4 research outputs found

    Stochastic electrotransport selectively enhances the transport of highly electromobile molecules

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    Nondestructive chemical processing of porous samples such as fixed biological tissues typically relies on molecular diffusion. Diffusion into a porous structure is a slow process that significantly delays completion of chemical processing. Here, we present a novel electrokinetic method termed stochastic electrotransport for rapid nondestructive processing of porous samples. This method uses a rotational electric field to selectively disperse highly electromobile molecules throughout a porous sample without displacing the low-electromobility molecules that constitute the sample. Using computational models, we show that stochastic electrotransport can rapidly disperse electromobile molecules in a porous medium. We apply this method to completely clear mouse organs within 1–3 days and to stain them with nuclear dyes, proteins, and antibodies within 1 day. Our results demonstrate the potential of stochastic electrotransport to process large and dense tissue samples that were previously infeasible in time when relying on diffusion.Simons Foundation. Postdoctoral FellowshipLife Sciences Research FoundationBurroughs Wellcome Fund (Career Awards at the Scientific Interface)Searle Scholars ProgramMichael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's ResearchUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencyJPB FoundationNational Institutes of Health (U.S.)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1-U01-NS090473-01

    Study of the Air–Water Interfacial Properties of Biodegradable Polyesters and Their Block Copolymers with Poly(ethylene glycol)

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    It has been reported that the surface pressure–area isotherm of poly­(d,l-lactic acid-<i>ran</i>-glycolic acid) (PLGA) at the air–water interface exhibits several interesting features: (1) a plateau at intermediate compression levels, (2) a sharp rise in surface pressure upon further compression, and (3) marked surface pressure–area hysteresis during compression–expansion cycles. To investigate the molecular origin of this behavior, we conducted an extensive set of surface pressure and AFM imaging measurements with PLGA materials having several different molecular weights and also a poly­(d,l-lactic acid-<i>ran</i>-glycolic acid-<i>ran</i>-caprolactone) (PLGACL) material in which the caprolactone monomers were incorporated as a plasticizing component. The results suggest that (i) the plateau in the surface pressure–area isotherm of PLGA (or PLGACL) occurs because of the formation (and collapse) of a continuous monolayer of the polymer under continuous compression; (ii) the PLGA monolayer becomes significantly resistant to compression at high compression because under that condition the collapsed domains become large enough to become glassy (such behavior was not observed in the nonglassy PLGACL sample); and (iii) the isotherm hysteresis is due to a coarsening of the collapsed domains that occurs under high-compression conditions. We also investigated the monolayer properties of PEG-PLGA and PEG-PLGACL diblock copolymers. The results demonstrate that the tendency of PLGA (or PLGACL) to spread on water allows the polymer to be used as an anchoring block to form a smooth biodegradable monolayer of block copolymers at the air–water interface. These diblock copolymer monolayers exhibit protein resistance

    Water Is a Poor Solvent for Densely Grafted Poly(ethylene oxide) Chains: A Conclusion Drawn from a Self-Consistent Field Theory-Based Analysis of Neutron Reflectivity and Surface Pressure–Area Isotherm Data

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    By use of a combined experimental and theoretical approach, a model poly­(ethylene oxide) (PEO) brush system, prepared by spreading a poly­(ethylene oxide)–poly­(<i>n</i>-butyl acrylate) (PEO–PnBA) amphiphilic diblock copolymer onto an air–water interface, was investigated. The polymer segment density profiles of the PEO brush in the direction normal to the air–water interface under various grafting density conditions were determined by using the neutron reflectivity (NR) measurement technique. To achieve a theoretically sound analysis of the reflectivity data, we used a data analysis method that utilizes the self-consistent field (SCF) theoretical modeling as a tool for predicting expected reflectivity results for comparison with the experimental data. Using this data analysis technique, we discovered that the effective Flory–Huggins interaction parameter of the PEO brush chains is significantly greater than that corresponding to the θ condition in Flory–Huggins solutions (i.e., χ<sub>PEO–water</sub>(brush chains)/χ<sub>PEO–water</sub>(θ condition) ≈ 1.2), suggesting that contrary to what is more commonly observed for PEO in normal situations (χ<sub>PEO–water</sub>(free chains)/χ<sub>PEO–water</sub>(θ condition) ≈ 0.92), the PEO chains are actually not “hydrophilic” when they exist as polymer brush chains, because of the many body interactions that are forced to be effective in the brush situation. This result is further supported by the fact that the surface pressures of the PEO brush calculated on the basis of the measured χ<sub>PEO–water</sub> value are in close agreement with the experimental surface pressure–area isotherm data. The SCF theoretical analysis of the surface pressure behavior of the PEO brush also suggests that even though the grafted PEO chains experience a poor solvent environment, the PEO brush layer exhibits positive surface pressures, because the hydrophobicity of the PEO brush chains (which favors compression) is insufficient to overcome the opposing effect of the chain conformational entropy (which resists compression)