167 research outputs found

    Life-table analysis of Anopheles malaria vectors: generational mortality as tool in mosquito vector abundance and control studies

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    Background & objectives: Vector control will for sometime remain a primary weapon in the waragainst vector borne diseases. Malaria is of paramount importance in this with its associated highmorbidity and mortality especially in sub-Saharan Africa. This study on generational mortality associatedfactors in Anopheles mosquitoes life-table analysis was designed to investigate the fecundity,levels of mortality and mortality associated factors at the aquatic stages of anopheline malaria vectors.Methods: Mortality associated factors were investigated at the eggs, I and II instar larval, III and IVinstar larval and pupal stages of two anopheline species— Anopheles pseudopunctipennis (Theobald)and An. gambiae life-cycles in screen cages. Adult male and female mosquitoes were membrane filterfedand algae in culture medium formed the bulk of food substances for the larval stage. Environmentaltemperature of culture media, pH and some associated physio-chemical factors were also determined.Results: Results showed significant mortality rates at various aquatic stages. Infertility, cannibalismand environmental factors were the major factors responsible for mortality at the egg, larval and pupalstages respectively.Interpretation & conclusion: The aquatic stages of Anopheles mosquito mortality factor K and themortality factors at the various stages investigated k1, k2, k3 and k4 are discussed. Our recommendationsinclude further studies on the possible genetic modification of predacious An. pseudopunctipennislarvae and/or its modification for the production of sterile/infertile eggs as possible alternativesin the reduction and control of anopheline malaria burden

    Total Serum Calcium and Inorganic Phosphate levels in Tuberculosis patients in Benin City, Nigeria

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is still a very common cause of morbidity and mortality around the globe and the disorder of calcium and inorganic phosphate metabolism has been poorly associated with the infection. This study was aimed at assessing the total serum calcium and inorganic phosphate levels in PTB patients in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria. Blood samples from seventy (70) PTB patients and twenty five (25) apparently healthy individuals were analysed for total serum calcium and inorganic phosphate using conventional colorimetric techniques. The result showed that there was a significant increase (P0.05) in the inorganic phosphate level between tuberculosis patients and control group as well as in newly diagnosed tuberculosis patients, when compared to tuberculosis patients on treatment. Thus, the study confirms that hypercalcemia is associated with tuberculosis infection

    Chromobacterium violaceum associated with recurrent vaginal discharge among apparently healthy females in Ekpoma, Nigeria

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    Seven hundred and two high vaginal swab samples of apparently healthy adult females with recurrent vaginal discharge were collected and analyzed at Searchlight Medical Diagnostic Centre, Ekpoma between July 2003 and August 2005. Isolation, identification and antibiogram of isolates were done using standard Microbiological techniques. Randomized Block Design and Completely Randomized Design at (α = 0.1) were used to test the statistical significance of results. While occupational distribution of isolates was not statistically significant, age and response of bacterial isolates to antibiotics used were statistically significant. Total number and percentage prevalence of bacteria isolated include: 297(42.4%) Chromobacterium violaceum, 156 (22.2%) Escherichia coli and 139 (19.8%) Staphylococcus aureus. Chromobacterium violaceum was 81.8% sensitive to ofloxacin, and 12.8% to Ceftriazone. Escherichia coli and S. aureus were 70.5% and 71.9% sensitive to sparfloxacin respectively. Though source of infection of C. violaceum in Ekpoma was not very clear, soil and water contamination and other risk factors were hypothesized. A high index of suspicion is required for diagnosis. Surveillance with improved diagnostic facilities can increase awareness among health care providers on this form of infection. Appropriate systemic antimicrobial therapy to halt progression of infection is mandatory, even when the infection appears to be localized

    Relationship between Malaria Parasitaemia and Packed Cell volume among Primary School pupils in Ekpoma

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    Malaria parasitic infection is a disease causing high morbidity and mortality in most tropical parts of the world, where climatic conditions and sanitation practices favour their prevalence. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of malaria parasitaemia and its influence on pack cell volume among Primary School Pupils. The study was conducted in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria and involves two hundred primary school children between the ages of 7 and 14 years. Blood was collected by finger prick to determine the presence of malaria parasitaemia using thick and thin film methods while packed cell volume (PCV) was determine by haematocrit method. The prevalence of Plasmodium infection was found to be 20.5% with only two species of Plasmodium detected Plasmodium falciparum (20%) and Plasmodium malariae (1%). The haematocrit of malaria infected pupils (33.3±3.55) was significantly different (p<0.05) from those of non malaria infected subjects (35.9±3.28). Our study revealed that malaria is still a major public health problem and may be a contributory factor to morbidity, mortality, school absenteeism and poor academic performance of pupils in the study area.Keywords: Pack cell volume; Primary School Pupils; Plasmodium falciparum; Plasmodium malariae

