71 research outputs found

    Meaning and interpretation of Igbo body-parts based idioms

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    The traditional view of idioms suggests that they are expressions with arbitrary meanings. The cognitive linguistics view however, has it that the meanings of idioms can be interpreted by some cognitive operations. This study, using Igbo idioms pertaining to body-parts, attempts to ascertain the cognitive operations that apply in Igbo idiomatic meaning interpretation. Data for the study were extracted from Igbo textbooks and analysed based on the cognitive linguistics framework. The study shows that the figurative meanings of the selected body-part idioms are generally achieved by  conventional knowledge, metaphor and metonymy. It equally reveals that conventional knowledge is a basic tool in idiomatic meaning interpretation as it can solely account for the meaning of an expression. Finally, it can be concluded that a single cognitive mechanism or a combination of two or more of such mechanisms can be employed in the figurative meaning interpretation of Igbo body-parts idioms.Keywords: Conventional knowledge, Idioms, Metaphor, Metonym

    Re-education of religious culture: a panacea to counter terrorism and insurgency in Nigeria

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    The great monster trying to destroy Nigeria as a nation is terrorism and insurgency. The problem is that one of the three religions in Nigeria, that is, African Traditional Religion, Christianity and Islam, feel that they are the only religion that possess all the truth about God, and that everybody must accept it or die. With culture area approach, it was discovered that religion and culture form the mould from which every human being develop, and every religion has a particular culture from which it grew. Ipso facto, culture has great influence on the tenets of the religion that grew from it. For instance, Africa Traditional Religion is highly influenced by the culture of the particular area where it is practiced. Both Christianity and Islam were influenced by the culture of Asian people in the Middle East. The culture of the Middle East tolerates terrorism and insurgency, and these are found in these religions that emanated from there. Jesus Christ, however, re-educated Christianity that he expunged terrorism and insurgency from it. It was realized that most terrorist attacks and insurgency in Nigeria were caused by some Islamic groups. The re-education of Islamic culture will solve these problems.Keywords: Education, Religion, Culture, Panacea, Terrorism, Insurgenc

    Differentials in the Cassava Seed System among Entrepreneurs in Southern Nigeria: A Gender Situation Analyses

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    The study analysed gender differentials in the cassava seed system among entrepreneurs in southern Nigeria to proffer policies for growth and sustainable cassava seed systems. A multi-stage and purposive sampling technique was used to select respondents for the study. Village seed entrepreneurs (VSEs) and cassava farmers in the cassava seed network of the BASICS project in 4 States were sampled in the first stage. Data were collected with interview schedules for individual interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGD). The results show that the different gender groups compliment each other in the roles they play. Among the most important drivers of seed demand include; big roots size/ yield (67.56%) and (60.97%) for the male and female cassava farmers respectively), among the male was income generation (17.14%) and yield good gari quality for the female (31.70%), followed by high starch content (17.14%) for male and female (22.85). The profitability analyses show that for every N1.00 spent in cassava seed production, about N0.92 (male) and N0.90 (female) were generated, while N1.50 (male) and N1.32 (female) were generated for root production. The seed flow system shows that both male and female cassava farmers receive seed from various channels but at varying levels. The results call for policy issues targeted at increasing cassava production by advocating for more involvement of the women in seed production and increased access to and control of finance. There is also need to mitigate important constraints militating against cassava seed production for increased participation and production of cassava seed

    Examining Economic Growth Drivers in Nigeria

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    Enhanced and sustainable growth has remained a major economic objective of most national economies, including Nigeria. To this end, economic managers manipulate a mix fiscal and monetary policy tools to facilitate the growth process. The imperative for rapid economic growth has not only been of great concern to global institutions and agencies but dominates discussions at major economic meets at different national and international platforms. The depth of academic research in this area of knowledge is also an indication of its relevance in the life of a nation. To enhance the body of knowledge in this area of study, this research examined the drivers of economic growth in Nigeria based on annual data on selected performance indicators between 1981 and 2017. On account of theoretical justification, the study analyzed how dynamics in exchange rate, gross fixed capital, inflation rate, crude oil price and financial development support the output growth. Analysis of the time series properties of the data showed stationary trend for all the variables at their first difference. The ordinary least squares (OLS)-based estimation showed that movements in exchange rate and gross fixed capital catalyze growth while financial development (proxied as credit to the private sector in relation to gross domestic product) retards capacity for growth. The result further showed weak negative effect of inflation as well as weak positive effect of crude oil price on Nigeria economic growth. Based on the above outcome, it is advised that policies on exchange rate and capital formation be reinforced to consolidate growth while policy reform is advocated to enhance credit delivery to the private sector and limit the growth-impeding effect of inflation

