2 research outputs found
Influence of creep diet on blood profile ofWest African dwarf lambs raised in humid tropical environment
A 70-day feeding trial was carried out to determine the influence of creep diets on haematological and biochemical blood profile of West African dwarf lambs maintained in a humid tropical environment. Nine lambs at 6 weeks of age were completely randomized into three equal groups and each subsequently subjected to one of three nutritional regimens from 6 to 16 weeks post-partum (point of weaning). Lambs in group 1 (control) suckled their dams only (diet A). Groups 2 and 3 lambs, were in addition to suckling, given supplementary rations formulated to contain 10.0% Soya bean and groundnut cakes (diets B and C) in concentrate mix, respectively. Animals in supplemented groups were offered concentrate diets at 3% of their body weights throughout the trial. Except for MCH, PCV and MCHC, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in values of other haematological parameters measured. AST and creatinine values were however similar (P>0.05), but significant differences (P<0.05) existed in values of other blood biochemical indices measured. Results of this study showed that creep feeding of lambs stabilizes haematological and biochemical blood profile which is indicative of normal health and nutritional status of the animals
Nutrient intake and digestibility of West African dwarf lambs fed creep diets formulated from different nitrogen sources
A study was conducted to investigate the nutrient intake and digestibility of creep fed West African dwarf lambs maintained in a humid tropical environment. Nine lambs were completely randomized into three groups and each placed on different nutritional regimen from 6 to 16 weeks post-partum. Lambs in group 1 (control) ate forage sward suckled their dams (diet A). Groups 2 and 3 lambs, were in addition to suckling, given supplementary rations formulated to contain 10.0% Soya bean and groundnut cakes in concentrate mix, respectively. Feed intake and coefficients of digestibility for all nutrients evaluated were affected (P<0.05) by dietary treatment. Dry matter (12.66), crude protein (50.63), nitrogen free extract (44.20) and energy (37.56) digestibility were significantly lower (P<0.05) in T but similar (P>0.05) in groups 2 (76.12, 85.94, 94.72 and 82.01) and 3 (74.89, 84.87, 94.45 and 80.42) while ether extract and crude fiber differed (P<0.05) in treatment 1, 2 and 3. Creep supplemented groups generally recorded better nutrient intake and digestibility. This study showed that creep feeding leads to the production of well nourished lambs with animals in group 2 (fed creep containing10%Soya bean) showing better result in terms of parameters measured compared to those of group 3 (fed creep containing 10% groundnut cake). Thus, Soybean is a better nitrogen source for creep feeding lambs compared to groundnut cake