5 research outputs found

    Modeling of anisotropic properties of double quantum rings by the terahertz laser field

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    The rendering of different shapes of just a single sample of a concentric double quantum ring is demonstrated realizable with a terahertz laser field, that in turn, allows the manipulation of electronic and optical properties of a sample. It is shown that by changing the intensity or frequency of laser field, one can come to a new set of degenerated levels in double quantum rings and switch the charge distribution between the rings. In addition, depending on the direction of an additional static electric field, the linear and quadratic quantum confined Stark effects are observed. The absorption spectrum shifts and the additive absorption coefficient variations affected by laser and electric fields are discussed. Finally, anisotropic electronic and optical properties of isotropic concentric double quantum rings are modeled with the help of terahertz laser field

    Modeling of anisotropic properties of double quantum rings by the terahertz laser field

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    The rendering of different shapes of just a single sample of a concentric double quantum ring is demonstrated realizable with a terahertz laser field, that in turn, allows the manipulation of electronic and optical properties of a sample. It is shown that by changing the intensity or frequency of laser field, one can come to a new set of degenerated levels in double quantum rings and switch the charge distribution between the rings. In addition, depending on the direction of an additional static electric field, the linear and quadratic quantum confined Stark effects are observed. The absorption spectrum shifts and the additive absorption coefficient variations affected by laser and electric fields are discussed. Finally, anisotropic electronic and optical properties of isotropic concentric double quantum rings are modeled with the help of terahertz laser field

    Modeling of anisotropic properties of double quantum rings by the terahertz laser field

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    The rendering of different shapes of just a single sample of a concentric double quantum ring is demonstrated realizable with a terahertz laser field, that in turn, allows the manipulation of electronic and optical properties of a sample. It is shown that by changing the intensity or frequency of laser field, one can come to a new set of degenerated levels in double quantum rings and switch the charge distribution between the rings. In addition, depending on the direction of an additional static electric field, the linear and quadratic quantum confined Stark effects are observed. The absorption spectrum shifts and the additive absorption coefficient variations affected by laser and electric fields are discussed. Finally, anisotropic electronic and optical properties of isotropic concentric double quantum rings are modeled with the help of terahertz laser field

    Consenso Delphi EPICON: recomendaciones sobre el manejo adecuado del cambio a acetato de eslicarbazepina en epilepsia

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    Introducción El objetivo del proyecto EPICON es desarrollar una serie de recomendaciones sobre la forma adecuada de realizar el cambio de carbamazepina (CBZ) y oxcarbazepina (OXC) a acetato de eslicarbazepina (ESL) en determinados pacientes con epilepsia. Métodos Un comité coordinador preparó un cuestionario con 56 preguntas en relación con el cambio de CBZ u OXC a ESL en la práctica clínica (metodología y situaciones del cambio). Posteriormente, se consultó a 54 expertos en epilepsia con el empleo de metodología Delphi (2 rondas de consulta). Se definió un consenso en acuerdo o desacuerdo si las respuestas para el ítem estudiado alcanzaban una mediana ≥ 7 o ≤ 3, respectivamente, y un rango intercuartílico relativo ≤ 0,40. Se analizaron los resultados y se formularon las conclusiones. Resultados Las recomendaciones fundamentales fueron: el cambio de CBZ a ESL debe ser realizado en 1-3 semanas, con una equivalencia de dosis CBZ:ESL de 1:1.3, siendo recomendado en pacientes con olvidos de medicación, trabajos por turnos, polimedicados, problemas cognitivos, osteoporosis-osteopenia severa, dislipidemia o enfermedad hepática (ausencia de fallo hepático grave), así como en varones con disfunción eréctil causada por CBZ. El cambio de OXC a ESL puede realizarse de un día para otro con una equivalencia de dosis 1:1 y es recomendado en pacientes con olvidos de medicación, trabajos por turnos, polimedicados o problemas cognitivos. Se desaconsejó el cambio en caso de rash con CBZ u OXC. Conclusión El proyecto EPICON proporciona algunas recomendaciones sobre el manejo clínico del cambio de CBZ u OXC a ESL, mediante el empleo de la metodología Delphi.Introduction The objective of the EPICON Project is to develop a set of recommendations on how to adequately switch from carbamazepine (CBZ) and oxcarbazepine (OXC) to eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL) in some patients with epilepsy. Methods A steering committee drafted a questionnaire of 56 questions regarding the transition from CBZ or OXC to ESL in clinical practice (methodology and change situation). The questionnaire was then distributed to 54 epilepsy experts in 2 rounds using the Delphi method. An agreement/disagreement consensus was defined when a median ≥ 7 points or ≤ 3 was achieved, respectively, and a relative interquartile range ≤ 0.40. We analysed the results obtained to reach our conclusions. Results Our main recommendations were the following: switching from CBZ to ESL must be carried out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks with a CBZ:ESL dose ratio of 1:1.3 and is recommended for patients who frequently forget to take their medication, those who work rotating shifts, polymedicated patients, subjects with cognitive problems, severe osteoporosis–osteopaenia, dyslipidaemia, or liver disease other than acute liver failure, as well as for men with erectile dysfunction caused by CBZ. The transition from OXC to ESL can take place overnight with an OXC:ESL dose ratio of 1:1 and it is recommended for patients who frequently forget to take their medication, those who work rotating shifts, polymedicated patients, or those with cognitive problems. The transition was not recommended for patients with prior rash due to CBZ or OXC use. Conclusion The EPICON Project offers a set of recommendations about the clinical management of switching from CBZ or OXC to ESL, using the Delphi method

