8,175 research outputs found

    Generic Relations of Flavor Mixings between Leptons and Quarks in SU(5)

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    We have studied implications of the generic lopsided mass matrix of the charged leptons by taking the SU(5) GUT relation in the nearest-neighbor interaction (NNI) basis. We have found four interesting relations among the lepton mixings and the quark ones, which are independent of details of the model. These relations are discussed by using the experimental data. We have also discussed the relation between U_{e2} and U_{e3} incuding the contribution from the neutrino mass matrix. We have presented the probable value U_{e3}=0.05 \sim 0.16, which is independent of the solar neutrino solutions. The CP violating quantity J_{CP} is also discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, Some discussions are modified, but results are not change

    Characteristic length of an AdS/CFT superconductor

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    We investigate in more detail the holographic model of a superconductor recently found by Hartnoll, Herzog, and Horowitz [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 031601], which is constructed from a condensate of a charged scalar field in AdS_4-Schwarzschild background. By analytically studying the perturbation of the gravitational system near the critical temperature T_c, we obtain the superconducting coherence length proportional to 1/\sqrt{1-T/T_c} via AdS/CFT correspondence. By adding a small external homogeneous magnetic field to the system, we find that a stationary diamagnetic current proportional to the square of the order parameter is induced by the magnetic field. These results agree with Ginzburg-Landau theory and strongly support the idea that a superconductor can be described by a charged scalar field on a black hole via AdS/CFT duality.Comment: 9 pages, no figure; v2: typos corrected; v3: version to appear in PRD, an early discussion based on convensional superconductor with dynamical photon removed and an argument about the type of the holographic superconductor adde

    Energy-Scale Dependence of the Lepton-Flavor-Mixing Matrix

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    We study an energy-scale dependence of the lepton-flavor-mixing matrix in the minimal supersymmetric standard model with the effective dimension-five operators which give the masses of neutrinos. We analyze the renormalization group equations of kappa_{ij}s which are coefficients of these effective operators under the approximation to neglect the corrections of O(\kappa^2). As a consequence, we find that all phases in κ\kappa do not depend on the energy-scale, and that only n_g-1 (n_g: generation number) real independent parameters in the lepton-flavor-mixing matrix depend on the energy-scale.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    The effect of Majorana phase in degenerate neutrinos

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    There are physical Majorana phases in the lepton flavor mixing matrix when neutrinos are Majorana fermions. In the case of two degenerate neutrinos, the physical Majorana phase plays the crucial role for the stability of the maximal flavor mixing between the second and the third generations against quantum corrections. The physical Majorana phase of π\pi guarantees the maximal mixing to be stable against quantum corrections, while the Majorana phase of zero lets the maximal mixing be spoiled by quantum corrections when neutrino masses are of O(eV). The continuous change of the Majorana phase from π\pi to 0 makes the maximal mixing be spoiled by quantum corrections with O(eV) degenerate neutrino masses. On the other hand, when there is the large mass hierarchy between neutrinos, the maximal flavor mixing is not spoiled by quantum corrections independently of the Majorana phase.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figures, LaTe

    Holdable Haptic Device for 4-DOF Motion Guidance

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    Hand-held haptic devices can allow for greater freedom of motion and larger workspaces than traditional grounded haptic devices. They can also provide more compelling haptic sensations to the users' fingertips than many wearable haptic devices because reaction forces can be distributed over a larger area of skin far away from the stimulation site. This paper presents a hand-held kinesthetic gripper that provides guidance cues in four degrees of freedom (DOF). 2-DOF tangential forces on the thumb and index finger combine to create cues to translate or rotate the hand. We demonstrate the device's capabilities in a three-part user study. First, users moved their hands in response to haptic cues before receiving instruction or training. Then, they trained on cues in eight directions in a forced-choice task. Finally, they repeated the first part, now knowing what each cue intended to convey. Users were able to discriminate each cue over 90% of the time. Users moved correctly in response to the guidance cues both before and after the training and indicated that the cues were easy to follow. The results show promise for holdable kinesthetic devices in haptic feedback and guidance for applications such as virtual reality, medical training, and teleoperation.Comment: Submitted to IEEE World Haptics Conference 201

    Renormalization-group and numerical analysis of a noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation in 1+1 dimensions

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    The long-wavelength properties of a noisy Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation in 1+1 dimensions are investigated by use of the dynamic renormalization group (RG) and direct numerical simulations. It is shown that the noisy KS equation is in the same universality class as the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in the sense that they have scale invariant solutions with the same scaling exponents in the long-wavelength limit. The RG analysis reveals that the RG flow for the parameters of the noisy KS equation rapidly approach the KPZ fixed point with increasing the strength of the noise. This is supplemented by the numerical simulations of the KS equation with a stochastic noise, in which the scaling behavior of the KPZ equation can be easily observed even in the moderate system size and time.Comment: 12pages, 7figure

    Number Density of Bright Lyman-Break Galaxies at z~6 in the Subaru Deep Field

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    We report on the bright Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) selected in a 767 arcmin^2 area of the Subaru Deep Field. The selection is made in the i-zR vs zB-zR plane, where zB and zR are new bandpasses with a central wavelength of 8842A and 9841A, respectively. This set of bandpasses enables us to separate well z~6 LBGs from foreground galaxies and Galactic cool stars. We detect 12 LBG candidates down to zR=25.4, and calculate the normalization of the rest-frame far-ultraviolet (FUV: 1400A) luminosity function at MFUV = -21.6 to be \phi(-21.6) = (2.6+/-0.7) x 10^{-5} mag^{-1} Mpc^{-3}. This must be the most reliable measurement ever obtained of the number density of bright z~6 LBGs, because it is more robust against both contamination and cosmic variance than previous values. The FUV luminosity density contributed from LBGs brighter than MFUV = -21.3 is (2.8+/-0.8) x 10^{24} ergs/s/Hz/Mpc^3, which is equivalent to a star formation rate density of (3.5+/-1.0) x 10^{-4} Msun/yr/Mpc^3. Combining our measurement with those at z<6 in the literature, we find that the FUV luminosity density of bright galaxies increases by an order of magnitude from z~6 to z~3 and then drops by 10^3 from z~3 to the present epoch, while the evolution of the total luminosity density is much milder. The evolutionary behavior of bright LBGs resembles that of luminous dusty star-forming galaxies and bright QSOs. The redshift of z~3 appears to be a remarkable era in the cosmic history when massive galaxies were being intensively formed.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for PASJ, a high resolution version is available at http://hikari.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~shima/z6LBGs

    Pressure Tuning of an Ionic Insulator into a Heavy Electron Metal: An Infrared Study of YbS

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    Optical conductivity [σ(ω)\sigma(\omega)] of YbS has been measured under pressure up to 20 GPa. Below 8 GPa, σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) is low since YbS is an insulator with an energy gap between fully occupied 4ff state and unoccupied conduction (cc) band. Above 8 GPa, however, σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) increases dramatically, developing a Drude component due to heavy carriers and characteristic infrared peaks. It is shown that increasing pressure has caused an energy overlap and hybridization between the cc band and 4ff state, thus driving the initially ionic and insulating YbS into a correlated metal with heavy carriers
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