12 research outputs found

    The Contributions of Physical Activity and Fitness to Optimal Health and Wellness

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    The paper examined the role of physical activity and fitness more especially in the area of disease prevention and control by looking at the major ways by which regular physical activity and fitness contributes to optimal health and wellness. The Surgeor General’s Report (1996), stressed that physical inactivity is a national problem which contributes to the burden of unnecessary illness and premature death. The emphasis is therefore on moderate physical activity and the focus on integration of physical activity into one’s lifestyle which offers additional opportunities for sedentary individuals to improve their health through participation in physical activities that are enjoyable, personally meaningful and fit more easily into daily schedules. There were considerable evidence which showed that the risk of hypokinetic conditions can be greatly reduced among people who engage in regular physical activity to achieve good physical fitness. It was revealed that optimal health is more than freedom from diseases. Therefore people who regularly participate in moderate amounts of physical activity and fitness can live longer and healthier and also, physical activity and fitness not only help prevent illness and diseases, but also promote quality of life. Keywords: Physical Activity, Physical Fitness, Wellness, Hypokinetic Conditions, Optimal Health

    Psychological Preparation for Peak Performance in Sports Competition

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    This paper attempt to make an overview of various techniques, sport psychologist adopt in psychological preparation of athletes for peak performance. To attain peak performance in sports competitions, coaches and athletes should not base their prospect on physical training on sport skills alone rather should integrate both the mental and physical aspects of performance. During sport competitions athlete should enter the competition with the proper mindset so as to achieve optimum performance. The importance of a sport psychologist to athletes or sports team in this respect cannot be overemphasized, therefore the sport psychologist is in a position to provide the needed therapy to athletes who have been psyched-out by personal, motivational and environmental factors. The paper therefore recommended among others that athletes should be advised for practice mental and psychological skill training and, faster rehabilitation of an injured athlete should be done as this would help to achieve success in peak performance. Keywords: Peak Performance, Sports Skills, Psychological Skills, Attention and Personality

    Effect of Audience on Concentration and Attentional Demands on the Performance of Athletes on Railwalking by Athletes of the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

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    Attention and concentration are crucial indices for successful performance outcome in sports. Therefore, the ability of an athlete to control and maintain attention and concentration for the duration of the athletic competition is often difficult, this may be due to the influence of the audience and significant others which often affects their performance. The study therefore examined the audience effects on attentional and concentration demands of the athletes in the performance of a motor skill (Railwalking) by selected athletes in University of Ibadan. The randomized pre-test, post-test control and experimental group design was used in the study. Forty (40) male athletes, which constituted the samples for the study, they were randomly assigned to each of the two experimental and control groups. Test instrument in railwalking used in the study were standardized. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), was the main statistical method use sin the study. To determine the effect of the two audiences (volitional and captive). All the hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that volitional audience had significant effect on the athletes performance on railwalking (F=8.20; P <.0.05). The captive audience also had significant effect of on railwalking (F= 75.93; P < 0.05) but, there was no significant effect on athletes performance on railwalking when the captive and volitional audience where combined. (F = 43.80; P < 0.05). The study established that for a high performance of any motor skill, whether fine or gross in nature, the athletes should be provided with the relevant cues that can and performance. It was, therefore, recommended that coaches, sports trainers, and sports psychologist should expose their athletes to similar environmental and captive audience conditions during practice and training sessions as they occur in real competition. DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-2-04 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Administration of Physical Education and Sports

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    The paper focused on application of information and communication technology (ICT) in the administration of physical education and sports. Information and communication technology was seen on the convergence of audio-visual and telephone networks with computer networks which covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit and receive digital information. This facility was shown to be very useful in the administration of physical education and sports. The device enhances communication of information in the administration of physical education and sports. It also enhances experience in dance and dance education, and provides feedback that make teachers evaluate success in the programme and make students work harder. The paper saw ICT hardware and software as veritable tool for teaching physical education and simplifying data collection and analysis. The paper concluded that ICT represents one of the most useful tools for enhancing the decoding of physical education and sports curriculum if used correctly, and therefore recommended that proper practical ICT training should be provided for physical education teachers and student in schools and colleges by the ministry of science and education. Keywords: Physical Education, Computer, ICT and Sports DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-24-01 Publication date: August 31st 201

    The Role of Physical Education Instructors Towards Effective Sports Management in Nigeria Primary Schools

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    The paper focused on physical education from pre-colonial time to present day in Nigeria and recommended some changes to remedy observed problems encountered in physical education in the past. The post-independence curriculum reform movements led to the 1969 curriculum conferences which prescribed better diversified curriculum, and recommended the inclusion of physical education as an instructional subject especially in primary schools. The National Policy on education 1977 revised in 1981 recognized the status of physical education instructors, and identified quality and benefits of teaching physical education especially in primary schools and it also addresses physical education instructor’s roles for effective management of sports, official code of conduct including various steps to be adopted for successful physical education activities in our schools. Finally, the paper recommended some of the following for the good conduct of physical education activities, in our schools such as creating enough time for physical education and sports in the school timetable and curriculum, and provision of adequate resources such as facilities, equipment as this will help to influence the attitudes of the students towards sports participation. Keywords: National Policy on Education, Physical Education, Primary School, Instructors DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-24-06 Publication date: August 31st 2019

