23 research outputs found

    Diffraction profile analysis of olivines in thin sections of meteorites by the micro-region Laue method using synchrotron radiation

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    The lattice distortion of minerals included in a thin section of meteorites was measured by a newly developed X-ray technique for microregion analysis (8μm diameter) using synchrotron radiation. This technique using the Laue method with an imaging plate (IP) as a two-dimensional detector, as well as a micro-pinhole, was applied to olivine grains in two L6 chondrites (Y-7304 and Y-7305). The orientation matrix calculated from one end of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) along the elongated diffraction profiles is different from that based on the other end of the FWHM. Rotation about a certain axis equates one matrix to the other. The rotation angles for the Y-7304 and Y-7305 olivines were calculated to be 0.83 and 0.15 degrees, respectively, and are compatible with the FWHM of diffraction profiles. The results of the present X-ray study correspond quantitatively to the wavy extinction observed through an optical microscope. This method will be applied to analyze the lattice distortion of minerals caused by shock effects in meteorites

    Crystallinity of Fe-Ni Sulfides in Carbonaceous Chondrites

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    The main long-term goal of this research is to understand the physical conditions in the early solar nebula through the detailed characterization of a key class of mineral present in all primitive materials: Fe-Ni sulfides [1&2]. Fe-Ni sulfides can take dozens of structures, depending on the temperature of formation, as well as other physico-chemical factors which are imperfectly understood. Add to this the additional varying factor of Ni content, and we have a potentially sensitive cosmothermometer [3]. Unfortunately, this tool requires exact knowledge of the crystal structure of each grain being considered, and there have been few (none?) studies of the detailed structures of sulfides in chondritic materials. We report here on coordinated compositional and crystallographic investigation of Fe-Ni sulfides in diverse carbonaceous chondrites, initially Acfer 094 (the most primitive CM2 [4]) Tagish Lake (a unique type C2 [5]), a C1 lithology in Kaidun [6], Bali (oxidized CV3 [7]), and Efremovka (reduced CV3 [7])

    Evidence for Impact Shock Melting in CM and CI Chondrite Regolith Samples

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    C class asteroids frequently exhibit reflectance spectra consistent with thermally metamorphosed carbonaceous chondrites, or a mixture of phyllosilicate-rich material along with regions where they are absent. One particularly important example appears to be near-Earth asteroid 1999 JU3, the target of the Hayabusa II sample return mission [1], although not all spectra indicate this. In fact most spectra of 1999 JU3 are featureless, suggesting a heterogeneous regolith. Here we explore an alternative cause of dehydration of regolith of C class asteroids - impact shock melting. Impact shock melting has been proposed to explain some mineralogical characteristics of CB chondrites, but has not been considered a major process for hydrous carbonaceous chondrites. What evidence is there for significant shock melting in the very abundant CMs, or less abundant but still important CI chondrites

    Measurements of Shock Effects Recorded by Hayabusa Samples

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    We requested and have been approved for 5 Hayabusa samples in order definitively establish the degree of shock experienced by the regolith of asteroid Itokawa, and to devise a bridge between shock determinations by standard light optical petrography, crystal structures as determined by synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SXRD), and degree of crystallinity as determined by electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) [1,2]. As of the writing of this abstract we are awaiting the approved samples. We propose measurements of astromaterial crystal structures and regolith processes. The proposed research work will improve our understanding of how small, primitive solar system bodies formed and evolved, and improve understanding of the processes that determine the history and future of habitability of environments on other solar system bodies. The results of the proposed research will directly enrich the ongoing asteroid and comet exploration missions by NASA, JAXA and ESA, and broaden our understanding of the origin and evolution of small bodies in the early solar system, and elucidate the nature of asteroid and comet regolith

    Identification of Magnetite in Lunar Regolith Breccia 60016: Evidence for Oxidized Conditions at the Lunar Surface