    Pharmacognostic Investigation of Leaves of Mitracarpus vilosus (S.W.) D.C

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    Pharmacognostic investigation on fresh, powdered and anatomical sections of leaf of Mitracarpus vilosus (S.W) D.C was carried out to determine its macromorphological, micromorphological and chemomicromorphological profiles. Qualitative and quantitative studies indicated presence ofamphicribal vascular bundle arrangement, characteristic asperites, cone-shaped clothing trichomes, simple leaf arrangement lanceolate shape, entire margin, cuneate base, parallel venation and opposite/decussate arrangement. Other features include presence of calcium oxalate crystals, lignin and oil globules with palisade ratio of 4 – 7 and stomatal number of 13.5. The relative similarities between the members of the Spermacoceae tribe, to which the plant belongs, coupled with lack of information towards monograph preparation on the plant necessitated this investigation. These findings will be useful towards establishing pharmacognostic standards on identification, purity, quality and classification of the plant which is gaining relevance in plant drug research

    Antimycobacterial activity of some medicinal plants in Niger state, Nigeria

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    Ten Nigerian medicinal plants Abrus precatorius, Annona senegalensis, Anogeissus leiocarpus, Crateva adansonii, Detarium microcarpum, Faba spp, Neocarya macrophylla, Ocimum gratissimum, Securidacalongpenduculata and Terminalia avicennioides used by traditional medicine practitioners for the management of infectious and chronic diseases such as tuberculosis and whooping cough were investigated for in vitro antimycobacterial activity against attenuated strains of Mycobacterium bovis (BCG). Hexane and methanol extracts of the plant materials were obtained by maceration. The antimycobacterial activity was determined by the broth microdilution method. The hexane extracts of Anogeissus leiocarpus and Terminalia avicennioides showed stronginhibitory activity at 312μg/ml. Eight of the ten plant extracts showed moderate inhibitory activity in either hexane or methanol extract at 1250μg/ml. While the hexane and methanol extracts of Detarium microcarpum and Neocarya macrophylla did not exhibit any significant activity. These observed activities could be associated with secondarymetabolites in these plants. This study demonstrates the efficacy of Nigerian medicinal plants as potential agents in the management of the tuberculosis disease.Key words: Antimycobacterial activity, Nigeria, Medicinal plants, Secondary metabolites, Tuberculosi

    Prevalence of Soil-Transmitted Helminths Infections Among Public Primary School Pupils in Ekpoma, Edo State, Nigeria

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    This study was designed to determine the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminthes infections among primary school pupils in Ekpoma, Edo State Nigeria. Stool samples were collected from 200 apparently healthy childrenbetween November 2011 and April 2012. The samples were examined for parasitic infections using direct smear examination and formol ether concentration techniques. Results showed an overall prevalence of 24.50% soiltransmitted helminthes infections amongst the sampled population. The various soil-transmited helminths isolated were Ascaris lumbricoides (4%) Hookworm (15%), Trichuris trichuria (0.5%) and strongyloides stercolalis (1%) respectively. Also, 4.0% of the pupils were infected by more than one species of soil-transmitted helminths. The infection was higher among the males (28%), and pupils of age group 6-10 (27.30%). Hookworm infection had the highest prevalence compared to other isolates but the associated differences in age and sex among the infected children were statistically, not significant (p > 0.05). Therefore, the relative high prevalence and diversity of soil transmitted helminthes amongst children in Ekpoma, underlines the urgent need for intervening control measures in the area. Various control measures are suggested and our findings are further discussed.Keywords: Helminthes, Infections, Primary school pupils, Public health

    Human serum protein and C-reactive protein levels among HIV infected subjects in Uromi and its environs in Edo, Nigeria

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    Human serum protein and C-reactive protein levels were determined among HIV patients visiting St Camillus Hospital,  Uromi, Edo State, Nigeria, between January to March, 2013. Fifty (50) HIV patients (20 males; 30 females) and 50 control subjects (24 males; 26 females) were enrolled for this study. The clinical status of the patients was obtained from their  hospital records. Human serum protein and CRP levels were assayed spectrophotometrically, while CD4 count was done  using a flow cytometry. Results showed that serum total protein (10.442.32 g/dL), globulin (7.062.37 g/dL) and C- reactive protein (22.6412.45 mg/L) were significantly higher (p<0.05) in HIV patients than the controls. Albumin (ALB) levels (3.380.82 g/dL) and CD4 count of HIV patients (419.52338.43 cells/L) was significantly lower (p<0.05)  than the control subjects. It was concluded that increased serum total protein, globulin, C-reactive protein and low levels  of albumin and CD4 count, may be a valuable indices in the monitoring and management of HIV infections.Keywords: C-reactive protein, CD4, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, HI
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