678 research outputs found

    Studies on a Factor Enhancing Colicin E3 Activity In Vitro

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    A TEM and FE-SEM Study of Two Stardust Cometary Particles Extracted From Tracks T111 and T112.

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    第2回極域科学シンポジウム/第34回南極隕石シンポジウム 11月17日(木) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Synchrotron Radiation XRD Analysis of Indialite in Y-82094 Ungrouped Carbonaceous Chondrite

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    Y-82094 is an ungrouped type 3.2 carbonaceous chondrite, with abundant chondrules making 78 vol.% of the rock. Among these chondrules, an unusual porphyritic Al-rich magnesian chondrule is reported that consists of a cordierite-like phase, Al-rich orthopyroxene, cristobalite, and spinel surrounded by an anorthitic mesostasis. The reported chemical formula of the cordierite-like phase is Na(0.19)Mg(1.95)Fe(0.02)Al(3.66)Si(5.19)O18, which is close to stoichiometric cordierite (Mg2Al3[AlSi5O18]). Although cordierite can be present in Al-rich chondrules, it has a high temperature polymorph (indialite) and it is therefore necessary to determine whether it is cordierite or indialite in order to better constrain its formation conditions. In this abstract we report on our synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction (SR-XRD) study of the cordierite-like phase in Y-82094

    Mineralogy of Stardust Track 112 Particle: Relation to Amoeboid Olivine Aggregates

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    The successful analysis of comet 81P/Wild 2 particles returned by the Stardust mission has revealed that the Wild 2 dust contains abundant silicate grains that are much larger than interstellar grains and appear to have formed in the inner regions of the solar nebula [1]. Wild 2 particles include minerals which are isotopically and mineralogically similar to CAIs [e.g., 2, 3] and chondrules [e.g., 4] in chondrites. In addition, particles similar to amoeboid olivine aggregates (AOAs) also have been discovered [5, 6,7]. C2067,2,112,1 is a terminal particle recovered from track #112 (T112). Nakamura-Messenger et al. [7] showed that the forsterite grain in T112 has O-16 enrichment of approximately 40 0/00 (vs. SMOW) and possibly formed together with AOAs. In this study, we have examined the mineralogy of the T112 particle and compared the possible relationships between T112 and AOAs in primitive meteorites

    Crystallographic Study of Itokawa Particle, RA-QD02-0127 by Using Energy-Scanning X-Ray Diffraction Method with Synchrotron Radiation

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    The petrographic study of Itokawa particle, RA-QD02-0127 has been performed by SEM-EDS and optical microscope observations. The purpose of this study is to understand better the metamorphic and impact shock history of asteroid Itokawa, and other S-class asteroids

    Pure nematic state in iron-based superconductor

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    Lattice and electronic states of thin FeSe films on LaAlO3_3 substrates are investigated in the vicinity of the nematic phase transition. No evidence of structural phase transition is found by x-ray diffraction below T90T^\ast \sim 90 K, while results obtained from resistivity measurement and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy clearly show the appearance of a nematic state. These results indicate formation of a pure nematic state in the iron-based superconductor and provide conclusive evidence that the nematic state originates from the electronic degrees of freedom. This pure nematicity in the thin film implies difference in the electron-lattice interaction from bulk FeSe crystals. FeSe films provide valuable playgrounds for observing the pure response of "bare" electron systems free from the electron-lattice interaction, and should make important contribution to investigate nematicity and its relationship with superconductivity