191 research outputs found

    ゼニゴケ葉緑体遺伝子と相同性を持つラン藻 Synechocystis PCC6803株のORF326、frxC およびORF469を標的にした変異の導入

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    ORF326, frxC and ORF469 of a transfomable cynobacterium, Synechcystis PCC6803, have sequence similarity with ORF465 on the choroplast genome of a livewort, Marchantia polymorpha, respectively. To elucidate their functions,targeted mutagenesis was performed by transformation with clened DNA in which the ORF was disrupted by insertion of a kanamycin resistancen gene cassette.Streak-purifications of a single colony of each transformant were repeatde to segregate homozygous mutants for disrupted copies, because Synechocystis PCC6803 was reported to have approximately 10 chromosomal DNA copies. Southern blot analysis revealed that mutants for ORF326 had not only disrupted ORF326 copies but also wild type ORF326 copies. This suggests that ORF326 is indispensable for growth under the mixotrophic growth condition used. However, mutants for frxC and mutants for ORF469 had only mutated copies, indicating that they dispensable for growth. Growth and chlorophyll a content of an ORF469-disrupted mutant were compared and chlorophyll a content of an ORF469-disrupted mutant were compared to those of wild type under mixotrophic growth condition, but no significant difference was detected. This indicates that ORF469 is required for neither normal growth nor chlorophyll biosynthesis under thie condition.ゼニゴケ葉緑体ORF316、frxCおよびORFと相同性を持つ、形質転換型ラン藻Synechocystis PCC6803株のORF326、frxCおよびORF469の機能についての情報を得るため、これらの欠損株の作製を行った。コード領域にカナマイシン耐性遺伝子カセットを挿入することにより不活性化された変異型のORF(オーブンリーディングフレーム)を持つプラスミドを用いてSynechocystis PCC6803株の形質転換を行い、カナマイシンを含む培地で選抜した。Synechocystis PCC6803株は約10コピーのクロモソームを持つが、サザンブロット解析の結果、ORF326については、変異型と野生型のORF326の双方を持つ株しか得られず、増殖に必要と推測された。一方frxCおよびORF469については、ともに全て変異型に置き換わった株が得られ、増殖には必要ないことが示された。さらにORF469欠損株を光照射下で培養し、増殖速度とクロロフィルa濃度を測定したが、いずれも野生株とほぼ同じであり、ORF469は、この条件下では、増殖やクロロフィル生合成に必要ないと推察された

    Histological development of stapes footplate in human embryos.

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    Normal development of the human stapes footplate was investigated in serial sections by light microscopy. Materials were obtained from 35 Japanese embryos from the 6th to 32nd week of embryonal age. Eighteen embryos up to 16 weeks of age (3.5mm to 105mm in crown-rump length) were examined, focusing particularly on the lamina stapedialis of the otic capsule. The present study showed that primordial formation of the lamina stapedialis appeared in 16mm embryo and that the lamina was completely formed and fused to the base of the annular stapes in a 35mm embryo. In a 50mm embryo, the adult form of stapes was found with a rim and annular ligament. The results, therefore, seemed to essentially agree with the theory of dual origin and development of the footplate proposed by Cauldwell and Anson, and teratogenic agents might affect any stage of the process producing anomalies,</p

    Imaging Diagnosis of Interstitial Pneumonia with Emphysema (Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema)

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    Based on clinical and radiological findings, Cottin defined combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema (CPFE) as pulmonary emphysema in the upper lungs and interstitial pneumonia in the lower lungs with various radiological patterns. Pathologic findings of CPFE probably corresponded with diffuse interstitial pneumonia with pulmonary emphysema, emphysema with fibrosis, and the combination of both. We described reported radiological findings of CPFE

    Is Japanese HPC another Galapagos? - Interim Report of MPI International Survey -

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    National audienceWe have been conducting questionnaire survey targeting MPI users of the whole world. At the time of this writing, we get more than 800 answers from more than 40 countries. We analyzed the currently available answers and have found some interesting results which indicate that the Japanese MPI users are different from the MPI users of the rest of the world. This paper focuses on those possible specificities of Japanese MPI users and warns the future of Japanese HPC community based on the resuklt of the survey. Since the survey is still open and accepting answers, this is an interim report of the survey

    Novel protein extraction approach using micro-sized chamber for evaluation of proteins eluted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections

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    We describe a novel antigen-retrieval method using a micro-sized chamber for mass spectrometry (MS) analysis to identify proteins that are preferentially eluted from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples. This approach revealed that heat-induced antigen retrieval (HIAR) from an FFPE sample fixed on a glass slide not only improves protein identification, but also facilitates preferential elution of protein subsets corresponding to the properties of antigen-retrieval buffers. Our approach may contribute to an understanding of the mechanism of HIAR

    An International Survey on MPI Users

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    International audienceThe Message Passing Interface (MPI) plays a crucial part in the parallel computing ecosystem, a driving force behind many of the high-performance computing (HPC) successes. To maintain its relevance to the user community-and in particular to the growing HPC community at large-the MPI standard needs to identify and understand the MPI users' concerns and expectations, and adapt accordingly to continue to efficiently bridge the gap between users and hardware. This questionnaire survey was conducted using two online questionnaire frameworks and has gathered more than 850 answers from 42 countries since February 2019. Some of preceding surveys of MPI uses are questionnaire surveys like ours, while others are conducted either by analyzing MPI programs to reveal static behavior or by using profiling tools to analyze the dynamic runtime behavior of MPI jobs. Our survey is different from other questionnaire surveys in terms of its larger number of participants and wide geographic spread. As a result, it is possible to illustrate the current status of MPI users more accurately and with a wider geographical distribution. In this report, we will show some interesting findings, compare the results with preceding studies when possible, and provide some recommendations for MPI Forum based on the findings

    Pulmonary Macrophages Attenuate Hypoxic Pulmonary Vasoconstriction via beta(3)AR/iNOS Pathway in Rats Exposed to Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia

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    Chronic intermittent hypoxia (IH) induces activation of the sympathoadrenal system, which plays a pivotal role in attenuating hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV) via central beta(1)-adrenergic receptors (AR) (brain) and peripheral beta(2)AR (pulmonary arteries). Prolonged hypercatecholemia has been shown to upregulate beta(3)AR. However, the relationship between IH and beta(3)AR in the modification of HPV is unknown. It has been observed that chronic stimulation of beta(3)AR upregulates inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in cardiomyocytes and that IH exposure causes expression of iNOS in RAW264.7 macrophages. iNOS has been shown to have the ability to dilate pulmonary vessels. Hence, we hypothesized that chronic IH activates beta(3)AR/iNOS signaling in pulmonary macrophages, leading to the promotion of NO secretion and attenuated HPV. Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to IH (3-min periods of 4-21% O-2) for 8 h/d for 6 weeks. The urinary catecholamine concentrations of IH rats were high compared with those of controls, indicating activation of the sympathoadrenal system following chronic IH. Interestingly, chronic IH induced the migration of circulating monocytes into the lungs and the predominant increase in the number of proinflammatory pulmonary macrophages. In these macrophages, both beta(3)AR and iNOS were upregulated and stimulation of the beta(3)AR/iNOS pathway in vitro caused them to promote NO secretion. Furthermore, in vivo synchrotron radiation microangiography showed that HPV was significantly attenuated in IH rats and the attenuated HPV was fully restored by blockade of beta(3)AR/iNOS pathway or depletion of pulmonary macrophages. These results suggest that circulating monocyte-derived pulmonary macrophages attenuate HPV via activation of beta(3)AR/iNOS signaling in chronic IH