467 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Cocoyam-Soybean Flour Blends and Sensory Properties of the Amala Dumpling

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    Amala, a staple food among the Yoruba people of South West Nigeria, is mostly produced from yam. Since yam is known to be mostly carbohydrate and soybean is a legume with an appreciable quantity of protein, efforts have been made to prepare amala from the blends of cocoyam and soybean flours. The protein content of the flour blends ranged from 3.73% to 13.81%. In general, there was increase in the concentration of protein with increasing level of soy flour substitution. Unlike protein, the crude fibre content of the flour blends decreased with increasing supplementation of soy flour. Increase in oil content of the flour samples, with increasing addition of soy flour, predisposes the samples to shorter shell life and off flavor because of liability to rancidity. The lowest bulk density of 0.78 g/cm3 was recorded for sample A (100% cocoyam flour) and hence none of the flour blends could be considered as a complimentary infant substitute. In general, supplementation of cocoyam flour with soy flour enhanced the concentrations of protein, ash and dietary fibre. Therefore, it is hoped that consumption of cocoyam amala supplemented with soy flour, a cheap source of plant protein, will not only create dietary diversity, it will make more protein available for the consumers and thus help in alleviating the problem of protein energy malnutrition in developing regions of the world

    Profitability, Inputs Elasticities And Resource-Use Efficiency In Small Scale Cowpea Production In Niger State, Nigeria

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    The study examined profitability, inputs elasticities and resource-use efficiency in small scale cowpea production in Niger State, Nigeria. The primary data for the study were obtained using structured questionnaire administered to one hundred randomly sampled farmers fromtwo Local Government Areas. Descriptive statistics, gross margin, net farm income, gross ratio, operation ratio and return on capital investment and production function using regression model were used to analyze the data. The result showed that estimated gross margin; net farm income; gross ratio; operating ratio; and return on capital investment gives an estimated values of N28,063.63 per hectare, N25,550.50 per hectare, 0.46, 0.30 and 1.46 respectively.The regression model estimated revealed that double log (Cobb Douglass) as the lead equation with the value of coefficient of determination (R2) 0.765, indicated that 76.5% of the variation in output of cowpea production was explained by the inputs included inregression model. The F-ratio estimated as 16.369 was significant at 1% level of probability. The result also showed that land (X1), labour (X2) and fertilizer (X5) were significant at 1%, level of probability while Seed (X3) was significant at level of probability. Elasticity of production (return to scale) estimated as 14.383 implies that the production is characterizedby increasing return to scale Estimated efficiency ratio( r) shows that the resources used were not efficiently utilized. It was therefore recommended that farm inputs, especially improved seeds and agrochemicals, should be supplied to farmers at the right time and at cost that is within their reach. Also extension agents should be provided to disseminate research findings to cowpea farmers on modern technology

    Ameloblastomatous change in radicular cyst of the jaw in a Nigerian population

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    Objective: To determine the incidence, age, gender, jaw-sites and subtypes of radicular cyst, and to determine the incidence of ameloblastomatous change in radicular cyst in a Nigerian population.Method: A 10-year retrospective analysis of all diagnosed orofacial lesions in the Department of Oral Pathology and Medicine, University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City, Nigeria.Results: From the 785 diagnosed orofacial lesions within the study period; there were 54 (6.9%) cases of radicular cysts of the jaws. The peak age group was the 3rd decade (n=23, 42.6%) with a mean age of 31+ 1.7 years. There were 29 (53.7%) males and 25 (46.3%) females, giving a ratio of 1.2:1. The mandible was the commonest jaw-site (n=32, 59.3%). There were 12 (22.2%) cases of periapical cyst which were significantly associated with anterior maxillary site (n=8, 14.8%) [p=0.001]. Seven (13.0%) cases of cystic ameloblastoma were diagnosed among the radicular cysts, with a predilection of the lesions for 3rd and 4th decades of life (n=6, 11.1%), and posterior mandible (n=5, 9.3%).Conclusion: This study showed a low incidence of radicular cyst of the jaw among orofacial lesions and a relatively higher incidence of ameloblastomatous change in radicular cyst compared to previous reports. Immuno-histochemical examination is recommended to differentiate radicular cyst with ameloblastomatous like change from cystic ameloblastoma arising from radicular cyst.Keywords: Radicular cyst, Inflammation, Ameloblastomatous change, Immunohistochemistry, Jaw lesio

