21 research outputs found

    Dieulafoy Lesion in the Stomach

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    Dieulafoy disease is an uncommon cause of gastrointestinal system bleeding. Although the exact cause is not known, it is characterized by bleeding from abnormal submucosal vessels. There are many methods for diagnosis and treatment. In this case, a patient with a long-time undiagnosed stomach Dieulafoy lesion had a surgical resection. During the postoperative period the patient was discharged without any complication

    The Effects of Mind Games on Higher Level Thinking Skills in Gifted Students

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    The aim of this research is to demonstrate the effect of various mind games, played by students identified as gifted in the elementary school age, on their analytical thinking, critical thinking and decision making skills. To fulfill this aim, the research made use of experimental research pattern and used single group, pre/post-test experimental pattern, which counts among weak experimental patterns. The study group of the research consists of 22 students in a private school located in Cankaya, Ankara in the academic year of 2016-2017. While the inclusion of the private school to the research involved the usage of the convenience sampling method, the inclusion of the gifted students to the research was done through purposive sampling methodology. In this research, various tests: "ACD test" and "Kakuro test" for gifted students were prepared by researchers and used in the research to measure high-level thinking skills of gifted students. In the process, various games: "Rat a Tat Cat" and "Sleeping Queens" were played and effects of these games on students' analytical thinking, critical thinking and decision-making skills were examined. Research outcomes demonstrated improvement in the analytical thinking, critical thinking and decision-making skills of the gifted students as a result of the various mind games they played

    The Effects of Mind Games on Higher Level Thinking Skills in Gifted Students

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    The aim of this research is to demonstrate the effect of various mind games, played by students identified as gifted in the elementary school age, on their analytical thinking, critical thinking and decision making skills. To fulfill this aim, the research made use of experimental research pattern and used single group, pre/post-test experimental pattern, which counts among weak experimental patterns. The study group of the research consists of 22 students in a private school located in Cankaya, Ankara in the academic year of 2016-2017. While the inclusion of the private school to the research involved the usage of the convenience sampling method, the inclusion of the gifted students to the research was done through purposive sampling methodology. In this research, various tests: "ACD test" and "Kakuro test" for gifted students were prepared by researchers and used in the research to measure high-level thinking skills of gifted students. In the process, various games: "Rat a Tat Cat" and "Sleeping Queens" were played and effects of these games on students' analytical thinking, critical thinking and decision-making skills were examined. Research outcomes demonstrated improvement in the analytical thinking, critical thinking and decision-making skills of the gifted students as a result of the various mind games they played

    Comparison of Pneumatic, Ultrasonic and Combination Lithotripters in Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy

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    Purpose We aimed to compare the outcomes of pneumatic (PL), ultrasonic (UL) and combined (PL/UL) lithotripsy performed in percutaneous lithotripsy (PNL) according to success rates and stone clearence. Materials and Methods The medical records of 512 patients treated with PNL between April 2010 and April 2013 were evaluated. Postoperative stone analysis revealed as calcium oxalate in 408 of these patients. The operation notes of 355 patients recorded in detail with complete parameters were reviewed. According to stone disintegration method, patients were divided into three groups: PL only in Group I, UL only in Group II, and UL/PL combination in Group III. Number of patients was 155, 110 and 90, respectively. Results Fluoroscopy screening time was significantly shorter in group II, and III compared to group I (p<0.001). The failure rates were 13.5% (21 patients) for group I, 3.6% (4 patients) for group II, and 3.3% (3 patients) for group III. There was a significant statistical difference in favor of group II and III by means of success (p=0.023). Group II and III had larger FSA, and this was statistically significant (p=0.032). Stone disintegration time (SDT) was 64.0±41.92 minutes for group I, 49.5±34.63 for group II, and 37.7±16.89 for group III. Group III has a statistically significant shorter SDT (p=0.011). Conclusions We concluded that, in cases with high stone burden, where faster and efficient lithotripsy is needed, combined ultrasonic / pneumatic lithotripter may be the ideal choice and in suitable cases ultrasonic lithotripter usage provides important advantages to the surgeon

    Does morbid obesity influence the success and complication rates of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for upper ureteral stones?

