40 research outputs found

    Physiotherapist-patient communication in entry-level physiotherapy education: a national survey in Nigeria

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    Background: Clinical communication impacts on physiotherapy treatment outcome and its competence warrants being assessed during training for physiotherapists given the increasing need to improve patient outcomes. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the assessment of clinical communication in entry-level physiotherapy programs in Nigeria. Methods: In a cross-sectional survey, questionnaires were sent by e-mail or hand-delivered to the heads of physiotherapy programs, asking them to consult with faculty members involved in the assessment of clinical communication in undergraduate education. Results: Six of seven physiotherapy programs responded (an 86% response rate). Assessment of clinical communication and methods of assessing clinical communication by the programs showed wide variation. There was an average of two assessments per year. The objective structured clinical examination with patients (21; 38%) and written communications (report/chart) (13; 23%) were the most commonly used assessment methods. Perceived challenges included a lack of facilities, validity, inexperienced examiners, and difficulties in integrating processes and content. Conclusion: A variety of assessment methods are being used in entry-level physiotherapy programs in Nigeria, which target different components of clinical communication skills acquisition. More effort is needed to improve limited facilities and human resources training to enhance clinical communication assessment in Nigerian physiotherapy programs

    Impact of Mixed Fillers on the Physico-mechanical Properties of Flexible Polyether Foam

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    The effect of proportional blend of periwinkle and African star apple seed shell as bio-fillers in flexible polyether foam was studied. Flexible polyether foam samples incorporated with these bio-fillers at varying percentages; 10% (S1), 20% (S2), 30% (S3), 40% (S4) and 50% (S5) were produced respectively, while 0% (S0) which had no filler was used as control during the experiment. The mechanical properties of the produced foam samples were determined via density, compression set, indentation hardness, tensile strength and elongation at break tests. The cream time, rise time and height of the foam as parameters for characterising the produced foam samples were determined too. Flammability test was also carried out.The microstructure of the foam samples was analysed as well by using the scanning electron microscope. The results of the experiment showed that the density of the foam samples progressively increased from 19.20 (S0) – 26.45 (S5) as the quantity of the filler increased. The indentation hardness result also showed an increase on addition of the filler. The foam’s loading ability also increased on incorporation of the filler but S3 showed remarkable recovery after compression. The tensile strength and elongation at break of the foam decreased on addition of the filler. The morphological analysis ascertained the effect of the progressive introduction of the filler on the surface morphology of the foam. The flammability of the foam was found to decrease as the filler load increased. Since these fillers are of organic origin, readily available, cheap and eco-friendly, they provide a means of making biodegradable foam, and reducing the flammability of foam. Thus, reducing environmental pollution whilst enhancing the mechanical property of foam

    Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of Flexible Polyether Foam Filled with Eggshell and Groundnut Husk Powder

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    The study investigated the effect of eggshell and groundnut husk as fillers on flexible polyether foam. The fillers with the mesh sizes of 50µm respectively were mixed in the ratio of 50-50. Varying percentages of the mixed fillers ranging from 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% were incorporated into the polyether recipes in the appropriate foam formulations and foam samples were produced. The unfilled foam (0%filler) served as the standard control sample. The physico-mechanical test carried out on the foam showed increase in the properties such as density, compression set test, indentation hardness test, tensile strength test and decrease for elongation at break test as compared to the unfilled foam. The scanning electron microscopy result showed the cell sizes became smaller and concentrated with an irregular shape as the filler load increased, thereby making it denser and thicker. Eggshell and groundnut husk can be used in the production of flexible polyether foam since they are organic materials. They can enhance the mechanical properties and biodegradability of polyurethane product. The use of fillers in polymer composite will help in sanitizing the environment by reducing landfills and producing eco-friendly waste and also it influences cost positively.