    Učinci vodenih ekstrakata sušenog praška ili svježeg oblika Talinum triangulare na hematološke i biokemijske pokazatelje u seruma nesilica

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    The study investigated the effect of graded doses of aqueous extract of Talinum triangulare on the haematology and serum biochemistry of laying hens. Two hundred and ten pullets, procured at 18 weeks of age, were used for the study. They were randomly assigned to seven study groups (LAT1, LAT2, LAT3, LBT1, LBT2, LBT3, and LC). Each study group was replicated thrice and each replicate housed ten pullets. Extracts obtained from a dried pulverized form of T. triangulare were given at 62.5, 250, and 1000 mg/L doses in their drinking water for treatment groups LAT1, LAT2 and LAT3, respectively, while extracts obtained from freshly harvested Talinum triangulare were administered at 62.5, 250, and 1000 mg/L doses to groups LBT1, LBT2, and LBT3, also in their drinking water. Pullets in the LC group served as the untreated control and received no extract. Haematology and serum biochemistry were determined at two-month intervals within the 8 month period of administration of the extracts, following standard procedures. The results showed that there were no significant (P>0.05) variations amongst all the study groups in their packed cell volume, red blood cell counts, haemoglobin concentration, total leukocyte counts, serum alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransterase activities, and total proteins. The serum high density lipoprotein concentration was higher and serum low density lipoprotein concentration was lower significantly (P0,05) u hematokritu, broju eritrocita, koncentraciji hemoglobina, ukupnim broju leukocita, aktivnostima serumske alanin-aminotransferaze i aspartat-aminotransteraze te u ukupnim proteinima. Tijekom eksperimenta, posebice u 4. i 8. mjesecu, u skupini LAT3 u odnosu na ostale skupine koncentracija lipoproteina visoke gustoće u serumu bila je viša, a koncentracija lipoproteina niske gustoće u serumu niža (P<0,05). Zaključeno je da davanje T. triangulare nije imalo štetan utjecaj na zdravlje i proizvodni status nesilica, dok je pozitivan učinak utvrđen za njihov profil masnoća u serumu. Zbog svojih antilipemijskih svojstava osušeni prašak Talinum triangulare preporučuje se kao fitobiotički dodatak za zdrav proizvodni život kokoši nesilica, u dozi od 1000 mg/L

    The Impact of Racial Disparities and Outcomes on Urinary Anastomotic Leak in Radical Prostatectomy

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    Prostate cancer is the leading malignancy and third most common cause of cancer death among men. In the United States, racial disparities exist in prostate cancer incidence and mortality rates. According to the National Cancer Institute, African American (AA) men have a significantly increased incidence of prostate cancer compared to Caucasians or Asians. Urinary leak at the urethrovesical anastomosis has been cited as a complication of radical prostatectomy (RP), with incidence rates as high as 23%. Urinary anastomotic leak is associated with increased rates of ileus, prolonged hospitalization rates, and longer time to achieve continence. The etiology of risk factors in urinary anastomotic leak post RP is most likely multifactorial; however, the impact of racial disparities on incidence of urinary anastomotic leak has not been studied. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of racial group on rates of urinary anastomotic leak in patients who have undergone RP for malignant neoplasm of the prostate. We predict that higher pathological staging and comorbid conditions contribute to urinary anastomotic leak in AAs. Secondary factors including postoperative complications were also examined to analyze their impact on urinary anastomotic leaks between racial groups


