4 research outputs found

    Response of cowpea, okra and tomato sawdust ash manure

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    Field experiments were conducted at Akure and Obaile in Southwest Nigeria to test effect of sawdust ash manure treatments on cowpea (var. 1T82D – 716), okra (var. NAAe – 47 – 4) and Roma variety of tomato. The nutrient analysis of leaf and pod of okra given by different sawdust ash manure treatments was done. Sawdust ash manure applied at 4t/ha increased growth and yield parameters of cowpea. Sawdust ash applied at 3 to 12 t\\ha increased pod yield of Okra and 9t/ha sawdust ash was optimum. Sawdust ash applied at 3, 6 and 9t/ha increased Okra leaf and pod P, K, Ca and Mg contents. Sawdust ash manure increased number and weight of tomato fruits significantly. Relative to control, 2, 4, 6 and 8 t/ha ash increased number of tomato fruits by 109, 226, 265 and 226% respectively, and the equivalent values for fruit weight were 29, 55, 64 and 57%. The 4t/ha sawdust ash is recommended for cowpea and tomato. Key words: Sawdust ash; nutrient; soil; crops Moor Journal of Agricultural Research Vol.4(2) 2003: 178-18

    Production and quality evaluation of probiotic soy milk

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    Soy milk is produced from a protein rich legume with high nutritional value. Adding probiotic agent(s) to soy milk increases its health value. In this study, soy milk and probiotic soy milk samples were produced, their qualities evaluated and shelf life at different temperatures of storagemonitored. Products were of good taste and acceptable quality. Produced soy milk and probiotic soy milk samples had less than 48hrs shelf life at room temperature (28-300C), 2 weeks at 4-80C and over 1 month at -70C as determined using changes in taste, odour, appearance andcounts of probiotic isolates. The probiotic isolates HM7 and CHC survived well in soy milk and maintained good counts during the study period