153 research outputs found

    Cervical spondylosis in South West Nigerian farmers and female traders

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    Background: Neck pain is a common pain syndrome in the clinical practice. It may or may not be associated with the radiculopathy or myelopathy. Load carrying on the head is believed to be associated with an increased incidence of cervical spondylosis. Radiographic spondylosis is noticeable in 25-50% of people of 50 years of age and in 75-90% by the age of 65 years.Materials and Methods: Plain cervical radiograph were obtained in all farmers and female traders above 45 years of age who complained of neck pain. Those who met the radiological diagnostic criteria were enlisted in the study. The study was carried out over a 3 year period (July 2009-June 2012) in a private rheumatology clinic.Results: Thirty six cases of cervical spondylosis were seen, representing 10.7% of a total rheumatology cases seen over the study period. There were 23 males (63.9%) and 13 females (36.1%), giving a male: Female ratio of 1.8:1. There were 18 male farmers, 5 female farmers, and 5 female traders. Eight males and 6 females showed severe degenerative changes in the cervical spine. Mostly affected were C4-C7 cervical spine levels.Conclusion: Load carrying, as earlier documented in literature may be a significant contributory factor to the degenerative process of the cervical spine.Keywords: Cervical spondylosis, farmers and traders, Nigeria, south wes

    Takayasu's disease in a young black boy

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    Takayusu's disease is a rare disease affecting women predominantly during the child- bearing age. It is a primary vasculitis condition of large-vessels that responds well to steroid therapy. Immunosuppressives and vascular reconstruction may be needed as necessary. Reference was made to the case note of this young boy who was being co-managed by cardiology and vascular clinics. The diagnosis of Takayasu's disease was confirmed by the rheumatology unit and appropriate literature search was done.Takayusu's disease responds well to steroid therapy as exemplified by this patient. There was no relapse of the active inflammation after six months of steroid therapy. Ahigh index of suspicion must be exercise in diagnosing Takayasu's disease. It could be difficult to have a clue early in the disease process because of non-specific presentations. Appropriate referral shouldhowever be made to Rheumatologist when the diagnosis is suspected. This will go a long way in delaying the morbidity that is associated with this rare disease

    Increasing the Emission Mitigation Potential by Employing an Economically Optimised Transport Aircraft Retirement Strategy

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    This study investigates the emission mitigation potential of retiring passenger aircraft economically at the global fleet level. In an integrated model of the air transport system, fleet turnover aspects of the global passenger aircraft fleet are defined using aircraft lifetime direct operating costs. Two fleet renewal strategies are compared in the study. The growth strategy (the baseline scenario) prioritises aircraft allocation for serving demand growth and replacing aircraft retired at the end of their design lives, before replacing those that are retired because of their operating cost disadvantage. Conversely, the replacement strategy allocates global aircraft production capacity first for replacing aircraft that are retired based on their operating cost disadvantage and those retired on reaching their design life limit, before serving growth in air travel demand. Results show that in year 2024, emission savings of three percent were achieved at the global fleet level using the Replacement Strategy, when compared to the baseline. Afterwards, due to the unavailability of newer efficient aircraft, emission savings diminish to two percent (around 40 million tonnes of CO2). This research is useful to aviation stakeholders in having an overview of expected emission savings of the proposed strategic measure

    Anti-Phospholipid Syndrome In Nigeria: Report Of Five Cases

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    Five cases of secondary anti-phospholipid syndrome (APS) are presented andliterature reviewed. Pregnancy loss was the most common presentation but neurologic manifestations are also seen. IgG ACA was more commonly seen than IgM ACA. Although APS has been infrequently reported in black Africans, an awareness of this condition is needed especially among females with previous recurrent pregnancy losses

    Biomimetic materials and technologies for carbon neutral cities in South Africa: a literature review

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    Abstract: The accelerating decline in the environment and increasing atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are closely linked to human activities. This has caused the menace of climate change with the impact globally felt. The continent of Africa, given its geographical location, is believed to be more vulnerable and will severely feel these impacts. To curtail this, mitigation and adaptation have been recognised as the most potent strategies to curtail the challenge of climate change. Increased adaptive capabilities of infrastructures and systems in South Africa is, therefore, imperative. This paper explores biomimicry, a new field that studies and emulates the forms, processes, and strategies found in natural organisms to solve human challenges. For its over 3.8 billion years of evolution, nature has effectively and efficiently tackled many of the challenges mankind is grappling wi th today. Hence, the objective of this study is to evaluate and present existing biomimetic materials and technologies which contribute less to the degradation of the environment. Biomimetic materials and technologies, known to possess sustainable credentials will reduce the release of GHGs and has the potential for carbon sequestration. The result will help offer sustainable alternatives to those materials and products which significantly contribute to the increase in carbon footprint

    The Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Contraceptives by Undergraduates in Lagos Nigeria.