    Consenso Delphi EPICON: recomendaciones sobre el manejo adecuado del cambio a acetato de eslicarbazepina en epilepsia

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    Introducción El objetivo del proyecto EPICON es desarrollar una serie de recomendaciones sobre la forma adecuada de realizar el cambio de carbamazepina (CBZ) y oxcarbazepina (OXC) a acetato de eslicarbazepina (ESL) en determinados pacientes con epilepsia. Métodos Un comité coordinador preparó un cuestionario con 56 preguntas en relación con el cambio de CBZ u OXC a ESL en la práctica clínica (metodología y situaciones del cambio). Posteriormente, se consultó a 54 expertos en epilepsia con el empleo de metodología Delphi (2 rondas de consulta). Se definió un consenso en acuerdo o desacuerdo si las respuestas para el ítem estudiado alcanzaban una mediana ≥ 7 o ≤ 3, respectivamente, y un rango intercuartílico relativo ≤ 0,40. Se analizaron los resultados y se formularon las conclusiones. Resultados Las recomendaciones fundamentales fueron: el cambio de CBZ a ESL debe ser realizado en 1-3 semanas, con una equivalencia de dosis CBZ:ESL de 1:1.3, siendo recomendado en pacientes con olvidos de medicación, trabajos por turnos, polimedicados, problemas cognitivos, osteoporosis-osteopenia severa, dislipidemia o enfermedad hepática (ausencia de fallo hepático grave), así como en varones con disfunción eréctil causada por CBZ. El cambio de OXC a ESL puede realizarse de un día para otro con una equivalencia de dosis 1:1 y es recomendado en pacientes con olvidos de medicación, trabajos por turnos, polimedicados o problemas cognitivos. Se desaconsejó el cambio en caso de rash con CBZ u OXC. Conclusión El proyecto EPICON proporciona algunas recomendaciones sobre el manejo clínico del cambio de CBZ u OXC a ESL, mediante el empleo de la metodología Delphi.Introduction The objective of the EPICON Project is to develop a set of recommendations on how to adequately switch from carbamazepine (CBZ) and oxcarbazepine (OXC) to eslicarbazepine acetate (ESL) in some patients with epilepsy. Methods A steering committee drafted a questionnaire of 56 questions regarding the transition from CBZ or OXC to ESL in clinical practice (methodology and change situation). The questionnaire was then distributed to 54 epilepsy experts in 2 rounds using the Delphi method. An agreement/disagreement consensus was defined when a median ≥ 7 points or ≤ 3 was achieved, respectively, and a relative interquartile range ≤ 0.40. We analysed the results obtained to reach our conclusions. Results Our main recommendations were the following: switching from CBZ to ESL must be carried out over a period of 1 to 3 weeks with a CBZ:ESL dose ratio of 1:1.3 and is recommended for patients who frequently forget to take their medication, those who work rotating shifts, polymedicated patients, subjects with cognitive problems, severe osteoporosis–osteopaenia, dyslipidaemia, or liver disease other than acute liver failure, as well as for men with erectile dysfunction caused by CBZ. The transition from OXC to ESL can take place overnight with an OXC:ESL dose ratio of 1:1 and it is recommended for patients who frequently forget to take their medication, those who work rotating shifts, polymedicated patients, or those with cognitive problems. The transition was not recommended for patients with prior rash due to CBZ or OXC use. Conclusion The EPICON Project offers a set of recommendations about the clinical management of switching from CBZ or OXC to ESL, using the Delphi method