117,384 research outputs found

    3D modeling of 1612 MHz OH masers: Monte Carlo modeling of the maser shells and the amplified stellar image

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    We present the first results of our 3D Monte Carlo maser radiative transfer code, used to model the 1612 MHz OH maser shell and the amplification of emission from the stellar radio-photosphere.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure; to be published in: Proceeding of WS on Mass-Losing Pulsating Stars and their Circumstellar Matter, Sendai, Japan, Y.Nakada & M.Honma (eds), Kluwer ASSL serie

    Astrometry of circumstellar masers

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    The circumstellar masers around evolved stars offer an interesting possibility to measure stellar parameters through VLBI astrometry. In this paper the application of this technique is discussed, including the accuracy and the uncertainties of the method. The different maser species (OH, H_2O, SiO) have slightly different characteristics and applications. This paper does not concern astrometry of maser spots to study the kinematics of the envelope, but concentrates on attempting to measure the motion of the underlying star.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Mass-losing Stars and their Circumstellar Matter", eds Y. Nakada & M. Honma, Kluwer ASSL serie

    OH 12.8-0.9: A New Water-Fountain Source

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    We present observational evidence that the OH/IR star OH 12.8-0.9 is the fourth in a class of objects previously dubbed "water-fountain" sources. Using the Very Long Baseline Array, we produced the first images of the water maser emission associated with OH 12.8-0.9. We find that the masers are located in two compact regions with an angular separation of ~109 mas on the sky. The axis of separation between the two maser regions is at a position angle of 1.5 deg. East of North with the blue-shifted (-80.5 to -85.5 km/s) masers located to the North and the red-shifted (-32.0 to -35.5 km/s) masers to the South. In addition, we find that the blue- and red-shifted masers are distributed along arc-like structures ~10-12 mas across oriented roughly perpendicular to the separation axis. The morphology exhibited by the water masers is suggestive of an axisymmetric wind with the masers tracing bow shocks formed as the wind impacts the ambient medium. This bipolar jet-like structure is typical of the three other confirmed water-fountain sources. When combined with the previously observed spectral characteristics of OH 12.8-0.9, the observed spatio-kinematic structure of the water masers provides strong evidence that OH 12.8-0.9 is indeed a member of the water-fountain class.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures (1 color), accepted for publication in the Ap J Letter

    Rosario Marierdo

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    Rosario Maierdo proviene de El Salvador, fue criada principalmente por su abuela porque su mamá inmigró a los Estados Unidos de América. Marierdo se convirtió en madre soltera y decidió seguir a su madre. Entonces, Marierdo y su hija iniciaron su viaje a EE.UU., en este viaje tuvieron que subirse a un tren, cruzar el río y el desierto. Finalmente, Marierdo y su hija llegaron a Huston, Texas, donde unos familiares las fueron a recoger. Marierdo se estableció su hogar en Schuyler, Nebraska, donde trabajó cuidando a los hijos de los otros trabajadores y luego, tomó un trabajo en un matadero. Marierdo habla de cómo cambió su tratamiento cuando ella aumentaba su dominio del inglés, el proceso para obtener un estatus legal y su anhelo por la comida tradicional salvadoreña. Marierdo es feliz viviendo en Estados Unidos porque sus hijos tienen acceso a una buena educación. Rosario Marierdo is from El Salvador, where she was raised by her grandmother because her mother immigrated to the US. Marierdo became a single mother herself and decided to follow her mother’s path. Marierdo and her daughter had a harrowing immigration experience, including riding The Beast and crossing the desert. They eventually arrived in Houston, Texas, where relatives met them. Marierdo established her home in Schuyler, Nebraska, where she first worked caring for other workers’ children then took a job in a slaughterhouse. Marierdo discusses how others’ treatment of her changed as her English proficiency grew, the process of obtaining legal status, and her longing for traditional Salvadorean food. Marierdo values living in the US because her children have access to a good education.https://openspaces.unk.edu/cttp-oh/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Berta García

