26 research outputs found

    Estimation of density of the semaestome jellyfish Cyanea nozakii Kishinouye, 1891 in surface waters of Ariake Sea by visual observation <Article>

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    有明海表面付近におけるユウレイクラゲの密度を調査するために2014年10月,豊潮丸船上から目視観察を行った。早崎瀬戸-熊本港沖合間(10月27日,12:35-15:35),熊本港-有明海中央部St-B間(10月28日,8:15-10:15)および有明海中央部St-B-熊本港間(10月29日,14:00-16:00)ではそれぞれ3.2~19.4個体/0.1 km2,13.0~114.5個体/0.1 km2,4.3~110.2個体/0.1 km2を示した。今回の調査においてユウレイクラゲの有明海における分布様式は集中分布を示し,ユウレイクラゲの密度と観測区間内の平均風速の間に有意な負の相関が見られた。We estimated the density of the semaestome jellyfish Cyanea nozakii Kishinouye, 1891 in the surface waters of Ariake Sea by visual observation in October 2014. The densities of the jellyfish were 3.2-19.4, 13.0-114.5, 4.3-110.2 individuals per 0.1 km2 along three respective lines, namely, Hayasaki Seto to Kumamoto Port (27 October, 12:35-15:35), Kumamoto Port to St-B (28 October, 8:15-10:15), and St-B to Kumamoto Port (29 October, 14:00-16:00). Our observational data showed that C. nozakii had a clumped distribution in the sea. The density of C. nozakii correlated negatively with wind speed.本研究の一部は科学研究補助金(基盤研究(B),No.25304031)の援助を受けたものである

    Quantitative analysis of β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans on β4 integrin in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma

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    α6β4 integrin plays pivotal roles in cancer progression in several types of cancers. Our previous study using N-glycan-manipulated cell lines demonstrated that defects in N-glycans or decreased β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans on β4 integrin suppress β4 integrin-mediated cancer cell adhesion, migration, invasion, and tumorigenesis. Furthermore, immunohistochemical analysis has shown that colocalization of β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans with β4 integrin was observed in cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) tissue. However, until now there has been no direct evidence that β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans are upregulated on β4 integrin in cutaneous SCC. In the present study, we performed an ELISA analysis of β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans on β4 integrins as well as β4 integrins in cell lysates from human normal skin and cutaneous SCC tissues. The SCC samples showed a 4.9- to 7.4-fold increase in the ratio of β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans to β4 integrin compared with normal skin samples. These findings suggest that the addition of β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans onto β4 integrin was markedly elevated in cutaneous SCC tissue compared to normal skin tissue. The value of β1,6GlcNAc-branched N-glycans on β4 integrin may be useful as a diagnostic marker associated with cutaneous SCC tumor progression

    An observation of the walking behavior of Podosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae collected from the bank Oshima-shinsone, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan

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    トヨシオマリヒトデPodosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae Fujita and Rowe, 2002は体がほぼ球形で,腕が発達しないという特殊な形態を持つ小型ヒトデ類である。鹿児島県奄美大島北西部に位置する大島新曽根水深100-200 m 程度の堆に生息している。この堆はROV で観察するとカイメン類,八放サンゴ類などで覆われている。2017年5月21日に本種の生きた個体が大島新曽根で採集され,管足を伸ばした状態や歩行が観察されたのでその行動を記載した。管足を体内にしまった状態とは異なり,体がやや口・肛門軸方向に扁平になり,約1.65 cm/min の速度で歩行した。通常の腕の発達したヒトデ類の歩行速度と比較すると相対的に著しく遅い。管足には少なくとも2種類が認められ,歩行用と感覚用と考えられる。The podosphaerastrid asteroid Podosphaeraster toyoshiomaruae Fujita and Rowe, 2002 is small-sized, nearly spherical in shape. The species exclusively inhabits on the bank Oshima-shinsone at depths of 100 to 200 m, northwest of Amami-Oshima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan, where the bottom is entirely covered with sponges, octocorals, and hyrozoan polyps with patches of sandy bottom. The bottom conditions were clearly observed with a ROV on September 29, 2009. A living specimen was collected from this locality on May 21, 2017. During locomotion by tube feet, the body was depressed dorso-ventrally in contrast with the spherical body shape with tube feet unexpanded. The locomotion rate of the specimen was about 1.65 cm/min. Two types of tube feet were identified. Presumably one is for locomotion with a sucker terminally, while the other for sensing.本研究の一部は日本学術振興会科学研究費(基盤研究C,No.16K07825,代表 大塚攻),国立科学博物館総合研究「黒潮に注目した地史・生物史・人類史」によって行われた

    Possible westward extension of submerged Oyashio waters to off Tanagashima Island, Kyushu, western Japan: based on the occurrence of the subarctic copepod Neocalanus cristatus

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    大型浮遊性カイアシ類Neocalanus cristatus は北太平洋亜寒帯に分布し,日本列島の太平洋側に沿って南進する親潮潜流に無効分散する。親潮潜流において本種の最も西側における過去の出現記録は北緯28°,東経134° であった。2015年5月に実施した調査で,種子島約300 km 東方(北緯30°50′,東経131°30′)において本種のコペポディドV 期幼体が出現したため,親潮潜流がこの地点の水深600~950 m まで達している可能性が示唆された。The large-sized planktonic copepod Neocalanus cristatus is distributed in the subarctic Pacific Ocean, and also occurs in the submerged Oyashio Current flowing southward along the Pacific side of Japan as pseudopopulations. These have been recorded from 28˚N, 134˚E, suggesting this may be the westernmost and southernmost boundary of the submergence. The present survey implies that the submergence reaches further westwards to off Tanegashima Island, Kyushu (30˚50′N, 131˚30′E) (ca. 300km), based on the occurrence of the fifth copepodid stage of N. cristatus at presumed depths of 600 to 950m.本研究の一部は日本学術振興会科学研究費(基盤研究C, No.16K07825,代表 大塚 攻)によって行われた

    The effect of a prostaglandin E-1 derivative on the symptoms and quality of life of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis

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    Quality of life (QOL) is a concern for patients with lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). In this study, QOL was examined using the 5-item EuroQol (EQ-5D). QOL and activities of daily living (ADL) were surveyed for 91 patients who visited 18 medical institutions in our prefecture and were diagnosed with LSS-associated intermittent claudication. A second survey was performed after a parts per thousand yen6 weeks for 79 of the subjects to evaluate therapy with limaprost (an oral prostaglandin E1 derivative) or etodolac (an NSAID). Symptoms, maximum walking time, QOL, ADL items, and relationships among these variables were investigated for all 91 patients. Leg pain, leg numbness, and low back pain while walking were surveyed by use of VAS scores (0-100). Leg pain, leg numbness, and low back pain while walking (VAS a parts per thousand yen25) were present in 83.5, 62.6, and 54.9 % of the patients in the first survey, and approximately half of the patients had a maximum walking time 30 min, showing that maximum walking time affected health-related QOL. Of the 79 patients who completed the second survey, 56 had taken limaprost and 23 (control group) had received etodolac. Limaprost improved possible walking time, reduced ADL interference, and significantly increased the EQ-5D utility score, whereas no significant changes occurred in the control group. Maximum walking time was prolonged by a parts per thousand yen10 min and the EQ-5D utility value was improved by a parts per thousand yen0.1 points in significantly more patients in the limaprost group than in the control group. According to the findings of this survey, at an average of 8 weeks after administration limaprost improved symptoms, QOL, and ADL in LSS patients whereas treatment with an NSAID reduced pain but did not have any other effects.ArticleJOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE. 18(2):208-215 (2013)journal articl