    Call hour maxillofacial emergencies presenting to a Nigerian teaching hospital

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    Objective: The study was undertaken to document the pattern of maxillofacial emergencies presenting to the accident and emergency unit of the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching hospital, Ile-Ife between January 2001 and December 2002. Method: The patients' demographics, the time of presentation, duration of emergency and mode of arrival was documented. Injuries of the oro-facial soft and hard tissues, injuries in other parts of the body, the investigations carried out and the management instituted was also recorded. Results: 106 patients representing 1.3% of all the Accident and Emergency admissions were seen by the maxillofacial unit. Males predominated (90 males against 16 females), mean age was 31.3 years, students (28%) were the most frequently encountered and weekends recorded the highest number of emergencies (50 patients or 47.2%). Trauma was the main reason for presentation (102 patients or 96.2%) and commercial vehicles were the commonest means of transportation to the hospital in 63 patients (59.4%). About a third of the subjects (31 or 36.1%) presented within the first hour, and the soft tissues of the midface were most often involved. The mandible was the most commonly fractured bone (20 patients or 19.6%) and limb injuries were the most commonly observed injury in other parts of the body (43 patients or 42.2%). Sixty-eight out of the 88 patients who required a surgical procedure were treated in the accident and emergency unit and 49 patients (46.2%) were admitted into the wards. The outcome was not significantly affected by the time or mode of presentation. Conclusions: There is a need for an oral and maxillofacial trauma registry at different locations in the country to ensure a long-term data collection for the development and evaluation of preventive measures. Key Words: Maxillofacial trauma; emergencies. African Journal of Oral Health Vol.1(1) 2004: 17-2

    Parental Perception and Attitude to Children’s Violent Acts in Ife Central Local Government Area Secondary Schools

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    This study identified among others , the level of parental awareness of the violent acts, actions parents will take when their children perpetrate violence and how violent acts can be solved in school. 50 children from 10 senior secondary schools 1 to 3 were chosen randomly and asked to give the questionnaire to their parents in the survey. The results reveal that parents are aware of violent acts that occur in schools and some of the causes are poor supervision by school authorities (82%), peer influence (82.8%), exposure to violent films (85.2%) and emotional instability (79.8%). Children that will report violence to their parents are 84% while 61.4% believed that their children will report to them if they perpetrate violence in schools. Furthermore, 65% of parents would go to schools to approach any child perpetrating violence against their children while 53.8% would go and report to the teacher. In addition (26.2%) would still ask their children to go back to school to retaliate. Opportunity for sports and other recreational activities, games, debate, excursions, club activities, visitation to schools by parents, establishment of Guidance and Counselling units are some of the strategies suggested for solving violent behaviour of children in schools.Key Words: School violence, parents and violence, strategies for curbing violenc

    Isolation of Tatumella ptyseos from Beef in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Nigerian Veterinary Journal, Vol. 32(3): 2011; 222 - 22