    Stress and Social Conflict Management in An Organization

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    Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. It is a reaction that result when people are unable to effectively and efficiently manage hazards they are presented with, while social conflict refers to a situation in which the parties are an aggregate of individual, such as groups, organization, communities crowd, rather than single individuals as in role conflict. The paper discussed stress and social conflict in an organization ranging from personal, intergroup and intergroup conflicts, relationship at work and organization culture. It also discussed the causes of stress and social conflict among workers. The paper also looked at stress and social conflict management and prevention methods adopted in an organization. The paper recommended among others that organizations should be proactive in developing preventive and management strategies into combating work related stress and social conflict. Keywords: Stress, Social Conflict, Management Strategies, Organization DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/10-6-03 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Role of Physical Activity in the Management of Cancer

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    This paper focuses on the role of physical activity in the management of cancer. It looked at the potential role of physical activity during and after cancer treatment. The paper X-rayed patients receiving cancer treatment, patients who have finished treatment and recovering from physical function. And also looked at patients after diagnosis reducing the risk of cancer recurrence and mortality and the risk of developing other conditions. And finally looked at patients with advanced cancer cases and how they can be helped to maintain independence and well-being towards the end of their life. It however, recommended among others that stakeholders in cancer management should form mechanisms within the cancer care period to support people in maintaining or initiating physical activity during and after treatment. Keywords: Cancer, Mortality, Patients, Physical Activity. DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-29-14 Publication date:October 31st 201

    The Role of Nutrition in Health and Wellness

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    This paper x-rays the major role nutrition plays in human lives from birth through to death, the satisfaction of nutrition needs as being mandatory to human life from conception throw growth and development and, the achievement of long term survival. The paper also sees nutrition as a balance of the three basic food types such as carbohydrates, fats and protein vitamins and minerals. It also sees nutrition playing a key role in the realization of the “sustainable development goal” as adequate nutrition in enough quantity and quantity offer a better cost benefit ratio than trade liberation, reduction in migration barriers, new agriculture technologies, climate charge and sanitation. Poor nutrition can impair our daily health and wellbeing and reduce our ability to live an enjoyable and active life.   The paper concluded by stating that nutritional deficiencies contributes to the high rate of disability, morbidity and mortality especially among infants and young children. Keywords: Nutrition, health, wellness, food, survival DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-24-06 Publication date: December 31st 201


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    Sports have become a good source of livelihood and entertainment. From time-to-time sports organizations witness violent and non-violent situations which define crisis. Violence can be internally or externally and poses a serious obstacle to effective sports management around the globe. The impact of violence in sports is really capable of inducing severe consequences or even disaster if inappropriate strategic moves are made or adopted, planned or devised. Many persons lost their source of livelihood as a result of the crisis in sports. The issue of how sports organizations can develop and maintain the good performance of participants when faced with crisis situations has largely remained underexplored. This paper, therefore, reviews the concept of crisis, sports crisis, crisis management and sports development. The paper specifically discussed the causes and effects of the crisis on the operation of sports organizations, types of crisis management strategies and models. The paper further examined sports development in Nigeria and how it relates to crisis management in sports, since crisis management form the bedrock of peaceful co-existence between employers and employees in sports organizations and even the society at large, the paper recommends that the management of sports organizations should be pro-active in their crisis management plans in order to identify, resolve and adequately handle issues that are capable of destroying sports programmes among sports teams or clubs in the country.  Article visualizations

    Prevalence and determinants of use of traditional methods of infertility treatment among women attending infertility clinic in Southeast Nigeria

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    Infertility, an obstacle to healthy living, makes its victims patronize traditional methods of infertility treatment (TMIT) in spite of associated complications. They turn to hospitals when this method fails. This is actually a serious issue because the presence of contaminated herbal products and the relationship between the use of TMIT and noncompliance with biomedical treatment regimens constitutes a major concern in medical practice. And the use of traditional methods of infertility treatment has been correlated with severe and fatal consequences. Therefore, the study assessed prevalence/determinants of TMIT use among patients visiting the gynaecology clinic at Alex Ekwueme Federal University Teaching Hospital Abakaliki (AE-FUTHA). Descriptive cross-sectional design was adopted for the research. Only 263 women took part in the study. The research instrument was questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings revealed that 95.4% of these women have used traditional methods for infertility treatment and factors influencing infertile women’s use of TMIT are demographic characteristics, infertility duration, husbands’ relatives’ pressure and cheap cost of traditional medical treatment. Again, inability of infertile women to disclose TMIT use to healthcare providers makes effective treatment difficult. Therefore, these impediments expose infertile women to use TMIT. The result is a guide to healthcare providers who are expected to know the extent of their parents’ use of TMIT