199 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium Microscopic Distribution of Thermal Current in Particle Systems

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    A nonequilibrium distribution function of microscopic thermal current is studied by a direct numerical simulation in a thermal conducting steady state of particle systems. Two characteristic temperatures of the thermal current are investigated on the basis of the distribution. It is confirmed that the temperature depends on the current direction; Parallel temperature to the heat-flux is higher than antiparallel one. The difference between the parallel temperature and the antiparallel one is proportional to a macroscopic temperature gradient.Comment: 4 page

    Deformation of Schild String

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    We attempt to construct new superstring actions with a DD-plet of Majorana fermions ψAB\psi^{\cal B}_A, where B{\cal B} is the DD dimensional space-time index and AA is the two dimensional spinor index, by deforming the Schild action. As a result, we propose three kinds of actions: the first is invariant under N=1 (the world-sheet) supersymmetry transformation and the area-preserving diffeomorphism. The second contains the Yukawa type interaction. The last possesses some non-locality because of bilinear terms of ψAB\psi^{\cal B}_A. The reasons why completing a Schild type superstring action with ψAB\psi^{\cal B}_A is difficult are finally discussed.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, both title and abstract are changed, discussion of some relations among our results, Nambu-Goto string and super Yang-Mills theories, added. Results unchange

    Divergent Thermal Conductivity in Three-dimensional Nonlinear lattices

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    Heat conduction in three-dimensional nonlinear lattices is investigated using a particle dynamics simulation. The system is a simple three-dimensional extension of the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam β\beta (FPU-β\beta) nonlinear lattices, in which the interparticle potential has a biquadratic term together with a harmonic term. The system size is L×L×2LL\times L\times 2L, and the heat is made to flow in the 2L2L direction the Nose-Hoover method. Although a linear temperature profile is realized, the ratio of enerfy flux to temperature gradient shows logarithmic divergence with LL. The autocorrelation function of energy flux C(t)C(t) is observed to show power-law decay as t−0.98±0,25t^{-0.98\pm 0,25}, which is slower than the decay in conventional momentum-cnserving three-dimensional systems (t−3/2t^{-3/2}). Similar behavior is also observed in the four dimensional system.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in J. Phys. Soc. Japan Letter

    Higher Derivative Corrections to Eleven Dimensional Supergravity via Local Supersymmetry

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    In this paper we derive higher derivative corrections to the eleven dimensional supergravity by applying the Noether method with respect to the N=1 local supersymmetry. An ansatz for the higher derivative effective action, which includes quartic terms of the Riemann tensor, is parametrized by 132 parameters. Then we show that by the requirement of the local supersymmetry, the higher derivative effective action is essentially described by two parameters. The bosonic parts of these two superinvariants completely match with the known results obtained by the perturbative calculations in the type IIA superstring theory. Since the calculations are long and systematic, we build the computer programming to check the cancellation of the variations under the local supersymmetry. This is an extended version of our previous paper hep-th/0508204.Comment: 67 pages, no figure, references added, typos correcte

    Self-consistency and Symmetry in d-dimensions

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    Bethe approximation is shown to violate Bravais lattices translational invariance. A new scheme is then presented which goes over the one-site Weiss model yet preserving initial lattice symmetry. A mapping to a one-dimensional finite closed chain in an external field is obtained. Lattice topology determines the chain size. Using recent results in percolation, lattice connectivity between chains is argued to be (q(d−1)−2)/(d)(q(d-1)-2)/(d) where qq is the coordination number and dd is the space dimension. A new self-consistent mean-field equation of state is derived. Critical temperatures are thus calculated for a large variety of lattices and dimensions. Results are within a few percent of exact estimates. Moreover onset of phase transitions is found to occur in the range (d−1)q>2(d-1)q> 2. For the Ising hypercube it yields the Golden number limit d>(1+5)/(2)d > (1+\sqrt 5)/(2).Comment: 16 pages, latex, Phys. Rev. B (in press

    Chameleonic dilaton, nonequivalent frames, and the cosmological constant problem in quantum string theory

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    The chameleonic behaviour of the String theory dilaton is suggested. Some of the possible consequences of the chameleonic string dilaton are analyzed in detail. In particular, (1) we suggest a new stringy solution to the cosmological constant problem and (2) we point out the non-equivalence of different conformal frames at the quantum level. In order to obtain these results, we start taking into account the (strong coupling) string loop expansion in the string frame (S-frame), therefore the so-called form factors are present in the effective action. The correct Dark Energy scale is recovered in the Einstein frame (E-frame) without unnatural fine-tunings and this result is robust against all quantum corrections, granted that we assume a proper structure of the S-frame form factors in the strong coupling regime. At this stage, the possibility still exists that a certain amount of fine-tuning may be required to satisfy some phenomenological constraints. Moreover in the E-frame, in our proposal, all the interactions are switched off on cosmological length scales (i.e. the theory is IR-free), while higher derivative gravitational terms might be present locally (on short distances) and it remains to be seen whether these facts clash with phenomenology. A detailed phenomenological analysis is definitely necessary to clarify these points

    Transition between phantom and non-phantom phases with time dependent cosmological constant and Cardy-Verlinde formula

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    We investigate the transition phenomenon of the universe between a phantom and a non-phantom phases. Particular attention is devoted to the case in which the cosmological constant depends on time and is proportional to the square of the Hubble parameter. Inhomogeneous equations of state are used and the equation of motion is solved. We find that, depending on the choice of the input parameters, the universe can transit from the non-phantom to the phantom phase leading to the appearance of singularities. In particular, we find that the phantom universe ends in the singularity of type III, unlike the case without variable cosmological constant in which the phantom phase ends exclusively in the big rip (singularity of type I). The Cardy-Verlinde formula is also introduced for inhomogeneous equation of state and we find that its equivalence with the total entropy of the universe, coming from the Friedmann equations, occurs only for special choice of the input parameter mm at the present time.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Casimir effect in de Sitter and Anti-de Sitter braneworlds

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    We discuss the bulk Casimir effect (effective potential) for a conformal or massive scalar when the bulk represents five-dimensional AdS or dS space with two or one four-dimensional dS brane, which may correspond to our universe. Using zeta-regularization, the interesting conclusion is reached, that for both bulks in the one-brane limit the effective potential corresponding to the massive or to the conformal scalar is zero. The radion potential in the presence of quantum corrections is found. It is demonstrated that both the dS and the AdS braneworlds may be stabilized by using the Casimir force only. A brief study indicates that bulk quantum effects are relevant for brane cosmology, because they do deform the de Sitter brane. They may also provide a natural mechanism yielding a decrease of the four-dimensional cosmological constant on the physical brane of the two-brane configuration.Comment: 37 pages, LaTeX, references added, some revision is done, version to appear in PR

    Conserved Charges in Einstein Gauss-Bonnet theory

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    Using Noether's identities, we define a superpotential with respect to a background for the Einstein Gauss-Bonnet theory of gravity. As an example, we show that its associated conserved charge yields the mass-energy of a D-dimensional Gauss-Bonnet black hole in an anti-de Sitter spacetime.Comment: 17 pages, LaTeX, references added, typos corrected, version to appear in Class. Quant. Gra
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