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    This study examined gender differentials in labour productivity among small-holder cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) farmers in Ideato Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria in 2008. The study data was collected through a multi-stage random sampling technique from 120 cassava farmers, consisting of 60 males and 60 females. For the male farmers, the coefficients for household size and credit were negatively related to labour productivity and significant at 10.0% level of probability. For the female farmers, the coefficient for farm size was negative, while access to credit was positive; both were significant at 1.0% level of probability. The coefficients for education and age were negative and significant at 5.0% level of probability for all the farmers. The results call for policies aimed at land reforms by making more lands and easy accessibility tocredit available to women younger and more agile for increased labour productivity.Istraživanje se bavi razlikama u produktivnosti rada među uzgajivačima kasave (Manihot esculenta Crantz) muškoga i ženskoga spola na malim posjedima u području Ideato države Imo, Nigerija, 2008. godine.Podaci za ovo istraživanje prikupljeni su u više faza, metodom slučajnog uzorka. Od 120 uzgajivača kasave, 60 sudionika je muškoga i 60 ženskoga spola. Za uzgajivače muškoga spola koeficijenti za veličinu gospodarstva i kredita bili su negativni u odnosu na produktivnost rada i signifikantni na razini vjerojatnosti 10,0%. Što se tiče žena uzgajivača, koeficijent je za veličinu posjeda bio negativan, dok je za dostupnost kreditu bio pozitivan. Oba su pokazatelja bila na razini vjerojatnosti 1,0%. Koeficijenti koji se odnose na obrazovanje i godine starosti bili su negativni i signifikantni na razini vjerojatnosti 5,0% za sve uzgajivače. Ti rezultati služe kao pokazatelji koji će potaknuti provođenje reformi, kako bi se omogućilo mlađim i sposobnim ženama uzgajivačima da lakše dođu do više zemlje i kredita te da se, na taj način, poveća produktivnost rada

    Effect of Energy Utilization and Financial Development on Economic Growth in Nigeria

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    The necessity for rapid economic growth has not only been of great concern to global institutions and agencies but has continued to dominate discussions at major economic conferences at the national and international levels. There is an implicit assumption of positive correlation between economic growth, as measured by increase in national output, and the welfare of citizens, with the effect that governments seek to understand the real causes of output growth to aid formulation and implementation of policies that promote the welfare of their citizens. The depth of academic research in this area of knowledge is a further indication of its relevance to humanity. This study builds on existing body of knowledge on the subject by estimating the contributions of the financial and energy sectors to the Nigerian economy between 1981 and 2018. Using the estimation method of dynamic ordinary least squares (DOLS), the study reveals electricity consumption, inflation and financial development as positive predictors of growth while oil price and gross fixed capital are negative predictors. From the above findings, we conclude that robust financial and energy sectors are major influencers of growth and therefore suggest that adequate attention be given to development of these sectors through formulation and implementation of supportive policies. In addition, we see the necessity for a need assessment of the infrastructure needs of the real sector in order to ensure that infrastructure critical to its performance is identified and addressed through targeted investmen

    Prioritizing preferred traits in the yam value chain in Nigeria: a gender situation analysis

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    This study describes what did and did not work in the prioritization of preferred traits within the value chain of yam and associated food products (boiled and pounded yam) in Nigeria. Demand-led breeding protocols have enhanced participatory methods along gender lines to increase the clarity of information on the yam traits preferred by farmers and other end users. Drawing on the experience of the cross-cutting gender team at the National Root Crops Research Institute (NRCRI), Umudike, and partners, this study documents the successes and constraints in the use of gender-inclusive approaches for effective breeding. Methods in our gender studies involve critical assessment of the distinction between quantitative and qualitative research, with particular attention to measurement. Various techniques for data collection, such as interviews, observation, and archival studies, are assessed to locate their potential for constructing successful research projects. The methods used include participatory varietal selection, participatory plant breeding, focused discussions with farmer groups, value chain mapping, G+ tools, trait preferences (processing and consumption), triangulation of multi-disciplinary datasets, and social survey research. Yam production in southeast Nigeria is dominated by men, while women are the main processors. Gendered power play, access to resources, and decision-making have been found to constrain women's participation in yam production (and in yam research). Sex disaggregation was applied within the value chain studies to capture the complementarity and differences in the perceptions of women and men. The methods used facilitated the development and release to farmers in 2023 of three improved yam varieties with consumer-preferred characteristics such as high yield, high dry matter content, white tubers, and good boiling and pounding capability. The success stories also show that effective communication and cooperation within the gender cross-cutting team and farmer groups are important for better results. When gender specialists, food scientists, and breeders work together, innovations are created, challenges are overcome, and information is shared