    Musculoskeletal Disorders, Workplace Ergonomics and Injury Prevention

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    Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) affect body parts, with severity ranging from mild to intense. When MSDs develop in occupational settings, sequel to the physical tasks involved in the performance of work and the condition of the work-environment, they are referred to as work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs). The development and prognosis of any particular MSDs are modified by multiple risk factors, which are physical, individual, and psychosocial, in nature. None of these factors act separately to cause WMSDs, rather, they interact. The goal of ergonomics is to create an ergonomically sound work-environment, with the view to reducing the occurrence of WMSDs. This is premised on adherence to effective workplace ergonomic principles (WEP). By and large, WEP is more effective when done both at the workplace and during the performance of leisure time activities. Often, WEP involves designing the workplace, with consideration for the capabilities and limitations of the workers, thus promoting good musculoskeletal health, and improving performance and productivity. For favorable outcomes, a three-tier hierarchy of controls (Engineering, Administrative, and use of Personal Protective Equipment) is widely accepted as a standard intervention strategy for reducing, eliminating, or controlling workplace hazards. Failure of this strategy will expose workers to WMSDs

    Reducing the Flammability of Gmelina arborea Wood Using Flame Retardants

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    The purpose of this study is to reduce the flammability of Gmelina arborea using fire retardants. This becomes necessary because fire has caused a lot of devastating effect to mankind since its discovery. Gmelina arborea splints were immersed in different concentrations of antimony trichloride, ammonium sulphamate and mixture of the antimony trichloride and ammonium sulphamate to determine the ignition time (IT), flame propagation rate (FPR) and after-glow time (AGT). The results indicated reduction in flame propagation rate and after-glow time for the three flame retardants while ignition time was increased with increase in concentration for the retardants. It was also observed that the combined flame retardants gave the highest ignition time and least flame propagation rate and after-glow time among the three flame retardants used. These flame retardants can be used especially the mixture of antimony trichloride and ammonium sulphamate to hinder/slow the ignitability of Gmelina arborea

    Contributions Of Career Salience And Job Satisfaction In Organisational Commitment Of A Sample Of Nigerian Bank Workers

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    Abstract The present study investigated the contributions of career salience and job satisfaction in organizational commitment of a sample of Nigerian bank workers. Participants were 153 commercial bank workers in Onitsha urban area. Data were collected using three questionnaires: Organizational Commitment Questionnaire, Career Salience Scale and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Cross-sectional survey design was employed in the study and Hierarchical Multiple Regression was used to analyze the data. Results showed that career salience significantly predicted organizational commitment [F(1,151) = 34.0, p <.001]. About 18% of the variation in organizational commitment was explained by career salience (β = .42, t = 5.83, R 2 ∆ = .18, p < .001). Job satisfaction also significantly predicted organizational commitment [F(2,150) = 26.2, p <.001]. Job satisfaction contributed 7% to the variance in organizational commitment (β = .29, t = 3.89, R 2 ∆ = .07, p < .001). Strategies aimed at enhancing career salience and job satisfaction in order to improve organizational commitment of workers were suggested

    Geospatial-based analysis for soil erosion susceptibility evaluation : application of a hybrid decision model

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data will be made available on request.Erosion hazard is a major environmental change in developing countries and therefore necessitates investigations for effective erosion control measures. This study is hinged on the numerous advantages of a hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Model (MCDM) to assess erosion vulnerability using remote-sensed data and the application of Geographical Information System (GIS). Nine risk factors of erosion were selected for this study and their thematic maps were utilized to produce a spatial distribution of erosion hazard in the state. An integrated IVFRN–DEMATEL–ANP model was used to investigate the interrelationships between the risk factors and also obtain their final weights. The assessment model identified Rainfall, Erosivity Index, Stream Power Index, Sediment Transport Index, Topographic Wetness Index, and Soil as the most influential factors of erosion in the study area. The weighted linear combination method was used to integrate the risk factors to produce the spatial distribution of erosion vulnerability model. The method was validated using Anambra State of Nigeria. The findings from the study revealed that Anambra State is vulnerable to erosion hazard with 45% of the state lying between Very High and Medium vulnerable zones. A good predictive model performance of 89.7% was obtained using the AUC-ROC method. The feasibility of integrating the IVFRN, DEMATEL, and ANP models as an assessment model for mapping erosion vulnerability has been determined in this study, and this is vital in managing the impact of erosion hazards globally. The model’s identification of hydrological and topographical factors as major causes of erosion hazard emphasizes the importance of critical analysis of risk factors as done in this study for effective management of erosion. This study is a veritable tool for implementation of erosion mitigation measures.https://link.springer.com/journal/40808hj2023Future Afric

