11 research outputs found

    Bioremediating silty soil contaminated by phenanthrene, pyrene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene using Bacillus sp. and Pseudomonas sp.: Biosurfactant/Beta vulgaris agrowaste effects

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are recalcitrant contaminants which are routinely found in numerous environmental matrices, contributing to ecological degradation. In this study, the removal of LMW and HMW PAHs with 4- and 5 benzene rings, by Bacillus licheniformis STK 01, Bacillus subtilis STK 02 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa STK 03, was evaluated in silty soil for a period of 60 days. Subsequently, a biosurfactant produced from Beta vulgaris agrowaste was used to augment the removal of the aforementioned PAHs in mono- and co cultures. The isolates proved to be proficient in removing the contaminants, with B. licheniformis STK01 cultures achieving the highest removal rates. Biosurfactant supplementation significantly enhanced the removal of benzo(a)pyrene- a 5-ring benzene HMW PAH. The highest removal rates achieved in biosurfactant supplemented cultures were: 100% for phenanthrene, 95.32% for pyrene, 82.71% for benz(a)anthracene and 86.17% for benzo(a)pyrene. The kinetic data used to simulate removal rates were suitably described by first-order kinetics, with the rate constants showing that phenanthrene removal was rapid in cultures without biosurfactant (k = 0.0620 day-1) as well as with biosurfactant (k = 0.0664 day-1), while the removal rates for others followed in the order of their increasing molecular weight. The synergy of the bacterial isolates and the biosurfactant produced from B. vulgaris agrowaste could be used in environmental bioremediation of PAHs even in silty soil.Keywords: Benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, bioremediation, biosurfactant, Beta vulgaris, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon

    Investigating the effect of acid stress on selected mesophilic micro-organisms implicated in bioleaching

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    During start-up of heap bioleaching, low grade ores are typically treated with acid for agglomeration and to combat the acid neutralising capacity of the gangue minerals. This may stress the bioleaching inocula, particularly upon inoculation during ore agglomeration. Acid addition for agglomeration varies across operations, ore types and their neutralising capacity, with limited information published on recommended concentrations. The initial pH in the agglomeration mix is typically below pH 1.0 and may be as low as pH 0.5. This paper investigates the effect of acid stress in terms of initial acid concentration and exposure duration in submerged culture on mesophilic bacteria typically implicated in mineral sulphide bioleaching and critical for heap colonisation at start-up. Following acid stress, cultures were returned to standard operating conditions in batch stirred slurry reactors and their performance assessed in terms of mineral leach rates, ferrous oxidation and the rate of microbial growth. Increasing acid stress resulted in an increase in the lag period before onset of microbial growth and iron oxidation. Following adaptation, typical growth and ferrous iron oxidation rates were observed under low stress conditions while reduction in the rate and extent of microbial growth and ferrous iron oxidation persisted at extreme conditions. A reduction in yield (microbial cells produced per kg iron oxidised) was observed with increased acid concentration over comparative times. Microbial speciation analysis indicated a substantial decrease in the diversity of surviving bacterial species

    Fate of sulphate removed during the treatment of circumneutral mine water and acid mine drainage with coal fly ash: Modelling and experimental approach

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    The treatment of acid mine drainage (AMD) and circumneutral mine water (CMW) with South African coal fly ash (FA) provides a low cost and alternative technique for treating mine wastes waters. The sulphate concentration in AMD can be reduced significantly when AMD was treated with the FA to pH 9. On the other hand an insignificant amount of sulphate was removed when CMW (containing a very low concentration of Fe and Al) was treated using FA to pH 9. The levels of Fe and Al, and the final solution pH in the AMD–fly ash mixture played a significant role on the level of sulphate removal in contrast to CMW–fly ash mixtures. In this study, a modelling approach using PHREEQC geochemical modelling software was combined with AMD–fly ash and/or CMW–fly ash neutralization experiments in order to predict the mineral phases involved in sulphate removal. The effects of solution pH and Fe and Al concentration in mine water on sulphate were also investigated. The results obtained showed that sulphate, Fe, Al, Mg and Mn removal from AMD and/or CMW with fly ash is a function of solution pH. The presence of Fe and Al in AMD exhibited buffering characteristic leading to more lime leaching from FA into mine water, hence increasing the concentration of Ca2+. This resulted in increased removal of sulphate as CaSO4·2H2O. In addition the sulphate removal was enhanced through the precipitation as Fe and Al oxyhydroxysulphates (as shown by geochemical modelling) in AMD–fly ash system. The low concentration of Fe and Al in CMW resulted in sulphate removal depending mainly on CaSO4·2H2O. The results of this study would have implications on the design of treatment methods relevant for different mine waters.Web of Scienc