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    There is a high mortality rate associated with teenage pregnancy, abortion and complications related to abortion among university undergraduates. The awareness and practice of contraception such as; natural method, barrier method, hormonal method and traditional method were studied among university undergraduates in Lagos state using structured questionnaire. Sources of information on contraception were also studied alongside choice and use of contraceptive among undergraduates. The result showed that the major source of information on contraceptives was peer group followed by electronic media, parental contribution on this issue was low. 98% of our respondents had good knowledge about contraceptives, their attitude towards contraceptive was also positive but its use was low with only about 54% practicing contraception and this is probably due to discrimination against adolescent and young adults by family planning providers and low parental influence on contraceptives. Keywords: Awareness, Contraceptives, Practice, Undergraduates

    Contamination Of Sachet Water Produced Within Industrial Area Of Ikeja, Lagos Nigeria.

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    Industries produce a lot of pollutants and effluent which have effects on the quality of earth water. The effect of these pollutants and industrial effluent in sachet water produced in industrial area of Ikeja was studied. This was done by assessing the physical parameters and inorganic constituents. Six samples of sachet water produced within Ikeja were randomly purchased from the open market and were examined in the course of the study. Results obtained showed that the samples were odorless and tasteless. The turbidity varied between 0.11 to 0.91NTU. The conductivity ranged from 309 to 642?s, while pH ranged from 4.96 to 6.5. It was observed that the sachet water samples were acidic and high in calcium and magnesium ions probably due to the discharged from the industries. Keywords: Effluent, Industry, Pollutants, Sachet water

    Promoting biomimetic materials for a sustainable construction industry

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    Abstract: This article reviews current knowledge of biomimicry and its potential in the sustainability of the South Africa construction industry through materials selection. Biomimicry is the applied science that derives inspiration for solutions to human problems through the study of nature’s designs, processes, and systems. The article evaluates, promotes and encourages the use of biomimetic materials in the South Africa construction industry. An extant literature review was conducted on biomimetic materials, applications and their roles in the achievement of sustainability in the South African construction industry. The study shows that there is a misconception of bioprospected and biopirated materials as biomimetic materials, also, the study found that there are already existing materials that were designed based on biomimicry principles. The paper offers a new approach and strategy to achieving a sustainable construction industry in the South African construction industry through the use and incorporation of biomimetic materials into construction activities. Hence, it is envisaged that new ideas and innovations will be proffered which requires an interdisciplinary collaboration between biologists and other stakeholders in the industry. This study challenges all stakeholders in the South African construction industry on the adoption of biomimicry in their construction practices

    Biomimetic strategies for climate change mitigation in the built environment

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    Abstract: Out of the numerous challenges facing mankind globally, the impact of climate change poses more threat. These impacts include sea-level rise, more frequent floods from heavy rainfall and notably among others, intense droughts. Despite the United Nations anchored events and conferences geared towards tackling climate change, little success has been recorded till date. Biomimicry, a novel science and method that studies nature’s models and then emulates their forms, processes, and strategies offer a sustainable approach to this menace of climate change. It also has the potential to offer efficient alternatives to the human activities that contribute to the depletion and pollution of the environment. Hence, the objective of this paper is to evaluate and present the potential of biomimicry in for climate change mitigation in the built environment. An extant literature review was conducted on biomimicry and its roles in tackling climate change through mitigation and adaptation. The result explores various Biomimetic innovations and applications with their potential to sustainably mitigate the menace of climate change if adopted. This study is expected to refocus human efforts towards biomimicry where it is believed that nature, during its 3.8 billion years of existence has evolved with highly efficient processes and systems, with the potential to produce solutions to the environmental challenges facing mankind, especially climate change


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    ABSTRACT Eighty-two adults (42 males, 40 females) randomly selected from a village in the semi-arid zone of Nigeria have been surveyed for dietary intakes. The technique used was a combination of 24-hour recall and weighed intake over 7 days. Overall, men ate more food and drank much more than women. Males had significantly (p < 0.05) higher energy and protein intakes than females. Females on the other hand had significantly (p < 0.05) higher Vitamin C intake than males. Intakes of other nutrients did not vary widely among the sexes and quantities eaten, rather than quality, were largely responsible for variations in intakes observed. Mean energy intakes were 2191 KCals (9J6MJ) for males and 1980KCals (8. 28MJ)for females. Calculated total protein intakes were 57.9 + 1.7g and 50.4:1:: 2.0g per day for males and females, respectively. The foods that appear to have the greatest potential for contributing to the intake of energy, animal protein, calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C are cereals, fish and the guava fmit (Psidium guajava)
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