacognitive Scaffolding To Improve College Students Academic Success

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    In this era of accountabilities and complex ecologies, it is important to highlight results from metacognitive scaffolding, aimed at enhancing the learning strategies of a group of college freshmen preparing for the Praxis 1 examination.  The purpose of this study was to analyze the impact of the use of metacognitive scaffolding used to enhance the literacy skills of 35 college students on their performance as measured by their test scores in Praxis 1 examination. It focuses on the importance of learning strategies to academic success, and literacy challenges encountered by college students. The result from the study indicates substantial improvement in students’ literacy performance on Praxis 1 examination. 

    The Experiences of African-American Males in Academic Leadership Positions at Public Predominantly White Institutions in North Carolina

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    The purpose of this narrative study was to explore the experiences of African-American males in academic leadership positions at public predominately White institutions in North Carolina. Four African-American males in academic leadership positions that met the selection criteria were purposefully selected for the study. For the sake of confidentiality a pseudonym was used for the participants and universities to protect their privacy. Multiple data collection and analytical methods were utilized to document the experiences and voices of the participants. While the experiences of the participants varied, they overwhelmingly identified their faith in God, mentorship, qualifications and preparations made them successful in their academic leadership positions at their various institutions. The findings from this study have policy, practical, and leadership implications
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