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    Lunar regolith breccias are temporal archives of magmatic and impact bombardment processes on the Moon. Apollo 16 sample 60016 is an ‘ancient’ feldspathic regolith breccia that was converted from a soil to a rock at ~3.8 Ga. The breccia contains a small (70 × 50 μm) rock fragment composed dominantly of an Fe-oxide phase with disseminated domains of troilite. Fragments of plagioclase (An95-97), pyroxene (En74-75, Fs21-22,Wo3-4) and olivine (Fo66-67) are distributed in and adjacent to the Fe-oxide. The silicate minerals have lunar compositions that are similar to anorthosites. Mineral chemistry, synchrotron X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD) studies demonstrate that the oxide phase is magnetite with an estimated Fe3+/ΣFe ratio of ~0.45. The presence of magnetite in 60016 indicates that oxygen fugacity during formation was equilibrated at, or above, the Fe-magnetite or wűstite-magnetite oxygen buffer. This discovery provides direct evidence for oxidised conditions on the Moon. Thermodynamic modelling shows that magnetite could have been formed from oxidisation-driven mineral replacement of Fe-metal or desulphurisation from Fe-sulphides (troilite) at low temperatures (°C) in equilibrium with H2O steam/liquid or CO2 gas. Oxidising conditions may have arisen from vapour transport during degassing of a magmatic source region, or from a hybrid endogenic-exogenic process when gases were released during an impacting asteroid or comet impact

    Crystallographic Characterization of Extraterrestrial Materials by Energy-Scanning X-ray Diffraction

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    We have continued our long-term project using X-ray diffraction to characterize a wide range of extraterrestrial samples. The stationary sample method with polychromatic X-rays is advantageous because the irradiated area of the sample is always same and fixed, meaning that all diffraction spots occur from the same area of the sample, however, unit cell parameters cannot be directly obtained by this method though they are very important for identification of mineral and for determination of crystal structures. In order to obtain the cell parameters even in the case of the sample stationary method, we apply energy scanning of a micro-beam of monochromatic SR at SPring-8

    Mineralogy and crystallography of some Itokawa particles returned by the Hayabusa asteroidal sample return mission

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    We studied seven Itokawa particles provided by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) as first International Announcement of Opportunity (AO) study mainly using electron and synchrotron radiation X-ray beam techniques. All the analyzed particles were collected from the first-touchdown site and composed of olivine and plagioclase with traces of Ca phosphate and chromite, and do not contain pyroxenes. Optical microscopy of these particles shows minor undulatory extinction of olivine and plagioclase, suggesting minor shock metamorphism (shock stage: S2). The electron microprobe analysis shows that olivine is Fo(70-73) and plagioclase is An(13-10)Or(5-7). The synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction (SR-XRD) analysis of olivine crystals gives cell dimensions of a = 4.708 to 4.779 angstrom, b = 10.271 to 10.289 angstrom, c = 6.017 to 6.024 angstrom, corresponding to the Fo content of Fo(similar to 70) by Vegard's law. This composition matches the result obtained by the electron microprobe analysis. The olivine compositions of the analyzed particles are consistent with those of LL chondrites. The cell dimensions of two plagioclase crystals (a = 8.180 to 8.194 angstrom, b = 12.53 to 12.893 angstrom, c = 7.125 to 7.23 angstrom, a = 92.6 degrees to 93.00 degrees, beta = 116.36 degrees to 116.75 degrees, gamma = 90.03 degrees to 90.17 degrees) indicate that their equilibration temperatures are 800 degrees C +/- 10 degrees C. This temperature is near the peak metamorphic temperature recorded by equilibrated ordinary chondrites. The size of plagioclase crystals and the homogeneity of olivine compositions indicate that their petrologic type is >= 5. We also analyzed plagioclase by SR iron X-ray absorption near-edge structure (SR-XANES) and found that its Fe3+/(Fe2+ + Fe3+) ratio is approximately 0.5. Such high Fe3+ abundance indicates the formation under a relatively oxidizing environment. Thus, all these analyses have reconfirmed that the Itokawa particles returned by the Hayabusa spacecraft are very weakly shocked equilibrated LL chondrites, which matches the results of the preliminary examination team

