12 research outputs found

    Comparison of Predictive Equations for Resting Energy Expenditure in Overweight and Obese Adults

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    Objective. To compare values from predictive equations of resting energy expenditure (REE) with indirect calorimetry (IC) in overweight and obese adults. Methods. Eighty-two participants aged 30 to 60 years old were retrospectively analyzed. The persons had a body mass index ≥25 kg/m2. REE was estimated by IC and other five equations of the literature (Harris and Benedict, WHO1, WHO2, Owen, Mifflin). Results. All equations had different values when compared to those of IC. The best values were found by Harris and Benedict, WHO1, and WHO2, with high values of intraclass correlation coefficient and low values of mean difference. Furthermore, WHO1 and WHO2 showed lower systematic error and random. Conclusion. No predictive equations had the same values of REE as compared to those of indirect calorimetry, and those which least underestimated REE were the equations of WHO1, WHO2, and Harris and Benedict. The next step would be to validate the new equation proposed

    Componentes da síndrome metabólica preditores da capacidade aeróbica

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    O sedentarismo é considerado o maior problema de saúde pública do século XXI. A baixa capacidade cardiorrespiratória (VO2máx) está associada aos altos índices de mortalidade por todas as causas e ao desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas nãotransmissíveis (DCNT). O exercício físico regular é tido como conduta terapêutica e preventiva contra o aparecimento e desenvolvimento desses fatores de risco para doença cardivascular (DCV). Na presença de 3 ou mais desses fatores de risco (hiperglicemia, obesidade do tipo central, hipertensão arterial e dislipidemia), é diagnosticado a síndrome metabólica (SM). Os objetivos do presente estudo foram avaliar o VO2máx de acordo com o número de componentes da SM e identificar os componentes da SM preditores do baixo VO2máx. Foram avaliados 551 indivíduos de ambos os sexos com faixa etária superior a 35 anos. A avaliação clínica consistiu da medição da pressão arterial de repouso e da anamnese clínica. A composição corporal foi avaliada por meio da impedância bioelétrica afim de determinar o percentual de gordura e o índice de massa corporal. O VO2máx foi obtido por teste de caminhada em esteira rolante utilizando o protocolo de Balke modificado até a exaustão voluntária do indivíduo. Foram coletadas amostras sanguíneas para dosagens de indicadores bioquímicos do estresse inflamatório/oxidativo e das variáveis plasmáticas para diagnóstico da SM. O critério diagnóstico da SM utilizado foi o da National Cholesterol Education Program Adult’s Treatment Panel III (NCEPIII). O VO2máx (mL.kg-1.min-1)foi menor na mulheres (30,9 x 37,8) e nos indivíduos com idade superior a 60 anos (33,9 x 28,9). Foi decrescente com o aumento do número de componentes alterados e o triglicerídio plasmático foi o principal componente preditor do baixo VO2máx. A capacidade cardiorrespiratória diminui com o aumento do número...Sedentary lifestyle is considered the biggest public health of the 21st century. Low cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max) is associated to mortality and chronic diseases. Regular physical activity has been taken as a therapeutic and preventive conduct against cardiovascular disease risk factors. The existence of at least three risk factors (hyperglicemia, central obesity, hypertension, hypertrigliceridemia, low HDL-C) defines metabolic syndrome (MS). The purposes oh the present study was to associated the VO2max with the number of MS components and identify low VO2max predictors. 551 subjects older than 35 years old of both sexes were evaluated. Blood pressure was measured from patients in seated position, and patients medicaly eligible performed treadmill stress test according to a modified Balke protocol until voluntary exhaustion. Body composition was evaluated with impedance bioeletrical. Participants were asked to fast for at least 12 h for blood collection in accordance to CeMENutri protocol and processed at central laboratory. Metabolic syndrome was defined by National Cholesterol Education Program based on the presence of at least three altered components. Women and individuals older than sixty years old had lower VO2max (mL.kg- 1.min-1) (30,9 and 28,9) than men and younger subjects (37,8 and 33,9). The VO2max is inversely associated with number of MS components and after adjusts for age, sex, and obesity, hypertriglyceridemia was major low VO2max predictor. Cardiorespiratory fitness is diminished with increase MS components and plasma trygliceridios was major predictorCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Pathological and behavioral risk factors for higher serum c-reactive protein concentrations in free-living adults - A Brazilian community-based study

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    Low-grade chronic systemic inflammation is often associated with chronic non-communicable diseases, and its most frequently used marker, the C-reactive protein (CRP), has become an identifier of such diseases as well as an independent predictor for cardiovascular disorders and mortality. CRP is produced in response to pro-inflammatory signaling and to individual and behavioral factors, leading to pathological states. The aim of this study was to rank the predicting factors of high CRP concentrations in free-living adults from a community-based sample. We evaluated 522 adults (40-84 years old; 381 women) for anthropometric characteristics, dietary intake, clinical and physical tests, and blood analysis. Subjects were assigned to groups, according to CRP concentrations, as normal CRP (G1;6.0 mg/dL; n = 116). Statistical comparison between groups used one-way ANOVA or Kruskal-Wallis tests, and prediction of altered values in increasing CRP was evaluated by proportional hazard models (odds ratio). CRP distribution was influenced by gender, body mass index, body and abdominal fatness, blood leukocytes, and neutrophil counts. The higher CRP group was discriminated by the above variables in addition to lower VO2max, serum metabolic syndrome components (triglycerides, glucose, and HDL cholesterol), higher insulin, homeostasis assessment of insulin resistance, uric acid, gamma-GT, and homocysteine. After adjustments, only fatness, blood leukocytes, and hyperglycemia remained as independent predictors for increased serum CRP concentrations. Intervention procedures to treat low-grade chronic inflammation in overweight women would mainly focus on restoring muscle mass and functions in addition to an antioxidant-rich diet. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC

    Changes in malondialdehyde and C-reactive protein concentrations after lifestyle modification are related to different metabolic syndrome-associated pathophysiological processes

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is often accompanied by pro-oxidative and pro-inflammatory processes. Lifestyle modification (LiSM) may act as primary treatment for these processes. This study aimed to elucidate influencing factors on changes of malondialdehyde (MDA) and C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations after a LiSM intervention. Sixty subjects (53 yrs, 84% women) clinically approved to attend a 20 weeks LiSM-program were submitted to weekly nutritional counseling and physical activities combining aerobic (3 times/week) and resistance (2 times/week) exercises. Before and after intervention they were assessed for anthropometric, clinical, cardiorespiratory fitness test (CRF) and laboratory markers. Statistical analyses performed were multiple regression analysis and backward stepwise with p<0.05 and R(2) as influence index. LiSM was responsible for elevations in CRF, healthy eating index (HEI), total plasma antioxidant capacity (TAP) and HDL-C along with reductions in waist circumference measures and MetS (47-40%) prevalence. MDA and CRP did not change after LiSM, however, we observed that MDA concentrations were positively influenced (R(2)=0.35) by fasting blood glucose (β=0.64) and HOMA-IR (β=0.58) whereas CRP concentrations were by plasma gamma-glutamyltransferase activity (β=0.54; R(2)=0.29). Pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory states of MetS can be attenuated after lifestyle modification if glucose metabolism homeostasis were recovered and if liver inflammation were reduced, respectively