17 research outputs found

    High Dietary Kuding Tea Extract Supplementation Induces Hepatic Xenobiotic-Metabolizing Enzymes-A 6-Week Feeding Study in Mice

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    Kuding tea (KT) is a traditional Chinese beverage rich in plant bioactives that may exhibit various health benefits. However, little is known about the safety of KT extract (KTE) when consumed long term at high doses as a dietary supplement. Therefore, in this study, we investigated aspects of the safety of KTE. Male C57BL/6 mice were fed a high-fat, high-fructose, Western-type diet (control) supplemented with either 12.88% γ-cyclodextrin (γCD), 7.12% KTE (comprising 0.15% ursolic acid, UA) encapsulated in 12.88% γCD (KTE-γCD), or 0.15% UA over a 6-week experimental period. The dietary treatments did not affect food intake, body weight or body composition. However, treatment with KTE-γCD, but not γCD and UA, increased liver weight and hepatic fat accumulation, which was accompanied by increased hepatic PPARγ and CD36 mRNA levels. KTE-γCD treatment elevated plasma cholesterol and CYP7A1 mRNA and protein levels compared to those in control mice. KTE-γCD substantially increased the mRNA and protein levels of hepatic CYP3A and GSTA1, which are central to the detoxification of drugs and xenobiotics. Furthermore, we observed a moderate elevation in hepatic CYP3A (5-fold change) and GSTA1 (1.7-fold change) mRNA levels in UA-fed mice. In vitro data collected in HepG2 cells indicated a dose-dependent increase in hepatic cytotoxicity in response to KTE treatment, which may have been partly mediated by UA. Overall, the present data may contribute to the safety assessment of KTE and suggest that KTE encapsulated in γCD affects liver fat storage and the hepatic phase I and phase II responses in mice

    Dietary Tocotrienol/ -Cyclodextrin Complex Increases Mitochondrial Membrane Potential and ATP Concentrations in the Brains of Aged Mice

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    Brain aging is accompanied by a decrease in mitochondrial function. In vitro studies suggest that tocotrienols, including -and -tocotrienol (T3), may exhibit neuroprotective properties. However, little is known about the effect of dietary T3 on mitochondrial function in vivo. In this study, we monitored the effect of a dietary T3/ -cyclodextrin complex (T3CD) on mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP levels in the brain of 21-month-old mice. Mice were fed either a control diet or a diet enriched with T3CD providing 100 mg T3 per kg diet for 6 months. Dietary T3CD significantly increased mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP levels compared to those of controls. The increase in MMP and ATP due to dietary T3CD was accompanied by an increase in the protein levels of the mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM). Furthermore, dietary T3CD slightly increased the mRNA levels of superoxide dismutase, -glutamyl cysteinyl synthetase, and heme oxygenase 1 in the brain. Overall, the present data suggest that T3CD increases TFAM, mitochondrial membrane potential, and ATP synthesis in the brains of aged mice

    Comparison of weighed food record procedures for the reference methods in two validation studies of food frequency questionnaires

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    Background: Although open-ended dietary assessment methods, such as weighed food records (WFRs), are generally considered to be comparable, differences between procedures may influence outcome when WFRs are conducted independently. In this paper, we assess the procedures of WFRs in two studies to describe their dietary assessment procedures and compare the subsequent outcomes. Methods: WFRs of 12 days (3 days for four seasons) were conducted as reference methods for intake data, in accordance with the study protocol, among a subsample of participants of two large cohort studies. We compared the WFR procedures descriptively. We also compared some dietary intake variables, such as the frequency of foods and dishes and contributing foods, to determine whether there were differences in the portion size distribution and intra- and inter-individual variation in nutrient intakes caused by the difference in procedures. Results: General procedures of the dietary records were conducted in accordance with the National Health and Nutrition Survey and were the same for both studies. Differences were seen in 1) selection of multiple days (non-consecutive days versus consecutive days); and 2) survey sheet recording method (individual versus family participation). However, the foods contributing to intake of energy and selected nutrients, the portion size distribution, and intra- and inter-individual variation in nutrient intakes were similar between the two studies. Conclusion: Our comparison of WFR procedures in two independent studies revealed several differences. Notwithstanding these procedural differences, however, the subsequent outcomes were similar

    Investigation of Enantioselective Membrane Permeability of α-Lipoic Acid in Caco-2 and MDCKII Cell

