217 research outputs found

    Surgical Punctal Occlusion; Combined Lacrimal Canaliculi Cauterization and Punctal Suturing for Severe Dry Eye

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    Purpose: To evaluate the treatment outcome of surgical punctal occlusion with combined canaliculi ablation and punctal suturing in patients with severe dry eye. Methods: Eleven eyes of seven patients were diagnosed with severe dry eye with decreased lacrimal secretion and were refractory to treatment with various eye drops and/or had repeatedly experienced loss of punctal plugs, and continued to experience subjective symptoms received surgical punctal occlusion. In 20 puncta, lacrimal canaliculi ablation was performed along the entire length of the lacrimal canaliculus where a diathermy needle could be inserted. After resection of the annulus fibrosus in the peri-punctal area, tight cross-stitch suturing of the puncta was performed with 8-0 absorbent thread. Visual acuity, corneal staining score according to the area (A) and density (D) classification, and Schirmer tear test (STT); tear break up time (tBUT); and subjective symptoms assessed by the University of North Carolina (UNC) and Dry Eye Management Scale were compared before and one year after surgery. Results: Recanalization occurred in 1/20 puncta (5.0% at month 5) in 1/11 eyes. Student’s t-test showed significant improvement at one year compared with preoperative values for LogMAR value (P = 0.019), corneal staining score A (P = 0.00003) and D (P = 0.0003), STT (P = 0.004), and subjective symptoms (P = 0.015). No change was shown in tBUT and no serious adverse event occurred. Conclusion: This improved, minimally invasive surgical procedure has a low recanalization rate and achieves both objective and subjective improvements at one year. Keywords: Cauterization; Dry Eye; Lacrimal Canaliculi; Lacrimal Puncta; Punctal Occlusio

    Geographical and Orbital Information Based Mobility Management to Overcome Last-Hop Ambiguity over IP/LEO Satellite Networks

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    An improved content search engine. Usage of network configuration information

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:09680388・基盤研究(C)(2)・H9~H10/研究代表者:根元, 義章/情報フィルタリングを用いた大規模情報ネットワークのリアルタイム障害検出方式

    Phenotyping of P105-Negative B Cell Subsets in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    This study aimed to investigate phenotype of RP105(−) B cell subsets in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Flow cytometry was used for phenotyping RP105-negaive B cell subsets. Based on CD19, RP105, and CD138 expression, RP105(−) B cells consist of at least 5 subsets of late B cells, including CD19(+)RP105(int), CD19(+) RP105(−), CD19(low) RP105(−) CD138(−), CD19(low) RP105(−)CD138(int), and CD19(low) RP105(−) CD138(++) B cells. Especially, CD19(+)RP105(int) and CD19(low) RP105(−)CD138(int) B cells are significantly larger than other RP105(−) B cell subsets in SLE. By comparison of RP105(−) B cell subsets between patients with SLE and normal subjects, these subsets were detectable even in normal subjects, but the percentages of RP105(−) B cell subsets were significantly larger in SLE. The phenotypic analysis of RP105(−) B cell subsets suggests dysregulation of later B cell subsets in SLE and may provide new insights into understanding regulation of B cells in human SLE

    Divulging the social sex change mechanism in a unique model system for studying the sexual plasticity of protogynous hermaphrodite fish, three bamboo leaf wrasse (Pseudolabrus sieboldi)

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    The gonadal sexual fate of vertebrates is either defined by genetics or environment, or a combination of both factors. Interestingly, in sequential hermaphroditism, the animal can undergo natural sex changes from female-to-male, male-to-female, and bidirectional way throughout their lives. This change exhibits the process which shifts between oogenesis and spermatogenesis and is regarded as an ideal instance of sexual plasticity. To develop the experimental model for studying the sexual plasticity of protogynous fish, the social conditions that induce sex changes were defined in wrasse, Pseudolabrus sieboldi. When six females were kept together in a tank, the largest female became a male, whereas a similar conversion did not occur when only two females were present in a tank. A semi-gonadectomy analysis developed in the present study verified the direct relationship between gonadal sex and body coloration. In P. sieboldi, the sex change is controlled by the relative body size of an individual within a group, rather than by absolute body size. When six females were kept in smaller sized tanks, delayed sex change or unchanged individuals was observed. Overall, more than 90% of the largest females demonstrated sex change after being housed with five smaller females in different sizes of tanks ranging from 80 to 500 L. Furthermore, the experiment using a transparent barrier suggested that visual stimuli are one of the major cues to initiate sex change. Our findings on the laboratory conditions leading to the initiation of sex change in wrasse suggest the usefulness of this species as a model organism for comparative studies in molecular, cellular, and physiological mechanisms of sexual plasticity, as well as on social and reproductive behaviors

    Clinical Features of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Pneumonia

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    Clinical features in ninety-two cases of mycoplasmal pneumonia during the past seven years, which are fourty-one percent of 226 primary atypical pneumonia cases in this study, are reported. Occurrence of the illness was closely retated to age of the patients; it was generally higher in patients under thirty years of age at all seasons. The main clinical symptoms were cough, fever, rales, sputum, headache and sore throat. However, these common symptoms recognized in a variety of respiratory diseases were not particular to the diagnosis of mycoplasmal pneumonia, and it was often difficult to differentiate from pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic pneumonitis or bronchiectasis. Although a roentgenographic pattern characteristic of mycoplasmal pneumonia could not be recognized, the majority showed a "homogenous" or "flocculent" appearance. Therefore, the appropriate laboratory studies for isolation of the agents and/or the related serological tests have much importance to the diagnosis of this disease. The treatment with erythromycin seemed to be more effective than other antibiotics when using chest roentgenographic resolution, as the parameter of response

    Insights into epigenetic regulation of cyp19a via comparative analysis using the scombrid chub mackerel as model

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    Sexual development and reproduction are largely linked to epigenetic changes in many fish species. However, understanding of epigenetic regulation in scombrid species, such as tunas and mackerels, is limited. This study investigates DNA methylation’s impact on cyp19a expression, crucial for estrogen synthesis, focusing on chub mackerel. Given the commercial significance of scombrids and susceptibility of marine fish to environmental changes, elucidating epigenetic mechanisms, particularly in the context of global warming, becomes imperative. We aimed to generalize observations from chub mackerel to other scombrids. Additionally, we studied DNA methylation patterns across fish with different sexual systems to understand aromatase regulation’s phenotypic plasticity. Our in silico analysis revealed highly conserved promoter sequences within scombrids, sharing TFBS like Foxl2, FOS::JUN, ESRR, and Sox3, while CpG content varies. This indicates a conserved regulatory network controlling gene expression. We found sexual dimorphism in DNA methylation, with males hypermethylated and aromatase expression downregulated. Despite similar dnmt1 expression, tet1, tet2, and tet3 were higher expressed in females, suggesting that the observed DNA methylation patterns are maintained through active demethylation rather than differential methylation. Gonochoristic Japanese anchovy and protogynous bamboo leaf wrasse displayed similar trends, but species-specific methylation patterns highlight DNA methylation’s complex role in gonadal changes. In vitro assays confirmed methylation’s regulatory role and identified an SF-1 binding site relevant for promoter activation in chub mackerel. Another studied SF-1 site, present in both chub mackerel and bamboo leaf wrasse, showed regulatory effects, indicating potential similar regulatory mechanisms for cyp19a expression. Overall, our findings suggest that while global methylation affects cyp19a transcription, the variation in CpG density and location could be introducing nuances in its epigenetic regulation. This study contributes to our understanding of the cyp19a regulation in fish gonad maturation