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    WOS: 000360378600005PubMed ID: 26328193Objective: The aim of the current study was to investigate whether obesity influences the outcome of extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) treatment for upper ureteral stones. Material and methods: This is a retrospective study of 134 patients who underwent ESWL between June 2011 and May 2014. Patients were divided into 2 groups. Group 1 comprised 94 patients of normal weight, and group 2 comprised 40 morbidly obese patients. Patients in both groups had upper ureteral stones. Results: The mean age of groups 1 and 2 was 45.6 +/- 12.1 and 45.3 +/- 15.5 years, respectively (p=0.98). There was no significant difference in demographic variables between the groups. The mean stone size in Groups 1 and 2 was 81.7 +/- 25.7 mm(2) and 86.3 +/- 22.4 mm(2), respectively (p=0.51), the mean body mass index (BMI) was 27.4 +/- 2.9 and 42.9 +/- 2.1, respectively (p<0.01), the mean number of ESWL sessions was 2.4 +/- 0.6 and 2.4 +/- 0.7, respectively (p=0.97), and the mean follow-up time was 7.1 +/- 3.4 and 6.6 +/- 2.8 weeks, respectively (p=0.67). The overall stone-free rate was 82% in group 1 and 67% in group 2 (p=0.01). Conclusion: It is well-known that morbidly obese patients have higher rates of anesthesia-related problems due to the comorbidities commonly observed in this population. In the current study, we found that ESWL is a safe and acceptable treatment option for morbidly obese patients with upper ureteral stones

    A rare emergency: testicular torsion in the inguinal canal.

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    Objectives. To report our experience and present the largest series of testicular torsion cases in the inguinal canal. Material and Methods. The clinical data of 13 patients with testicular torsion in the inguinal canal treated between 2005 and 2013 were reviewed. Recorded patient age, whether the testes were palpable or not, side of the affected testes, the presence of hernia, ischemia time, and operation outcomes were assessed. Results. Patient age ranged from 8 to 70 months (29.15 ± 20.22). Mean ischemia time was 16.5 ± 21.3 hours. Accompanying inguinal hernia was present in 92% of the cases (12/13). Four of the thirteen patients (30.8%) were treated by orchiectomy because the necrosis was present after prolonged ischemia time. Nine patients (69.2%) were treated by single session orchidopexy. Conclusion. Torsion of testes in the inguinal canal is a rare disease, but with rapid diagnosis, affected testes can be salvaged, but the key factor is to keep this condition in mind

    Serum Kreatinin Seviyelerinin Perkutan Nefrolitotripside Kanama Uzerine Etkisi

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    Amac: Perkutan nefrolitotripsi (PNL), urolojinin son yillarina damga vurmus, pek cok merkezde uygulanabilen, morbiditesi ve mortalitesi son derece dusuk bir tedavi yontemi olarak karsimiza cikmaktadir. Biz bu calismamizda, PNL oncesi serum kreatinin degerindeki yuksekligin post operatif kanama durumuna etkisini arastirmayi amacladik. Materyal ve Metod: Klinigimizde PNL uygulanmis olan hastalar arasinda ure ve kreatinin degerleri yuksek olan hastalar ayrildi. Bu hastalarin yaslari, tas boyutlari, cinsiyetleri, tedavi oncesi hematokrit degerleri ve ek ko-morbiditeleri kaydedilerek hastalarin bu degerlerine benzer degerleri olan hastalar ile diger grup olusturuldu. Serum kreatinin degerleri yuksek olanlar Grup 1, normal olanlar ise Grup 2 olarak adlandirildi. Hastalarin beden kitle endeksi, tas boyutlari, operasyon oncesi ve sonrasi kreatin degeri, operasyon oncesi ve sonrasi hematokrit degeri, preoperatif trombosit sayisi, koagulasyon parametreleri (aPTT, INR degerleri), trakt sayisi, operasyon suresi, preoperatif trombosit sayisi, tassizlik oranlari ve eritrosit transfuzyonu olup olmadigi kaydedilerek kiyaslandi. Bulgular: Gruplarda preoperatif kreatinin degerleri sirasi ile Grup 1 ve 2 icin 2,11 +/- 0,44 ve 0,98 +/- 0,27 idi. Tas boyutlari 1. Grup icin 29,41 +/- 3,83 mm, 2. Grup icin ise 29,49 +/- 2,99 idi (p=0,317). Hastalarin operasyon oncesi hematokrit degerleri 1 ve 2. Gruplar icin sirasiyla 44,88 +/- 5,61 ve 47,51 +/- 4,61 idi (p=0,381). Bu degerler operasyon sonrasi her iki grup icin sirasi ile 30,27 +/- 7,01 ve 37,74 +/- 7,11 idi (p=0,044). Sonuc: Calismamizda kreatinin degerlerinin PNL sonrasi kanama icin bir risk faktoru oldugu, serum kreatinin degerlerinin yuksekligi olan hastalarda, olmayanlara oranla hematokrit dususunun daha fazla oldugu gorulmektedir. [Cukurova Med J 2015; 40(2.000): 221-225