    The kinetics of ferrous ion oxidation by Leptospirillum ferriphilum in continuous culture: The effect of pH

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    The kinetics of ferrous ion oxidation by Leptospirillum ferriphilum were studied in continuous culture with a focus on the effect of solution pH (pH 0.8–2.0), assuming that the effect of pH on cell metabolism can be independently studied of reactor context and other reactions common in bioleach heaps. A simplified competitive ferric ion inhibition model and the Pirt Equation were used to analyze the experimental data. The results showed that the maximum specific activity of L. ferriphilum has a symmetrical bell-shaped curve relationship with pH. The maximum specific ferrous-iron oxidation rate, qFe2 +maxgave a highest value of 14.54 mmol Fe2+(mmol C h)− 1 at pH 1.3, and was described by a quadratic function. The steady state carbon biomass in the reactor and the apparent affinity constant, K′Fe2 +, also increased with increase in pH; however, a slight increase in the carbon biomass was observed beyond pH 1.6.The results also showed that ferric ion precipitation is significant beyond pH 1.3 and about 13% total iron from the feed was lost at pH 2.0. The maximum biomass yield increased linearly with pH, while the culture maintenance coefficient was significantly small in all experiments and was minimum at pH 1.3. The values are indicative of actively growing chemostat cultures.This study shows that microbial ferrous ion oxidation by L. ferriphilum may be sustained at pH lower than pH 0.8 as the microbial activity is much higher than reported values for common mesophilic acidophiles. This may have implications on how bioleach heap operations can be started-up to improve metal recovery.Emeritus Professor Geoffrey S. Hansford (1939–2010

    Investigation of the effect of pH operating conditions on bioleaching of low-grade chalcopyrite in column reactors

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    Bioleaching of low-grade sulphide minerals is now an established process, with much interest in chalcopyrite. However few studies have been carried out on ores containing silicates gangue materials. Chalcopyrite has been reported to be refractory at ambient temperature. Several factors that influence bioleaching kinetics are well documented such as particle size, pH, temperature, galvanic interaction and microbial activity. The purpose of this research was to investigated the effect of pH as well as pre-leaching on bioleaching of silicate rich and low-grade chalcopyrite using mixed thermophilic cultures, with a view to maximize copper solubilization rate in a column reactor operated at 70°C. The column was packed with low-grade chalcopyrite of the size range -20+15 mm. Leaching was monitored at specific time intervals (3 days) by measuring the pH, the redox potential, the copper and iron concentration in the solution. The results of the investigation have shown that copper extracted was highest at pH 1.3 and at moderately low redox potential (410 – 430 mV) using Ag/AgCl electrode, and that pre-leaching contributed insignificantly to the leaching rate. At pH 2.5, the copper extraction was low due to the jarosite. Furthermore, the analysis XRD of leached residues has indicated that the main passivating products were gypsum, jarosite, hexahydrite, and silica. However, although low pH resulted to high copper recovery, the results also showed that the pregnant leach solution (PLS) contained high concentrations of dissolved ions which might have inhibited the microbial activities

    The effect of dissolved cations on microbial ferrous-iron oxidation by Leptospirillum ferriphilum in continuous culture

