856 research outputs found

    Students’ Perceptions of Effectiveness and Engagement of a Performed Culture Approach and Collaborative Online International Learning in Japanese Language Practices in Higher Education

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    The whole purpose of this project is to examine the Japanese language learners’ reactions to Performed Culture Approach (PCA) and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). PCA is a language learning approach based on experiential learning, and students are asked to perform in a class. PCA has ACT classes which students are asked to perform, and FACT classes which have explanations and discussion about the grammar points. COIL can create opportunities for the students to interact with people who are living far away using online platforms. The COIL project can be fitted in PCA nicely as an additional activity during the course because COIL can provide an authentic situation in which students can actually use and practice the target language to communicate with Japanese students in Japan with the online format. The collected data was analyzed and discussed in this capstone to see the effectiveness and students’ engagement in ACT class and the COIL project. The collected data indicated that the students\u27 engagement level was high, and students felt ACT class was an effective classroom setting for Japanese language learning. And the COIL project could be a supplemental activity to make the Japanese course even stronger and more enjoyable for the learners. Even though the COIL project has the possibility of lower engagement for some students and lower effectiveness for language learning in the elementary level, the COIL project as a part of PCA is still very useful and effective as a part of the students’ experience in the Elementary Japanese language courses


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    This paper discusses the issue of plain legal language in Japan. First, several legal language battles between legal and lay people are shown, followed by a paraphrase work on civil legal terms based on a research titled ‘A Study on Paraphrase of Civil Legal Terms based on Lay Perception’, which was funded by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science from April of 2012 to March of 2013. The research was conducted, using corpus analysis of civil legal terms appeared in ordinary writings and questionnaire of legal experts. The finding of the research is that ‘misunderstood’ legal words which appear more than 50% in non-legal writings is an obstacle to lay understanding. One ‘misunderstood’ legal term ‘intent’ (故意) is selected for paraphrase analysis from the point of views of antonym, synonym, derivative of legal term.Praca dotyczy kwestii stosowania prostego języka prawnego i prawniczego w Japonii. W pierwszej części autorka omawia spór toczący się w tym zakresie pomiędzy prawnikami i laikami. Następnie omawia badanie dotyczące parafrazy terminologii prawa cywilnego w ramach grantu naukowego pt. ‘A Study on Paraphrase of Civil Legal Terms based on Lay Perception’, finansowanego przez Japońskie Stowarzyszenie Promocji Nauki od kwietnia 2012 do marca 2013 roku. Badanie wykazało, że w wielu przypadkach terminy prawnicze są błednie rozumiane przez użytkowników nie mających wykształcenia prawniczego. Jednym z takich terminów jest ‘zamiar’ (故意)


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    This paper discusses the characteristics of prosecutor’s language that would appear in the prosecution witness’s answers during direct examination. I performed a linguistic comparison of the language that is used in a witness’s answers against that of five relevant documents, which include a prosecutor’s opening statement, a prosecutor’s final statement, 11 samples of suspect’s statements from the handbook for investigating officers and one from witness’s personal letters. I would like to argue that as the witness’s answer had the features of a prosecutor’s language as well as written language, the prosecutor’s ten meetings with the witness immediately before the trial may have possibly influenced not only the witness’s language but also the content of the testimony itself. The analysis of this paper is based upon my expert witness opinion that was submitted to the Tokyo High Court and Japanese Supreme Court for the case in question.Artykuł dotyczy języka używanego przez prokuratorów, który pojawia się w zeznaniach świadków w trakcie przesłuchania na sali sądowej. Autorka dokonała porównania języka użytego przez świadka i języka użytego przez prokuratora (m.in. w mowie oskarżyciela). Będąc biegłym sądowym, powołanym do dokonania analizy języka użytego przez świadka, autorka wyciąga wniosek, że z dużym prawdopodobieństwem wpływ na język, jakim posługiwał się świadek miały spotkania z prokuratorem, które odbyły się tuż przed rozprawą. Język świadka zawierał cechy języka prokuratora oraz cechy języka pisanego, które pokrywają się z konstrukcjami zawartymi w analizowanych dokumentach

    A Linguistic Analysis of Some Japanese Trademark Cases

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    There has been dissatisfaction over some court rulings among lay people in Japan. In this thesis I propose a model to explain the discrepancies between legal experts and lay people. Chapter 1 presents the purpose of this thesis, and an overview of the model called the Linguistic Legal Model. Chapter 2 shows the Japanese legal system including a new lay-participation system, the mixed court system. Chapter 3 provides background information on Japanese trademark issues. In Chapter 4 and 5, the Linguistic Legal Model is explored with Layer Analysis and Register Analysis. For Layer Analysis in Chapter 4, the notion of layering is presented from a linguistic perspective whereas legal reasoning is discussed from the notion of different modes of thought. Register Analysis in Chapter 5 is discussed in terms of genre and register. Japanese legal language is examined together with English legal language. In Chapter 6 and 7 I examine trademark cases. The Golden Horse case in Chapter 6 presents court’s judgment of the likelihood of confusion which is in common with that of lay people. However, it is argued that the thought process in the legal judgment court was not convincing. In Chapter 7, the Snack Chanel case portrays a judgment characteristic of the legal layer, which is quite different from the common sense of lay people. This discrepancy is explained from the perspective of different layers and different modes of thought. Chapter 8 concludes with a brief summary of this thesis

    Cellular Heterogeneity of Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells in the Bone Marrow.

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    Mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) are present in various body tissues and help in maintaining homeostasis. The stemness of MSCs has been evaluated in vitro. In addition, analyses of cell surface antigens and gene expression patterns have shown that MSCs comprise a heterogeneous population, and the diverse and complex nature of MSCs makes it difficult to identify the specific roles in diseases. There is a lack of understanding regarding the classification of MSC properties. In this review, we explore the characteristics of heterogeneous MSC populations based on their markers and gene expression profiles. We integrated the contents of previously reported single-cell analysis data to better understand the properties of mesenchymal cell populations. In addition, the cell populations involved in the development of myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are outlined. Owing to the diversity of terms used to describe MSCs, we used the text mining technology to extract topics from MSC research articles. Recent advances in technology could improve our understanding of the diversity of MSCs and help us evaluate cell populations