7 research outputs found

    The gene encoding the insulin-like androgenic gland hormone in an all-female parthenogenetic crayfish - Fig 5

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    <p><b>Structure of <i>Pf-IAG</i> mRNA (A) and the genomic structures of <i>Pf-IAG</i> (B) and <i>Pfv-IAG</i> (C).</b> The different components of <i>Pf-IAG</i> mRNA are colored in different shades of grey, and the length of each component is indicated on the figure. Exons and introns of <i>Pf-IAG</i> DNA and their corresponding sequences in the marbled crayfish genome (<i>Pfv-IAG</i>) are indicated by the letters 'E' and 'I', respectively. The intron that was not fully sequenced (intron 1) is indicated with an asterisk. The identity (in percentage) of the exons and introns between the two genomic sequences is indicated.</p

    Histological section from the base of the 5th pereiopod of a <i>P</i>. <i>fallax</i> male.

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    <p>Three different enlargements are presented (×4, ×10 and ×40). The exact area presented in the enlargement in the right panel is surrounded by a black frame in the left and middle panels. Sperm duct (SD), androgenic gland (AG), cuticle (Ct), and muscle (Ms). The sections were stained with H&E.</p

    Primers used for genome walking.

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    <p>The schematic order of the primers used for genome walking upstream (gray arrows) and downstream (black arrows) is represented.</p

    Phylogenetic tree of deduced IAG protein sequences in 18 crustacean species.

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    <p>Pf-IAG is indicated with a black arrow. The bar represents the number of amino acid substitutions per site. Bootstrap values (1000 tests) are indicated on the branches.</p

    Predicted structure of Pf-IAG.

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    <p>The full sequence of <i>Pf-IAG</i> mRNA and its open reading frame (ORF)-deduced amino acids. The signal peptide is shown in italics. B (first) and A (second) chains are marked with a gray background, with C peptide, including its cleavage sites (underlined), flanked between them. The start codon (ATG) is underlined, and the stop codon (TGA) is underlined and indicated with an asterisk.</p

    Spatial expression of <i>Pf-IAG</i> mRNA in <i>P</i>. <i>fallax</i> and in the marbled crayfish.

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    <p>RNA was extracted from a <i>P</i>. <i>fallax</i> male, <i>P</i>. <i>fallax</i> female and a marbled crayfish from the following tissues: right and left 5th pereiopods (R/L-5<sup>th</sup>), gonad, hepatopancreas, abdominal muscle and cuticle. The negative control (Neg) is shown, and 12S rRNA served as the positive control.</p