11 research outputs found

    El modelo de financiación de la BBC

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    En este artículo se estudian las fuentes de ingresos de la BBC. Análisis que cobra especial relevancia ante el reto de la televisión digital, que permitirá –entre otras muchas cosas– una mayor oferta de canales. La supervivencia y tipo de contenidos de los operadores públicos dependerán, en gran parte, del sistema de financiación que adopten. De ahí la importancia de conocer el modelo de una de las corporaciones públicas más longevas y prestigiosas del mundo. En primer lugar, se evalúan las ventajas e inconvenientes de las tres vías de ingresos de la cadena británica: el canon, las actividades comerciales y las subvenciones. Después, se consideran otras fuentes de financiación que la BBC no adopta, como la publicidad y la suscripción. Por último, se valora el modelo económico la BBC

    Programming and Direct Viewer Payment for Television. The case of Canal Plus Spain (Reseña)

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    Reseña del libro de Mónica HERRERO SUBÍAS "Programming and Direct Viewer Payment for Television. The case of Canal Plus Spain" EUNSA (Media Markets Monographs),Pamplona, 2003, 117 pp

    The new spanish public service broadcasting model

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    El objetivo principal de este artículo consiste en analizar las causas y consecuencias de la última reforma de RTVE en su desarrollo histórico y estudiar cómo los cambios introducidos y sobre todo, la supresión de la publicidad ha afectado a la compañía; especialmente en su financiación, programación y producción de contenidos. Para llevar a cabo el estudio, se han utilizado fuentes primarias procedentes de documentación interna de la corporación y fuentes secundarias como artículos científicos y noticias de prensa. La perspectiva del estudio es principalmente económica

    The Transformation of Public TV Companies into Digital Services at the BBC and RTVE

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    Some authors question the existence of public television companies in the new environment of digitalization, Internet proliferation, growing competition and audience segmentation. However, others believe they should act as a driving force in the process of convergence and even that the new media present an opportunity to redefine the public broadcasting service (PBS) remit. The current challenge for the public media companies is to deliver their content through the maximum number of devices, not only via television sets but also broadband and mobile devices. Over the years, the BBC has adapted to new market situations and has implemented solutions that have been adopted by other public and private broadcasters around the world. The objective of this article is to show how the BBC has taken up the leadership of transforming public TV companies into online services in order to maintain market share; and how it has influenced Spain’s public TV broadcaster, RTVE. The methodology is based on internal and external documents of both corporations, and the findings are complemented by interviews with online service managers at RTVE. We conclude that these public companies have adapted their activities to the new technologies and have developed interactive services to reinforce their public service mission

    Mercedes MEDINA. European Television Production. Pluralism and Concentration. Eunsa, Pamplona, 2004, 158 pp.

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    The Transformation of Public TV Companies into Digital Services at the BBC and RTVE

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    Some authors question the existence of public television companies in the new environment of digitalization, Internet proliferation, growing competition and audience segmentation. However, others believe they should act as a driving force in the process of convergence and even that the new media present an opportunity to redefine the public broadcasting service (PBS) remit. The current challenge for the public media companies is to deliver their content through the maximum number of devices, not only via television sets but also broadband and mobile devices. Over the years, the BBC has adapted to new market situations and has implemented solutions that have been adopted by other public and private broadcasters around the world. The objective of this article is to show how the BBC has taken up the leadership of transforming public TV companies into online services in order to maintain market share; and how it has influenced Spain’s public TV broadcaster, RTVE. The methodology is based on internal and external documents of both corporations, and the findings are complemented by interviews with online service managers at RTVE. We conclude that these public companies have adapted their activities to the new technologies and have developed interactive services to reinforce their public service mission