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    In heap bioleaching the dissolution of gangue minerals from igneous ore materials can lead to the build-up of considerable concentrations of Mg and Al sulphates in the recycled leach solution. This may interfere with microbial ferrous iron oxidation, which drives the oxidation of the target minerals. In the present study the effect of solution concentrations of Mg and Al as sulphate at individual concentrations of 0 to 10 g•dm− 3 and combined concentrations 0 to 16 g•dm− 3each (or total ionic strength from 0.2 to 1.3 M) has been investigated in continuous culture using Leptospirillum ferriphilum. Increasing the concentrations of the salts increasingly depresses the specific rate of ferrous iron oxidation and also shifts the viable range more and more into the low potential region. Aluminium significantly reduces the amount of carbon biomass maintained in the reactor, whereas magnesium actually enhances it at low concentrations. The experimental data was correlated using the Pirt equation and a simplified substrate utilisation model. The results suggest that the maximum microbial growth rate and growth yield decline significantly only at total ionic strengths above about 1 mol•dm−3. The implications of this study are that heap cultures are likely to perform sub-optimally in those operations where build-up of dissolved gangue minerals is not controlled

    Correction: Daramola, M.O.; Aransiola, E.F.; Ojumu, T.V. Potential Applications of Zeolite Membranes in Reaction Coupling Separation Processes. Materials 2012, 5, 2101-2136.

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    Due to an oversight by the authors, Table 4 in the aforementioned review article [1] should have been referred to as obtained from reference [2]: Khajavi, S. Separation of Process Water Using Hydroxy Sodalite Membranes. PhD Thesis, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, 2010. Furthermore, an additional affiliation for the first author of this review is added as follows: Catalysis Engineering Section, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 136, 2628 BL, Delft, The Netherlands The authors apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. [...

    Biodegradation Kinetics of Free Cyanide in Fusarium oxysporum-Beta vulgaris Waste-metal (As, Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) Cultures under Alkaline Conditions

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    The kinetics of free cyanide biodegradation were investigated under simulated winter (5 °C) and optimum conditions (22 °C and pH of 11) using a Fusarium oxysporum isolate grown on Beta vulgaris waste as a sole carbon source in the presence of heavy metals, i.e. As, Fe, Cu, Pb, and Zn. The highest free cyanide degradation efficiency was 77% and 51% at 22 °C and 5 °C respectively, in cultures containing free cyanide concentration of 100 mg F-CN/L. When compared with the simulated winter conditions (5 °C), the specific population growth rate increased 4-fold, 5-fold, and 6-fold in 100, 200 and 300 mg F-CN/L, respectively, for cultures incubated at 22 °C in comparison to cultures at 5 °C; an indication that the Fusarium oxysporum cyanide degrading isolate prefers a higher temperature for growth and cyanide biodegradation purposes. The estimated energy of activation for cellular respiration during cyanide degradation was 44.9, 54, and 63.5 kJ/mol for 100, 200, and 300 mg F-CN/L cultures, respectively, for the change in temperature from 5 to 22 °C

    Distributional Fate of Elements during the Synthesis of Zeolites from South African Coal Fly Ash

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    The synthesis of zeolites from South African coal fly ash has been deemed a viable solution to the growing economical strain caused by the disposal of ash in the country. Two synthesis routes have been studied thus far namely the 2-step method and the fusion assisted process. Fly ash contains several elements originating from coal which is incorporated in the ash during combustion. It is vital to determine the final destination of these elements in order to unveil optimization opportunities for scale-up purposes. The aim of this study was to perform a material balance study on both synthesis routes to determine the distributional fate of these elements during the synthesis of zeolites. Zeolites were first synthesized by means of the two synthesis routes. The composition of all raw materials and products were determined after which an overall and elemental balance were performed. Results indicated that in the 2-step method almost all elements were concentrated in the solid zeolite product while during the fusion assisted route the elements mostly report to the solid waste. Toxic elements such as Pb, Hg, Al, As and Nb were found in both the supernatant waste and washing water resulting from each synthesis route. It has also been seen that large quantities of Si and Al are wasted in the supernatant waste. It is highly recommended that the opportunity to recycle this liquid waste be investigated for scale-up purposes. Results also indicate that efficiency whereby Si and Al are extracted from fused ash is exceptionally poor and should be optimized