13 research outputs found

    Differences in instructional quality during the Covid-19 pandemic between Oman and Germany and the role of teacher competences

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    Introduction: School closures during the Covid-19 pandemic hit educational systems worldwide, forcing teachers to switch to digital learning settings. The presented study aims to (a) adapt and evaluate scales on instructional quality in digital settings, (b) describe instructional quality during the pandemic, and (c) to identify predictive teacher competences. Method: Data was assessed in a cross-sectional design via an online questionnaire conducted in Oman and Germany simultaneously. Results: Analyses of data from N = 284 teachers in Oman and Germany revealed mostly good psychometric parameters, differences in instructional quality between both countries, and positive relations between teachers’ competences and instructional quality. Conclusion: The present study contributes to instrument development and to the growing body of research, investigating teaching quality during the pandemic

    Unterrichtsqualität aus der Sicht von externen Raterinnen und Ratern – Analysen zum Reihenfolgeeffekt

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    Unterrichtsqualität wird häufig über Urteile von Externen erfasst. Mit Blick auf die Güte dieser Urteile stellt sich die Frage, ob diese aufgrund von Darbietungsmodalitäten sowie individuellen Faktoren systematisch verzerrt sein können. In der vorliegenden Studie wurden daher der Einfluss der Reihenfolge von Unterrichtsvideos mit unterschiedlichen Qualitätsniveaus sowie von individuellen Faktoren wie Vorerfahrung und mentaler Zustand (Müdigkeit) auf Unterschiede in den Urteilen und Interaktionen untersucht. Hierfür wurden N = 69 Studierende zu drei Versuchsgruppen zugeordnet, die zwei zehnminütige Videos in variierender Reihenfolge der Qualitätsniveaus präsentiert bekamen: Gruppe A (niedrig/mittel), B (mittel/hoch) und C (hoch/mittel). Die Analysen zeigten Unterschiede in den mittleren Ratings aufgrund der Reihenfolge sowie der Vorerfahrung und der Müdigkeit. Überdies wurden Interaktionen zwischen der experimentellen Bedingung und der Müdigkeit identifiziert. Die Ergebnisse wiesen auf Verzerrungen der Urteile von Externen hin, besonders im Bereich Motivierung. Konsequenzen für die Interpretation und Durchführung von videogestützten Unterrichtsqualitätsstudien werden diskutiert.Ratings of external observers are often used for measuring instructional quality. These ratings can be influenced by the order of presentation and individual characteristics such as observers’ experience and mental state (tiredness). The present study examined the influence of the presentation order of videos with varying levels of teaching quality and of individual factors such as previous experience and mental state (tiredness) on differences in observer ratings and interactions. Therefore, N = 69 students were assigned to three experimental groups. In each group, two videos of ten minutes length were presented in varying order of teaching quality: group A (low/medium), B (medium/high), and C (high/medium). Analyses showed significant differences in the ratings, depending on the sequential order, the observers’ experience, and observers’ tiredness. An interaction was found between experimental condition and observers’ tiredness. Results suggest a bias of external judgements, especially concerning motivational quality. Consequences for interpretation and implementation of video-based studies measuring teaching quality are discussed

    Unterrichtsqualität und intrinsische Lesemotivation im Kontext der Bund-Länder-Initiative „Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift“ (BiSS)

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    Lesekompetenz gilt als fächerübergreifende Schlüsselkompetenz für Bildungserfolg und ist damit ein zentrales Ziel des Grundschulunterrichts. Vor diesem Hintergrund zielte die Bund-Länder-Initiative „Bildung durch Sprache und Schrift“ unter anderem auf die Förderung lesebezogener Kompetenzen im Leseunterricht der Grundschule ab. Der intrinsischen Lesemotivation kommt aufgrund ihres eigenständigen Wertes und wegen ihrer Zusammenhänge mit der Lesekompetenz eine große Bedeutung zu. Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht a) Zusammenhänge zwischen schulischer BiSS-Beteiligung und der Entwicklung der Qualität des Leseunterrichts in einem quasi-experimentellen Längsschnittdesign mit N = 1032 Schülerinnen und Schülern der vierten Klassenstufe und b) Zusammenhänge von Unterrichtsqualität und der Entwicklung intrinsischer Lesemotivation. Es wurden Mehrebenenstrukturgleichungsmodelle spezifiziert und analysiert, die einen kleinen positiven Effekt schulischer BiSS-Beteiligung auf die Differenzierung im Leseunterricht zeigten. Außerdem erwiesen sich Differenzierung, Störungen im Unterricht und Merkmale des unterstützenden Unterrichtsklimas als prädiktiv für intrinsische Lesemotivation auf Individualebene

    Design, development and validation of a model of problem solving for Egyptian Science classes

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    Educators and policymakers envision the future of education in Egypt as enabling learners to acquire scientific inquiry and problem-solving skills. In this article, we describe the validation of a model for problem solving and the design of instruments for evaluating new teaching methods in Egyptian science classes. The instruments were based on an established model for problem solving and were designed to assess seventh grade students’ problem solving, experimental strategy knowledge, achievement and motivation towards science. The test for assessing students’ knowledge has been developed based on the topic, density and buoyancy which will be taught in seventh grade in a later intervention study. The instruments were partly self-developed and partly adapted from newly performed studies on strategy knowledge and problem solving in Germany. All instruments were translated into Arabic; the translation process and quality control are described. In order to determine the quality of the instruments, 44 students in Egypt completed the questionnaires and tests. The study’s aim to develop and validate the instruments did require an ad hoc and typical sample which was drawn from an accessible population. Accordingly, the characteristics of the sample are described. Data were analysed according to the classical test theory, but to underpin the results, the instruments were additionally analysed using the even stronger Rasch model. The findings demonstrated the reliability of the items and aspects of validity. In addition, this study showed how test items can be successfully developed and adapted in an international study and applied in a different language

