21 research outputs found

    Monitoring lineages of growing and dividing bacteria reveals an inducible memory of mar operon expression

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    In Gram negative bacteria, the multiple antibiotic resistance or mar operon, is known to control the expression of multi-drug efflux genes that protect bacteria from a wide range of drugs. As many different chemical compounds can induce this operon, identifying the parameters that govern the dynamics of its induction is crucial to better characterize the processes of tolerance and resistance. Most experiments have assumed that the properties of the mar transcriptional network can be inferred from population measurements. However, measurements from an asynchronous population of cells can mask underlying phenotypic variations of single cells. We monitored the activity of the mar promoter in single Escherichia coli cells in linear micro-colonies and established that the response to a steady level of inducer was most heterogeneous within individual colonies for an intermediate value of inducer. Specifically, sub-lineages defined by contiguous daughter-cells exhibited similar promoter activity, whereas activity was greatly variable between different sub-lineages. Specific sub-trees of uniform promoter activity persisted over several generations. Statistical analyses of the lineages suggest that the presence of these sub-trees is the signature of an inducible memory of the promoter state that is transmitted from mother to daughter cells. This single-cell study reveals that the degree of epigenetic inheritance changes as a function of inducer concentration, suggesting that phenotypic inheritance may be an inducible phenotype

    Systematic discovery of structural elements governing stability of mammalian messenger RNAs.

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    Decoding post-transcriptional regulatory programs in RNA is a critical step towards the larger goal of developing predictive dynamical models of cellular behaviour. Despite recent efforts, the vast landscape of RNA regulatory elements remains largely uncharacterized. A long-standing obstacle is the contribution of local RNA secondary structure to the definition of interaction partners in a variety of regulatory contexts, including--but not limited to--transcript stability, alternative splicing and localization. There are many documented instances where the presence of a structural regulatory element dictates alternative splicing patterns (for example, human cardiac troponin T) or affects other aspects of RNA biology. Thus, a full characterization of post-transcriptional regulatory programs requires capturing information provided by both local secondary structures and the underlying sequence. Here we present a computational framework based on context-free grammars and mutual information that systematically explores the immense space of small structural elements and reveals motifs that are significantly informative of genome-wide measurements of RNA behaviour. By applying this framework to genome-wide human mRNA stability data, we reveal eight highly significant elements with substantial structural information, for the strongest of which we show a major role in global mRNA regulation. Through biochemistry, mass spectrometry and in vivo binding studies, we identified human HNRPA2B1 (heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A2/B1, also known as HNRNPA2B1) as the key regulator that binds this element and stabilizes a large number of its target genes. We created a global post-transcriptional regulatory map based on the identity of the discovered linear and structural cis-regulatory elements, their regulatory interactions and their target pathways. This approach could also be used to reveal the structural elements that modulate other aspects of RNA behaviour

    Search for dark photons using a multilayer dielectric haloscope equipped with a single-photon avalanche diode

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    We report on the results of the search for dark photons with mass around 1.5 eV/c2\,\rm eV/c^2 using a multilayer dielectric haloscope equipped with an affordable and commercially available photosensor. The multilayer stack, which enables the conversion of dark photons (DP) to Standard Model photons, is made of 23 bilayers of alternating SiO2_2 and Si3_3N4_4 thin films with linearly increasing thicknesses through the stack (a configuration known as a "chirped stack"). The thicknesses have been chosen according to an optimisation algorithm in order to maximise the DP-photon conversion in the energy region where the photosensor sensitivity peaks. This prototype experiment, baptised MuDHI (Multilayer Dielectric Haloscope Investigation) by the authors of this paper, has been designed, developed and run at the Astroparticle Laboratory of New York University Abu Dhabi, which marks the first time a dark matter experiment has been operated in the Middle East. No significant signal excess is observed, and the method of maximum log-likelihood is used to set exclusion limits at 90%90\% confidence level on the kinetic mixing coupling constant between dark photons and ordinary photons

    Systematic Identification of Regulatory Elements in Conserved 3′ UTRs of Human Transcripts

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    Posttranscriptional regulatory programs governing diverse aspects of RNA biology remain largely uncharacterized. Understanding the functional roles of RNA cis-regulatory elements is essential for decoding complex programs that underlie the dynamic regulation of transcript stability, splicing, localization, and translation. Here, we describe a combined experimental/computational technology to reveal a catalog of functional regulatory elements embedded in 3′ UTRs of human transcripts. We used a bidirectional reporter system coupled with flow cytometry and high-throughput sequencing to measure the effect of short, noncoding, vertebrate-conserved RNA sequences on transcript stability and translation. Information-theoretic motif analysis of the resulting sequence-to-gene-expression mapping revealed linear and structural RNA cis-regulatory elements that positively and negatively modulate the posttranscriptional fates of human transcripts. This combined experimental/computational strategy can be used to systematically characterize the vast landscape of posttranscriptional regulatory elements controlling physiological and pathological cellular state transitions