18 research outputs found

    Mapping out market drivers of improved variety seed use: The case of sorghum in Tanzania

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    It is understood that the grain market pulls the seed market. The problem of low quality prompted failure of traders and processors to purchase most of the farmers' grain to subsequently drive the use of improved variety seed. The aim of this study is to identify drivers that persuade farmers to use improved variety seeds for grain production. It also assesses factors affecting market participation among small-scale farmers. Descriptive analysis, Binary Logistic model, Probit model and gross margin analysis was conducted from random selected sample of 212 individual farmers, 63 grain off-takers, 3 extension officers and 7 seeds producers through structured interviews. In additional, 80 farmers were interviewed through 10 focus group discussion. The results showed that taste, preferences and price difference between grain and seed were significant and positive drivers that influenced the decision of farmers to use improved varieties at 47% and 0.007%, respectively. Factors such as group membership and farm size were significantly positive affecting farmer's market participation while age was negatively significant affecting farmer's market participation. Gross margin was computed to compare the profit margin between users and non-users of improved variety seeds, where users had high profit margin (530 979.89Tsh/Ha) compared to non-users (472 885.94Tsh/Ha), because non-users incurred high seed cost (54 504.84Tsh/15kg) compared to users of improved variety seeds (39 329.94Tsh/kg). Also, users obtained high grain revenue compared to non-user at 1 353 268.37Tsh and 848 249.11Tsh, respectively. Efforts should be made by value chain actors and other agricultural actors to support farmers based on market demand so they could benefit from high grain quality, quantity and promising grain market

    Grain legume seed systems for smallholder farmers: perspectives on successful innovations

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 01 Sept 2020Grain legumes are nutritionally important components of smallholder farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. Unfortunately, limited access to quality seed of improved varieties at affordable prices due to inadequate seed systems has reduced their contribution to improving nutrition and reducing poverty in these regions. This paper analyses four seed systems case studies: chickpea in Ethiopia and Myanmar; cowpea in Nigeria; and tropical grain legumes in Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda highlighting outcomes, lessons learned, and the enabling factors which supported the successful innovations. All four case studies highlighted at least some of the following outcomes: increased adoption of improved varieties and area planted; increased productivity and income to farmers; improved market access and growth; and significant national economic benefits. Important lessons were learned including the value of small seed packets to reach many farmers; the value of innovative partnerships; capacity building of value chain actors; and continuity and coherence of funding through Tropical Legumes projects II and III and the recently funded Accelerated Varietal Improvement and Seed Delivery of Legumes and Cereals in Africa (AVISA) project. Successful adoption of innovations depends not just on the right technologies but also on the enabling environment. The case studies clearly showed that market demand was correctly identified, establishment of successful partners and institutional linkages overcame constraints in production and delivery of improved seed to smallholders, and fostered conducive policies supported national seed systems. All were integral to seed system viability and sustainability. It is hoped that these examples will provide potential models for future grain legume seed systems efforts. In addition, the analysis identified a number of areas that require further research

    Enthusiasm of actors within the groundnut value chain sharing impact stories in Uganda

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    Published online: 11 Mar 2020The role of women in traditional African homes is often considered subordinate than that of men. Women in most cases are expected to look after the household and the children and ensure food security while men, on the other hand, are tasked with ensuring financial security. In Uganda, women contribute to 53% agricultural labor force; this is because they have limited access to land and thus resort to offering labor to farm owners. Tropical Legumes projects has strived to empower women through creating awareness and sensitizations to women groups in various parts of the country (Fig. 4.1)

    A Cross-Case analysis of innovation platform experiences in seven countries in West and East Africa and South Asia

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    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded Tropical Legumes (TL III) project was implemented in seven sub-Saharan Africa countries (Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Uganda) and South Asia (India). Shortage of seed of improved varieties has been identified as the greatest hindrance to farmer adoption of new agricultural technologies developed through this project. This chapter compares the different approaches followed by different countries in the establishment of Multi-Stakeholder Platforms (MSPs) for supply of improved legume seed to farmers. Achievements from this initiative are mixed and multi-dimensional. The details herein provide the reader with insights on the level of success of innovation platforms in the different countries and implications for agricultural technology dissemination to smallholder farmers. Key achievements include strengthened linkages among various legume seed value chain actors, participation of several cadres of seed producers in a decentralized system resulting into significant increase in the production of certified and quality declared seed of legumes, and rapid adoption and use of newly released varieties by smallholder farmers. As for those areas where the initiative did not produce the desired results, it is a testament that unless a well thought-out inclusive and comprehensive approach which defines the critical roles of each player in the value chain is developed, current seed shortages will continue, eroding emerging market opportunities and good intentions of development partners. The reader is directed to individual chapters for details of the process followed by each country/crop in the establishment of MSPs, their composition, key achievements, challenges, and lessons for overall improvement of the national legume seed systems