    Teachers’ diagnostic competences and their practical relevance. Special issue editorial

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    “Studies and their results about teachers’ diagnostic accuracy are very heterogeneous. While some papers focus on motivational and self-related learning outcomes, most studies investigate the accuracy of teachers judging students’ performance.” This editorial provides a short introduction of the articles in this journal according to teacher diagnostic competencies. (DIPF/Orig.

    Text-Bild-Integration - Einstellungen, Motivation und selbstbezogene Kognitionen von Lehrkräften im Bereich Diagnostik

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    Especially in secondary school, students need to learn from multi-representational material. For integrating information from different sources, students need specific competencies, which are seldom explicitly fostered. Teaching and learning with text-picture material is not systematically embedded in teacher education at German universities, but teachers have to deal with this material and its inherent challenges. For initiating successful learning processes teachers need to judge students’ learning prerequisites and the level of difficulty of text-picture material. This raises the need for investigating teachers’ attitudes, motivation and their self-related cognitions in diagnostics, which are assumed to impact teachers’ diagnostic activities. The presented study aims at examining teachers’ attitudes towards diagnostics, motivation towards diagnostics, self-efficacy beliefs and self-reflection in diagnostics with regard to teaching with multi-representational learning material. CFAs support the superiority of a four-factor model. Structural equation models reveal that teachers’ experience is positively related to their motivation in diagnostics. Teachers’ attitudes and self-related cognitions are positively related to their diagnostic behavior. The study provides evidence of the structure and importance of teachers’ attitudes, motivation and self-related cognitions. (DIPF/Orig.)Besonders in der Sekundarstufe werden Schülerinnen und Schüler mit multirepräsentationalen Lernmaterialien konfrontiert. Um Informationen aus zwei verschiedenen Quellen zu integrieren, benötigen Schülerinnen und Schüler spezifische Kompetenzen, die selten explizit gefördert werden. Lehren mit Bild-Text-Material ist nicht systematisch in der Lehrerausbildung verankert, dennoch müssen Lehrkräfte mit diesem Material unterrichten. Um erfolgreiche Lehr-Lernprozesse zu initiieren, müssen Lehrkräfte die Lernvoraussetzungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler und das Schwierigkeitsniveau des Bild-Text-Materials diagnostizieren. Als Voraussetzung für akkurate diagnostische Urteile werden Einstellungen, Motivation und selbstbezogene Kognitionen von Lehrkräften untersucht. Die hier vorgestellte Studie zielt auf die Analyse von Einstellungen zur Wichtigkeit von Diagnostik, Motivation bei der Diagnostik, diagnostischen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen und Selbstreflexion bei der Diagnostik im Bereich Bild-Text-Integration ab. Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalysen bestätigen die Überlegenheit eines 4-Faktoren-Modells. Strukturgleichungsmodelle weisen auf positive Zusammenhänge zwischen der Erfahrung von Lehrkräften und ihrer Motivation hin; Einstellungen und selbstbezogene Kognitionen stehen in positiver Beziehung zu diagnostischen Aktivitäten der Lehrkräfte. Die Studie liefert damit Evidenz für die Bedeutung von Einstellungen, Motivation und selbstbezogene Kognitionen von Lehrkräften. (DIPF/Orig.

    Students’ Text-Picture-Integration: The Role of Teacher Competence and Instructional Quality

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    Learning material often consists of texts and instructional pictures, meaning the reader must extract and integrate information from two sources. Research shows that students’ skills in integrating texts and pictures already vary in early secondary school. Teachers’ professional competence and quality of instruction are important influences on the development of student’s skills. Therefore, this study examines teachers’ professional competence in teaching with texts, instructional pictures, and instructional quality as predictors for developing students’ text-picture-integration skills. Data from 136 fourth-grade teachers were collected in Germany. A subsample of 34 teachers and 646 fourth graders participated in a video study investigating instructional quality. In a longitudinal study, we assessed teachers’ competence in teaching with texts and instructional pictures via questionnaires and tested students’ text-picture-integration-skills. In between, three lessons involving texts and instructional pictures were videotaped and analysed. Multilevel regression models showed a small positive direct effect of teachers’ knowledge about student abilities on students’ text-picture-integration-skills. Furthermore, aspects of teachers’ competence were positively related to instructional quality, whereas “clarity and structure” positively predicted students’ text-picture-integration-skills. The presented paper contributes to research on text-picture-integration in primary school and how teachers and instruction can facilitate it

    Teachers’ assessment competence: Integrating knowledge-, process-, and product-oriented approaches into a competence-oriented conceptual model

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    In this article, we present a new model of teachers' assessment competence. The model is based on the educational competence concept, thus defining competences to be context-specific, learnable cognitive dispositions that are needed to successfully cope with specific situations. Integrating research on assessment processes, practices, and products, we specify the range of situations our model applies to, and discuss how its elements may become involved and measurable in a variable assessment process. The model aims to inspire future integrative research on the description, explanation, prediction, and promotion of teachers' assessments in various situations