37 research outputs found
N=4 Supersymmetric MICZ-Kepler systems on S3
Proceeding from the superfield action for nonlinear
supermultiplet, equipped with the most general potential term, we find the
action describing a charged particle on the sphere in the field of
fixed Dirac dyons. We construct the supercharges and Hamiltonian and analyze
some particulary interesting potentials corresponding to the N=4 supersymmetric
extension of the integrable one- and two-center
McIntosh--Cisneros--Zwanziger--Kepler (MICZ-Kepler) systems on .Comment: 8 pages, PACS: 11.30.Pb, 03.65.-w; corrected a misprint in (3.12),
added the last sentence on page 3, added the paragraph after (3.7), added the
sentence after (4.5
Exactly solvable mixed-spin Ising-Heisenberg diamond chain with the biquadratic interactions and single-ion anisotropy
An exactly solvable variant of mixed spin-(1/2,1) Ising-Heisenberg diamond
chain is considered. Vertical spin-1 dimers are taken as quantum ones with
Heisenberg bilinear and biquadratic interactions and with single-ion
anisotropy, while all interactions between spin-1 and spin-1/2 residing on the
intermediate sites are taken in the Ising form. The detailed analysis of the
ground state phase diagram is presented. The phase diagrams have shown to
be rather rich, demonstrating large variety of ground states: saturated one,
three ferrimagnetic with magnetization equal to 3/5 and another four
ferrimagnetic ground states with magnetization equal to 1/5. There are also two
frustrated macroscopically degenerated ground states which could exist at zero
magnetic filed.
Solving the model exactly within classical transfer-matrix formalism we
obtain an exact expressions for all thermodynamic function of the system. The
thermodynamic properties of the model have been described exactly by exact
calculation of partition function within the direct classical transfer-matrix
formalism, the entries of transfer matrix, in their turn, contain the
information about quantum states of vertical spin-1 XXZ dimer (eigenvalues of
local hamiltonian for vertical link).Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
Exactly solvable Ising--Heisenberg chain with triangular XXZ-Heisenberg plaquettes
A mixed Ising-Heisenberg spin system consisting of triangular XXZ-Heisenberg
spin clusters assembled into a chain by alternating with Ising spins
interacting to all three spins in the triangle is considered. The exact
solution of the model is given in terms of the generalized
decoration--iteration map and within the transfer-matrix technique. Exact
expressions for thermodynamic functions are derived. Ground state phase
diagrams, thermodynamic and magnetic properties of the system are examined.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure
Antiferromagnetic sawtooth chain with Heisenberg and Ising bonds
The sawtooth chain with pairs of S = 1/2 spins interacting with XXZ-interactions placed on each second
tooth is considered. All other interaction bonds are taken to be of Ising type. Exact statistical mechanical
solution of the model within the direct transfer-matrix technique is obtained. The solution allows one to obtain
exact analytic expressions for all thermodynamic functions of the model. Ground state properties are also
investigated, the corresponding ground state phase diagram is presented.Розглядається пилкоподiбний ланцюжок з парами S = 1/2 спiнiв, що взаємодiють з XXZ взаємодiєю i розташованi на фрагментi кожного другого зубця пилки. Всi iншi взаємодiї взятi типу взаємодiї Iзинга. Отримано точний статистико-механiчний розв’язок моделi прямим методом матрицi переносу. Розв’язок дозволяє отримати точнi аналiтичнi вирази для всiх термодинамiчних функцiй моделi. Дослiджено також властивостi в основному станi i представлена вiдповiдна фазова дiаграма в основному станi
Lattice distortions in a sawtooth chain with Heisenberg and Ising bonds
An exactly solvable model of the sawtooth chain with Ising and Heisenberg
bonds and with coupling to lattice distortion for Heisenberg bonds is
considered in the magnetic field. Using the direct transfer-matrix formalism an
exact description of the thermodynamic functions is obtained. The ground state
phase diagrams for all regions of parameters values containing phases
corresponding to the magnetization plateaus at and 1/2 have been
obtained. Exact formulas for bond distortions for various ground states are
presented. A novel mechanism of magnetization plateau stabilization
corresponding to state is reported.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figure
Multi-center MICZ-Kepler systems
We present the classical solutions of the two-center MICZ-Kepler and
MICZ-Kepler-Stark systems. Then we suggest the model of multi-center
MICZ-Kepler system on the curved spaces equipped with -invariant
conformal flat metrics.Comment: 7 pages, typos corrected, refs added. Contribution to the Proceedings
of International Workshop on Classical and Quantum Integrable systems,
24-28.01.2007, Dubna, Russi