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    α-Lipoic acid (LA) contains a chiral carbon and exists as two enantiomers (R-α-lipoic acid (RLA) and S-α-lipoic acid (SLA)). We previously demonstrated that oral bioavailability of RLA is better than that of SLA. This difference arose from the fraction absorbed multiplied by gastrointestinal availability (Fa × Fg) and hepatic availability (Fh) in the absorption phase. However, it remains unclear whether Fa and/or Fg are involved in enantioselectivity. In this study, Caco-2 cells and Madin–Darby canine kidney strain II cells were used to assess the enantioselectivity of membrane permeability. LA was actively transported from the apical side to basal side, regardless of the differences in its steric structure. Permeability rates were proportionally increased in the range of 10–250 µg LA/mL, and the permeability coefficient did not differ significantly between enantiomers. Hence, we conclude that enantioselective pharmacokinetics arose from the metabolism (Fh or Fg × Fh), and definitely not from the membrane permeation (Fa) in the absorption phase

    Enantioselective Pharmacokinetics of α-Lipoic Acid in Rats

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    α-Lipoic acid (LA) is widely used for nutritional supplements as a racemic mixture, even though the R enantiomer is biologically active. After oral administration of the racemic mixture (R-α-lipoic acid (RLA) and S-α-lipoic acid (SLA) mixed at the ratio of 50:50) to rats, RLA showed higher plasma concentration than SLA, and its area under the plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to the last (AUC) was significantly about 1.26 times higher than that of SLA. However, after intravenous administration of the racemic mixture, the pharmacokinetic profiles, initial concentration (C0), AUC, and half-life (T1/2) of the enantiomers were not significantly different. After oral and intraduodenal administration of the racemic mixture to pyrolus-ligated rats, the AUCs of RLA were significantly about 1.24 and 1.32 times higher than that of SLA, respectively. In addition, after intraportal administration the AUC of RLA was significantly 1.16 times higher than that of SLA. In conclusion, the enantioselective pharmacokinetics of LA in rats arose from the fraction absorbed multiplied by gastrointestinal availability (FaFg) and hepatic availability (Fh), and not from the total clearance

    A study on the inhibitory mechanism for cholesterol absorption by α-cyclodextrin administration

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    Background: Micelle formation of cholesterol with lecithin and bile salts is a key process for intestinal absorption of lipids. Some dietary fibers commonly used to reduce the lipid content in the body are thought to inhibit lipid absorption by binding to bile salts and decreasing the lipid solubility. Amongst these, α-cyclodextrin (α-CD) is reportedly one of the most powerful dietary fibers for decreasing blood cholesterol. However, it is difficult to believe that α-CD directly removes cholesterol because it has a very low affinity for cholesterol and its mechanism of action is less well understood than those of other dietary fibers. To identify this mechanism, we investigated the interaction of α-CD with lecithin and bile salts, which are essential components for the dissolution of cholesterol in the small intestine, and the effect of α-CD on micellar solubility of cholesterol.Results: α-CD was added to Fed-State Simulated Intestinal Fluid (FeSSIF), and precipitation of a white solid was observed. Analytical data showed that the precipitate was a lecithin and α-CD complex with a molar ratio of 1:4 or 1:5. The micellar solubility of cholesterol in the mixture of FeSSIF and α-CD was investigated, and found to decrease through lecithin precipitation caused by the addition of α-CD, in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, each of several other water-soluble dietary fibers was added to the FeSSIF, and no precipitate was generated.Conclusion: This study suggests that α-CD decreases the micellar solubility of cholesterol in the lumen of the small intestine via the precipitation of lecithin from bile salt micelles by complex formation with α-CD. It further indicates that the lecithin precipitation effect on the bile salt micelles by α-CD addition clearly differs from addition of other water-soluble dietary fibers. The decrease in micellar cholesterol solubility in the FeSSIF was the strongest with α-CD addition

    Effect of γ-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complex on the Absorption of R-α-Lipoic Acid in Rats

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    R-α-lipoic acid (RLA) is an endogenous organic acid, and works as a cofactor for mitochondrial enzymes and as a kind of antioxidant. Inclusion complexes of RLA with α-, β- or γ-cyclodextrins (CD) were prepared and orally administered as a suspension to rats. Among them, RLA/γ-CD showed the highest plasma exposure, and its area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC) of RLA was 2.2 times higher than that after oral administration of non-inclusion RLA. On the other hand, the AUC after oral administration of non-inclusion RLA and RLA/γ-CD to pylorus-ligated rats did not differ. However, the AUC after intraduodenal administration of RLA/γ-CD was 5.1 times higher than that of non-inclusion RLA, and was almost comparable to the AUC after intraduodenal administration of RLA-Na solution. Furthermore, the AUC after intraduodenal administration of RLA/γ-CD was not affected by biliary ligation or co-administration of an amylase inhibitor. These findings demonstrated that RLA was absorbed from the small intestine effectively when orally administered as a γ-CD inclusion complex, which could be easily dissolved in the lumen of the intestine. In conclusion, γ-CD inclusion complex is an appropriate formulation for supplying RLA as a drug or nutritional supplement with respect to absorption