4 research outputs found


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    Abstract The study correlated professional development and job performance of librarians in the State Polytechnics in North Central, Nigeria. The study adopted correlational survey with the population of 32 which comprised of the librarians in the State owned Polytechnics in North Central, Nigeria. The entire population was studied. The study adopted structured questionnaire and the data collected were analyzed using frequency, mean and standard deviation with the aid of SPSS version 23. The study revealed that, major professional development programmes provided to librarians in State Polytechnic in North Central, Nigeria are on-the job training, professional conferences, in-service training, professional workshops and continuing education. Others are Induction, Orientation, and Off-the-job training. The job performance of professional librarians is high. professional development has positive impact on the job performance of librarians in the State Polytechnics in North Central, Nigeria. The major challenges of providing professional development programmes to improve job performance of librarians in the State Polytechnics in North Central, Nigeria are, Inadequate funding to support career development, Lack of technological know-how or skills, Lack of personnel management policy, and Inadequate infrastructural facilities. On the other hand, poor organizational climate in the library, reluctance by the management to train staff, lack of complete senior management support as the major challenges affecting the provision of professional development programmes to improve job performance of librarians in the State Polytechnics in North Central, Nigeria. The study recommended that, polytechnic libraries’ management should liaise with their parent institutions to provide adequate fund for professional development, endeavour to sponsor their librarians to both national and international conference, workshops and seminars, among others

    Analysis of Relative Contributions and Challenges of Acquiring Information Literacy Skills for Lawmakers’ Constituency Performance in South West Nigeria

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    Abstract: This study examined the challenges of information literacy skills capacity building for the lawmakers in the South West Nigeria. Survey method was adopted for this using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. 177 legislators participated from the six states of assembly in South-West Nigeria through total enumeration to determine the number of lawmakers in the study. The questionnaire titled ``Lawmakers’ Information Literacy Skills and Constituency Performance in South-West Nigeria (LILSCP)” were distributed to responded, out of which 151 usable copies were returned to the researcher. The data collected were analyzed and presented in tables using descriptive statistics particularly frequency counts, standard deviation and simple percentages. The result of the study showed that 66.4% of the legislators have contributed to the development of their constituencies through a number of projects. 73% of the responded agreed they initiated and organized programmers based on their level of information literacy skills, as against those who search for information through CD-ROM for collaboration with international agencies find it difficult. 59% of the respondents could not locate most appropriate information resources, as against 3% who did not know how to locate at all. In spite of these challenges faced by the legislators, they were still able to contribute execute some developmental project. However, a well-informed lawmaker is a panacea for robust deliberations in the house; thus, adequate recommendations were made to achieve this

    Analysis of Relative Contributions and Challenges of Acquiring Information Literacy Skills for Lawmakers’ Constituency Performance in South West Nigeria

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    Abstract: This study examined the challenges of information literacy skills capacity building for the lawmakers in the South West Nigeria. Survey method was adopted for this using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. 177 legislators participated from the six states of assembly in South-West Nigeria through total enumeration to determine the number of lawmakers in the study. The questionnaire titled ``Lawmakers’ Information Literacy Skills and Constituency Performance in South-West Nigeria (LILSCP)” were distributed to responded, out of which 151 usable copies were returned to the researcher. The data collected were analyzed and presented in tables using descriptive statistics particularly frequency counts, standard deviation and simple percentages. The result of the study showed that 66.4% of the legislators have contributed to the development of their constituencies through a number of projects. 73% of the responded agreed they initiated and organized programmers based on their level of information literacy skills, as against those who search for information through CD-ROM for collaboration with international agencies find it difficult. 59% of the respondents could not locate most appropriate information resources, as against 3% who did not know how to locate at all. In spite of these challenges faced by the legislators, they were still able to contribute execute some developmental project. However, a well-informed lawmaker is a panacea for robust deliberations in the house; thus, adequate recommendations were made to achieve this

    Analysis of Relative Contributions and Challenges of Acquiring Information Literacy Skills for Lawmakers’ Constituency Performance in South West Nigeria

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    Abstract: This study examined the challenges of information literacy skills capacity building for the lawmakers in the South West Nigeria. Survey method was adopted for this using questionnaire as instrument for data collection. 177 legislators participated from the six states of assembly in South-West Nigeria through total enumeration to determine the number of lawmakers in the study. The questionnaire titled ``Lawmakers’ Information Literacy Skills and Constituency Performance in South-West Nigeria (LILSCP)” were distributed to responded, out of which 151 usable copies were returned to the researcher. The data collected were analyzed and presented in tables using descriptive statistics particularly frequency counts, standard deviation and simple percentages. The result of the study showed that 66.4% of the legislators have contributed to the development of their constituencies through a number of projects. 73% of the responded agreed they initiated and organized programmers based on their level of information literacy skills, as against those who search for information through CD-ROM for collaboration with international agencies find it difficult. 59% of the respondents could not locate most appropriate information resources, as against 3% who did not know how to locate at all. In spite of these challenges faced by the legislators, they were still able to contribute execute some developmental project. However, a well-informed lawmaker is a panacea for robust deliberations in the house; thus, adequate recommendations were made to achieve this