    The Shock State of Itokawa Sample

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    One of the fundamental aspects of any astromaterial is its shock history, since this factor elucidates critical historical events, and also because shock metamorphism can alter primary mineralogical and petrographic features, and reset chronologies [1]. Failure to take shock history into proper account during characterization can result in seriously incorrect conclusions being drawn. Thus the Hayabusa Preliminary Examination Team (HASPET) made shock stage determination of the Itokawa samples a primary goal [2]. However, we faced several difficulties in this particular research. The shock state of ordinary chondrite materials is generally determined by simple optical petrographic observation of standard thin sections. The Itokawa samples available to the analysis team were mounted into plastic blocks, were polished on only one side, and were of non-standard and greatly varying thickness, all of which significantly complicated petrographic analysis but did not prevent it. We made an additional estimation of the sample shock state by a new technique for this analysis - electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) in addition to standard petrographic techniques. We are also investigating the crystallinity of Itokawa olivine by Synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SXRD)

    Measuring the Shock Stage of Asteroid Regolith Grains by Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction

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    We have been analyzing Itokawa samples in order to definitively establish the degree of shock experienced by the regolith of asteroid Itokawa, and to devise a bridge between shock determinations by standard light optical petrography, crystal structures as determined by electron and X-ray diffraction. These techniques would then be available for samples returned from other asteroid regoliths

    Measuring Shock Stage of ltokawa Regolith Grains by Electron Back-Scattered Diffraction and Synchrotron X-Ray Diffraction

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    We have been analyzing Itokawa samples in order to definitively establish the degree of shock experienced by the regolith of asteroid Itokawa, and to devise a bridge between shock determinations by standard light optical petrography, crystal structures as determined by electron and X-ray diffraction techniques. We are making measurements of olivine crystal structures and using these to elucidate critical regolith impact processes. We use electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) and synchrotron X-ray diffraction (SXRD). We are comparing the Itokawa samples to L and LL chondrite meteorites chosen to span the shock scale experienced by Itokawa, specifically Chainpur (LL3.4, Shock Stage 1), Semarkona (LL3.00, S2), Kilabo (LL6, S3), NWA100 (L6, S4) and Chelyabinsk (LL5, S4). In SXRD we measure the line broadening of olivine reflections as a measure of shock stage. In this presentation we concentrate on the EBSD work. We employed JSC's Supra 55 variable pressure FEG-SEM and Bruker EBSD system. We are not seeking actual strain values, but rather indirect strain-related measurements such as extent of intra-grain lattice rotation, and determining whether shock state "standards" (meteorite samples of accepted shock state, and appropriate small grain size) show strain measurements that may be statistically differentiated, using a sampling of particles (number and size range) typical of asteroid regoliths. Using our system we determined that a column pressure of 9 Pa and no C-coating on the sample was optimal. We varied camera exposure time and gain to optimize mapping performance, concluding that 320x240 pattern pixilation, frame averaging of 3, 15 kV, and low extractor voltage yielded an acceptable balance of hit rate (>90%), speed (11 fps) and map quality using an exposure time of 30 ms (gain 650). We found that there was no strong effect of step size on Grain Orientation Spread (GOS) and Grain Reference Orientation Deviation angle (GROD-a) distribution; there was some effect on grain average Kernel Average Misorientation (KAM) (reduced with smaller step size for the same grain), as expected. We monitored GOS, Maximum Orientation Spread (MOS) and GROD-a differences between whole olivine grains and sub-sampled areas, and found that there were significant differences between the whole grain dataset and subsets, as well as between subsets, likely due to sampling-related "noise". Also, in general (and logically) whole grains exhibit greater degrees of cumulative lattice rotation. Sampling size affects the apparent strain character of the grain, at least as measured by GOS, MOS and GROD-a. There were differences in the distribution frequencies of GOS and MOS between shock stages, and in plots of MOS and GOS vs. grain diameter. These results are generally consistent with those reported this year. However, it is unknown whether the differences between samples of different shock states exceeds the clustering of these values to the extent that shock stage determinations can still be made with confidence. We are investigating this by examination of meteorites with higher shock stage 4 to 5. Our research will improve our understanding of how small, primitive solar system bodies formed and evolved, and improve understanding of the processes that determine the history and future of habitability of environments on other solar system bodies. The results will directly enrich the ongoing asteroid and comet exploration missions by NASA and JAXA, and broaden our understanding of the origin and evolution of small bodies in the early solar system, and elucidate the nature of asteroid and comet regolith