    Mechanical impact evaluation of natural fibres with LDPE plastic composites : waste management in perspective

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data will be made available on request.There is increased enthusiasm towards the use of natural hair fibers for plastic reinforcement due to their toughness and light weight. In this research, low density polyethylene (LDPE) was reinforced using 0.25 ​M NaOH treated cow tail, human and sheep hair fibers at 2, 4, 6 and 8% concentration respectively prior to injection moulding. The average densities, diameters and lengths of hair fibres were assessed The results obtained from the analysis of reinforced LDPE composites indicated that cow tail hair gave the highest average density and diameter. Sheep hair had the highest length after grinding. The study also analyzed the ultimate tensile strength and modulus, flexural strength and modulus, elongation, impact and hardness test on the polymer and their composites as well as the morphology and statistical analysis of the composite. This study indicated that human hair LDPE composites achieved highest flexural strength, flexural modulus, ultimate tensile strength and tensile modulus at 8% fibre loading whereas elongation at break and hardness were at 4% fibre loading while impact strength was at 2%. The cow tail hair LDPE composite gave the best impact strength at 8% fibre loading and sheep hair at 6%. The SEM results showed no serious manufacturing defects on the composites. The analysis of variance indicated that only the means of the composites’ flexural properties were statistically significant. This study shows that short animal hair fibres could be effectively used to reinforced LDPE, and therefore suggest an alternative waste management strategy of these natural fibres that are currently viewed as environmental nuisance in the study area.https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/current-research-in-green-and-sustainable-chemistryhj2023Future Afric

    Reinforcement of polypropylene with natural fibers : mitigation of environmental pollution

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    DATA AVAILABILITY : Data will be made available on request.Recently, natural fibers have gained research attention in reinforcing polymers due to their availability and unique properties in polymer applications. Preliminary studies indicate indiscriminate disposal of human hair (HH) and the burning of cow hair (CH) and sheep hair (SH) by abattoir operators in Nigeria; this has become a source of concern owing to the hazardous nature of these activities to human health and the environment. This study is, therefore, essential and seeks to utilize these waste materials in an environmentally sustainable way, as the hair fibers used in this work are renewable and will enhance the economy of any country if adequately utilized. The composites of Polypropylene (PP), human, sheep, and cow tail hair fibers were prepared at different weight percentage concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 w% using an injection molding machine. Untreated and treated PP composites were analyzed for average diameter, length, and density; the composites were also characterized for ultimate tensile strength, flexural strength, hardness, and impact strength. The average diameter assessment indicates viz: Cow tail hair > Human hair > Sheep hair. The sequence for hair fiber lengths shows that Sheep hair > Human hair > Cow hair, and the order for average density is Cow tail hair > Human hair > Sheep hair. The analysis of the mechanical properties of the reinforced and unreinforced PP composite showed that the Human hair/PP composite gave the best enhancement for ultimate tensile strength and modulus, flexural strength, and modulus at 8% fiber loading. Cow tail hair/PP composite yielded the best elongation at break at 2% fiber loading. Human hair/PP composite showed the best yield for impact strength at 4% fiber loading, while the Cow tail hair composite performed best for the hardness test at 2% fiber loading. The surface scanning electronic microscope (SEM) images showed no significant manufacturing defect on composites except for the air entrapment in the image of cow tail hair. The study also observed that there is no fiber breakage or void observed in the images. SEM images of the PP-composites interface at 8% maximum loading showed reasonably good fiber adhesion to the polymer matrix. This study is recommended for environmental sustainability and to improve material properties for various applications.http://www.elsevier.com/locate/envcam202