    Antibiotic usage pattern in selected poultry farms in Ogun state

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    A survey was conducted from March 2011 to July 2011 on antibiotic usage pattern in selected poultry farms in Ogun State. Using a well-structured questionnaire, a total of 58 poultry farms were randomly surveyed from the four geo-political zones of Ogun State. All the 58 (100%) poultry farms used one or more antibiotics. Antibiotics were commonly administered either for therapy (36.2%), prophylaxis (29.3%), or both (32.8%) and to lesser extent for growth promotion (6.9%). While NeocerylR (a commercially prepared broad spectrum antibiotics consisting of neomycin, erythromycin, oxytetracycline, streptomycin and colistin), Enrofloxacin and Furazolidone were the commonest antibiotics used in the study area. Fluoroquinolones were the class of antibiotics commonly used. Thirty-three different patterns of antibiotic usage were observed among the poultry farms, 70.7% multi-drug usage practices (MDUP) was also observed among the poultry farms. In this study, 50% of poultry farmers have their antibiotics prescribed by veterinary doctors while 91.4% acquired antibiotics from veterinary stores. This study has provided information on commonly used antibiotics and reasons for their use in the study location. It is anticipated that the findings of this survey will contribute to the development of strategies for prudent use of antibiotics in poultry farms.Keywords: Antibiotics, Antibiotic usage pattern, Ogun State, Poultry farms, Surve

    Periapical granuloma associated with extracted teeth

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    Objective: This article aims to determine the incidence of periapical granuloma from extracted teeth and correlate the clinical diagnoses with the histopathological types of periapical granuloma.Patients and Methods: Over a period of eight months, a prospective study designed as a routine biopsy of recoverable periapical tissues obtained from patients who had single tooth extraction was carried out.Results: One hundred and thirty-six patients participated in the study, with 75 (55.1%) histopathologically diagnosed periradicular lesions. There were 23 (16.9%) cases of periapical granuloma, with a male to female ratio of 2: 1. The lesion presented mostly between the third and fourth decades of life (n=9, 6.6%). Clinically diagnosed acute apical periodontitis was significantly associated with periapical granuloma, with predominantly foamy macrophages and lymphocytes (P<0.05).Conclusion: Periapical granuloma appears to be a less common periapical lesion in this study compared to the previous reports. In contrast to reports that relate to an acute flare of the lesion with abundant neutrophilic infiltration, this study has shown marked foamy macrophages and lymphocytes at the acute phase, which are significantly associated with the clinical diagnosis of acute apical periodontitis. We recommend the classification of periapical granuloma into early, intermediate, and late stages of the lesion, based on the associated inflammatory cells

    Bacteriological, physicochemical and mineral studies on Awedele spring water and soil samples in Ado Ekiti, Nigeria

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    Enterococci abound in faeces, survive long outside the enteric environment and possess unique ability to acquire and transfer antibiotic resistance. Recent studies have identified Enterococci as a relevant indicator of water quality. The current study focused on the prevalence of antimicrobial resistant forms of Enterococcus species isolated from Awedele spring water in Ekiti State Nigeria. The bacteriological and physicochemical quality of the water samples was also assessed. The mineral content of the adjacent soil samples was also determined. Antibiotic resistance among isolated Enterococcus species was highest to penicillin as all isolates demonstrated complete resistance to the antibiotics. Prevalence of gentamycinresistant enterococci was lowest (48%). Mean total bacterial and enterococcus count ranged from 1.8 x104 to 8.6 x 104 cfu/ml and 1.5 x 105 to 4.0 x 105 cfu/ml respectively. While calling for an improved data capturing system for drinking water surveillance in developing nations, the study highlights the need for continuous efforts aimed at instigating the required hygiene behavioral change among residents of rural settlements in the developing world

    Influences on smoking behaviour of adolescents and young adults in a Nigerian university

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    The study investigated whether parenting style, parental level of education and smoking peers have any influence on the smoking behaviour of adolescents and young adults. The participants were students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. Purposive sampling technique was adopted in the sample selection. Three hundred students who consented participated in the study. A self constructed questionnaire was used to collect the data. The validity of the instrument was determined. The reliability of the instrument was also determined using test retest method. Correlation co-efficient of 0.75 was obtained. This study revealed that there is a significant influence of parenting style on the smoking behaviour of students (x2 = 36.03, df = 6, p ≤ 0.05). It also showed that there is a significant relationship between parents’ educational attainment and students’ smoking behaviour (x2 = 60.40, df = 6, p ≤ 0.05). Finally, it was revealed that there was a significant influence of peers on smoking behaviour (x2 = 19.97, df = 2, p ≤ 0.05). KEY WORDS: Smoking, Behaviour, Parent, Adolescent, Universit