287 research outputs found

    Energy losses of superconducting power transmission cables in the grid

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    Innovation og læring – indtryk fra BIG BANG-konferencen

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    Denne artikel er baseret pü mine oplevelser fra BIG BANG-konferencen, hvor jeg deltog i sporet innovation og lÌring, som handlede om, hvad innovation betyder for fagligheden i de naturvidenskabelige fag og matematik. I artiklen identificerer jeg tre temaer forbundet med at integrere innovation i de naturvidenskabelige uddannelser pü tvÌrs af uddannelsesniveauer. I første afsnit pointerer jeg, at debatten er prÌget af spørgsmül om hvad innovation er, og hvorfor vi skal integrere det i uddannelserne. DernÌst diskuterer jeg den faglige konteksts betydning for tilrettelÌggelsen af innovationsforløb i undervisningen. Til sidst reflekterer jeg over rammesÌtning af innovationsprocesser i undervisning

    Assessment of the accuracy of different systems for measuring football velocity and spin rate in the field

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    The aim of this study was to measure the level of agreement of four portable football velocity and spin rate measurement systems (Jugs speed radar gun, 2-D high-speed video, TrackMan and adidas miCoach football) against a Vicon motion analysis system. One skilled male university football player performed 70 shots covering a wide range of ball velocities (12–30 m·s-1 ) and spin rates (94– 743 rpm). A Bland-Altman analysis was used to assess the level of agreement. For ball velocity, the 2-D high-speed video had the smallest systematic error, followed by the radar gun, TrackMan and miCoach football at 0.2, 0.4, 0.5 and 4.8 m·s-1 , respectively. A similar ranking was also observed for the random errors (±0.4 m·s-1 , ±1.5 m·s-1 , ±1.9 m·s-1 and ±6.0 m·s-1 95% CIs). The first three systems all tracked ball velocity in > 90% of shots, while the miCoach football tracked slightly fewer shots (79%). For spin rate, the miCoach football had a much smaller systematic error (4 rpm vs 38 rpm) and random error (±24 rpm vs ±355 rpm 95% CIs) compared to TrackMan. The miCoach also successfully tracked spin rate in more shots than the TrackMan (79% vs 44%). These results indicate that 2-D high-speed video would be the preferred option for the field assessment of ball velocity, however, radar gun and TrackMan may also be appropriate. A minimum of ten frames of 2-D high speed video, captured close to the ball starting position, was demonstrated to be sufficient in providing a reliable measure of ball velocity. The miCoach ball is the preferred option for field assessment of ball spin rat

    Can subjective comfort be used as a measure of plantar pressure in football boots?

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    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis GroupComfort has been shown to be the most desired football boot feature by players. Previous studies have shown discomfort to be related to increased plantar pressures for running shoes which, in some foot regions, has been suggested to be a causative factor in overuse injuries. This study examined the correlation between subjective comfort data and objective plantar pressure for football boots during football-specific drills. Eight male university football players were tested. Plantar pressure data were collected during four football-specific movements for each of three different football boots. The global and local peak pressures based on a nine-sectioned foot map were compared to subjective comfort measures recorded using a visual analogue scale for global discomfort and a discomfort foot map for local discomfort. A weak (rs = −0.126) yet significant (P 0.001) the outcome for two (medial and lateral forefoot) of the nine foot regions. Subjective comfort data is therefore not a reliable measure of increased plantar pressures for any foot region. The use of plantar pressure measures is therefore needed to optimise injury prevention when designing studded footwear
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