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    Berta García es proveniente de Jalisco, México. García creció en una familia grande y tuvo una buena niñez. García conoció a su esposo en su ciudad natal. Tuvieron tres hijas y viajaron a los Estados Unidos como turistas, al final de esas vacaciones, tomaron la decisión de quedarse permanentemente en EE. UU. García y su esposo llegaron a Hastings, Nebraska, donde decidieron establecer su hogar. García y su esposo trabajaron arduamente por muchos años en la planta de carne Tyson. García analiza las diferencias, particularmente en las relaciones interpersonales, entre México y Estados Unidos. Berta García comes from Jalisco, Mexico. García grew up in a big family and had a good childhood. García met her husband in her hometown. They had three girls. The family travelled to the US as tourists, then made the decision to stay permanently in the USA. García and her husband arrived in Hastings, Nebraska, where they decided to stay. García and her husband worked at the Tyson meat plant for many years. García discusses the differences, particularly in interpersonal relationships, between Mexico and the US.https://openspaces.unk.edu/cttp-oh/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Norberto Nolasco

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    Norberto Nolasco nación en Acapulco Guerrero, México. Se mudó a los Estados Unidos buscando nuevas oportunidades y un mejor futuro para su familia. Nolasco es un hombre apasionado y trabajador que ha trabado desde que era niño; vino a Nebraska y empezó a trabajar para sustentar a su familia. Nolasco y su esposa son dueños de su propio negocio en Grand Island, Nebraska. Nolasco cree que todos deberían trabajar constantemente para hacer sus sueños realidad. Norberto Nolasco was born in Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. He moved to the United States searching for new opportunities and a better future for his family. Nolasco is a passionate and hard-working man who has worked since he was a child; he came to Nebraska and started working to provide for his family. Nolasco and his wife own their own business in Grand Island, Nebraska. Nolasco believes that everybody should work to make their dreams come true.https://openspaces.unk.edu/cttp-oh/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Ana Nolasco

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    Ana Nolasco es originaria de la Ciudad de México, México. Nolasco fue criada sólo por su madre y tuvo una niñez feliz. Nolasco ayudó a su madre en los negocios familiares desde una edad muy temprana. Más tarde, Nolasco se casó e inició su propia vida. El esposo de Nolasco inmigró a los Estados Unidos y años después ella lo siguió. Nolasco superó dificultades como recién llegada a los Estados Unidos, siempre trabajando y teniendo en cuenta que su familia era la razón para seguir adelante. Nolasco y su esposo abrieron su propio negocio en Grand Island, el cual era uno de sus sueños en la vida. Nolasco continúa trabajando para mantener a su familia y cree que las personas pueden hacer sus sueños realidad con trabajo arduo y consistente. Ana Nolasco is originally from Mexico City, Mexico. Nolasco was raised by her mother and had a happy childhood. Nolasco began helping her mom in the family business at a very young age. Later on, Nolasco got married and started her own life. Nolasco’s husband immigrated to the USA, and she eventually followed him. Nolasco overcame struggles as a new arrival in the USA, always working and keeping in mind that family was the reason to go on. Nolasco and her husband opened their own business in Grand Island, which was one of their dreams in life. Nolasco continues working to support her family and she believes people can make their dreams come true trough consistency and hard work.https://openspaces.unk.edu/cttp-oh/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Georgina Artiga

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    Georgina Artiga nació y creció en El Salvador. Artiga creció en una familia feliz que incluía a su abuela quien la cuidó cuando sus papás estaban en el trabajo. Al crecer, Artiga enfrentó muchas experiencias peligrosas debido a la alta tasa de crimen en El Salvador. Cuando ella tenía quince años, ella y su familia decidieron inmigrar a los Estados Unidos porque recibieron amenazas de muerte. Artiga y su familia se mudaron a California. Sus papás empezaron a trabajar y ella y su hermana asistieron a la escuela. Artiga luchó en la escuela con el inglés. Artiga y su familia se mudaron a Columbus, Nebraska y han permanecido ahí desde entonces. Artiga asistió a la Universidad de Nebraska en Kearney. Georgina Artiga was born and raised in El Salvador. Artiga grew up in a happy family which included her grandmother, who took care of her while her parents were at work. Growing up, Artiga faced many dangerous experiences due to the high-rate crime in El Salvador. When she was fifteen years old, she and her family decided to immigrate to the United States because they had received death threats. Artiga and her family moved to California. Her parents started working and she and her sister went to school. Artiga struggled with English. Artiga and her family moved to Columbus, Nebraska. Artiga studied at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.https://openspaces.unk.edu/cttp-oh/1018/thumbnail.jp