    Common bean value chain actors share their feeling about TL projects in Tanzania

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    Apart from groundnut, Tropical Legumes I, II, and III also focused on common beans in Tanzania. In early April 2018, we visited Selian Agricultural Research Institute in Arusha, which is in the Northeast of Tanzania, and about 100 km from the Kenyan border. We also visited Mbeya, a town in the Southwest of Tanzania, just about 100 km from both Malawi and Zambia borders. Here, we found the first collaborator of Michael Kilango at Tanzania Agricultural Research Institute-Uyole who took us to meet different people in Mbeya and Mbozi areas

    Women at the center of Cowpea value chain development in Nigeria

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    M s. Hadja Salame Shaibu (Fig. 7.1) is a cowpea producer and processor in the Local Government Area of Dawakin Tofa. She grew up in a farming community where crop- livestock integration is a tradition. When she got married few decades ago, Salame continued farming and keeping livestock to support her new family, mainly in sorghum and cowpea production

    Empowered communities tell their own stories from common bean production in Uganda

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    Most smallholder farmers in Uganda often opt to farm the more popular crops which include coffee, plantain, cassava, sweet potatoes, and maize. Smallholder bean farming in Uganda is however overtaking the crops as farmers are seeing the potential that bean farming possesses. Women in the traditional Ugandan setting are considered as care givers and are tasked with ensuring food security. In Northern Uganda for instance, women are not entitled to inheriting land. When it comes to land sharing, women are only allowed to endorse the sharing. They are however given a portion where they can plant crops they can utilize in the household. The tropical legumes however strived to eradicate the stereotype that exists with the position of women in production for commercial purposes (Fig. 5.1)

    Breakthroughs in groundnut production communities in Nigeria

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    Mrs. Hadja Talatu Idrissa (Fig. 6.1), a community women leader, is the chairperson of the Bunkure women group that is active in groundnut production and oil processing. The group which counts 25 members joined the TLIII project family 4 years ago. They started growing a small seed pack of 5 kg in their community farmland. “It was the harvest of this seed pack that we revolved and planted in a bigger farm plot in the following year,” reported Mrs. Hadja

    Impact stories and testimonies from diverse actors in groundnut value chain in Tanzania

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    Adamu, a groundnut farmer from Maugura village, Masasi, shared his success story for being involved in TL projects . “I was taught how to grow the seeds, carry out diagnosis, how to store them, among other things. This year, there are some seeds that I have begun putting on the ground so that I can continue conducting research about them. Naliendele Institute gave me about 20 lines and I am working on all of them. In fact, they have not yet been named. I’ve just planted them in plots; from plot number one to plot number twenty.

    Analyzing pathways of nurturing informal seed production into formal private ventures for sustainable seed delivery and crop productivity: Experiences from Ethiopia

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    Sustaining crop production and productivity in sub-Saharan Africa requires the availability and use of quality seed of improved varieties by smallholder farmers. The private sector has been considered as the best way to sustain seed supply and crop productivity. Unfortunately, the private sector’s share in the seed production and delivery in sub-Saharan Africa countries has not been very substantial for decades. As a consequence, farmer access to quality seed of recently released varieties remains very low. This manuscript analyzes the experiences of informal seed producers who graduated to formal private seed enterprises to understand the effectiveness of the support they receive to become viable seed ventures. We used comparative research methods to analyze the qualitative and quantitative data collected to understand the underlying mechanisms. The findings showed that the analyzed seed enterprises started with as little as about USD 300 and have already multiplied over tenfold their initial capital. They benefited from a wide variety of supports, e.g., quality seed production, marketing, partnerships, and value chain development trainings and infrastructures, from extension workers, research centers, national and international NGOs, and the other private seed enterprise operators like large public seed enterprises and agro-dealers. The seed enterprises are producing pre-basic, basic, and certified seed of cereals and self-pollinated legume crops delivered directly to farmers, institutional markets, and agro-dealers. The seed production data have been increasing for the past three years with an area expanding from about 30 ha to over 150 ha per year for chickpea. The seed production and delivery practices being employed are smallholder farmer-based practices that are environmentally friendly. For sustainable and reliable seed production and delivery systems in sub-Saharan Africa, a bold step is needed whereby the informal seed production entities are nurtured and upgraded into formal certified seed production ventures that deliver social and economic benefits to the promotors and the communities