8 research outputs found

    The Knowledge and Perception of Medical Students About Psychotherapy as A Treatment Modality for Psychiatric Disorders: Implications for Medical Education and Practice.

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    Psychotherapy as a treatment modality for mental illness is recognized worldwide, however there are different perceptions and opinions about its practice and usefulness in treating mental illness in medical students. In this study, the knowledge and perception of final year medical students about psychotherapy is assessed. It was a cross sectional survey done amongst final year Medical students of the University of Ilorin during their psychiatry posting, using a semi-structured questionnaire designed by the researchers. A total of one hundred and thirty students participated fully in the study. More than half of students (58.5%) who participated in the study reported that they first heard about psychotherapy during the psychiatry posting, while about 26.1% of them first heard of psychotherapy from the media. Sixty percent of respondents believed everybody needs some form of psychotherapy, while 18.5% believed only the mentally ill needs psychotherapy. Sixty out of the 130 respondents considered psychotherapy to be better than medications in the treatment of mental illness, while 23% of respondents still thought psychotherapy involved some form of brain-washing. However, 95% of them would consider a research in to the field of psychotherapy in the future, while 73% will consider training in psychotherapy if opportunity arises. The knowledge and perception of medical students about psychotherapy is important in order to gauge the quality of medical education concerning this treatment modality as well as help to suggest possible areas of additional focus for medical tutors

    Acute Rapid QTc Changes Following Chloroquine Overdose With No Suicidal Intent

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    We report a 39 year-old male with unintentional chloroquine overdose without any suicidal intention. Marked QTc prolongation of 0.508sec was observed acutely though patient’s total ingested dose was lower than most fatal doses reported in literature. This range of QTc carries a predisposition to potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmias. Serial electrocardiograms (ECGs) demonstrated gradual return of QTc towards normal while patient was on observation without any indication for active intervention. We recommend that in the event of chloroquine overdose, close monitoring of the cardiovascular system should be done even in apparently stable individuals

    COVID-19 and mental health in Nigeria: Three proposals for integration mental health services into COVID-19 response

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    The COVID-19 disease is a global pandemic which in its over twelve months of known existence has affected over 89 million people worldwide leading to psychological and social sequelae in the affected individuals, their caregivers, health workers and the general public. Nigeria seems to have at best, a skeletal and non-structured integration of mental health professionals into her COVID-19 response team, both at the state and the federal levels. This article proposes three (3) models for integrating a multidisciplinary mental health team into the management of infected individuals, their caregivers as well as health care workers, while taking into consideration, the human and material resources available for mental health in the country as well as the already existing pressure on the available resources.  These models include a mental health team participatory model, a multi-level training model and a multi-sectoral collaboration model. It is hoped that a careful and strategic integrating of these three models will help to create a sustainable framework for tackling the mental health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic` in a developing country like Nigeria. &nbsp

    Characteristics of patients with acute heart failure in North Central Nigeria

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    Objectives: Heart failure (HF) is an important cause of hospital admission in Nigeria. HF is increasingly prevalent because the population is aging and HF epidemiology is changing. We aimed at profiling the socio-demographic, clinical and echocardiographic (Echo)  characteristics of patients admitted for acute HF. This is one of the largest cohorts of HF patients profiled in Nigeria so far. Methods: Cross sectional design. Socio-demographic, clinical and Echo data were collected from 455 patients admitted for AHF at University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, North central, Nigeria. Results: Mean age of patients was 58.9± 15.7years, (men were older than women, P= 0.006). 265(58.2%) were males, most patients were aged >60 years, 4.8% had pre-existing Type2 Diabetes mellitus. 53.2% of patients presented in New York Heart Association Stages III and IV. Median duration of admission was 11days (IQR, 6-17), intrahospital mortality- 11.6%. Hypertension was the commonest aetiological factor (62.4%), followed by dilated cardiomyopathy 17.6%, rheumatic heart disease (6.6%), Peripartum cardiomyopathy (5.3%), and others. Conclusion: AHF patients in our study are older than those in previous studies in Nigeria and sub-Saharan Africa. Hypertension is main driver of AHF, and patients largely present with clinically advanced disease necessitating stronger public health education about risk factors and early presentation. &nbsp

    Benefits, disadvantages and challenges of virtual conferencing in the COVID-19 era: Adjusting to the new normal

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    Objective: The COVID-19 pandemic has had tremendous effect on the medical and scientific community. Measures instituted to curb the spread of the disease such as physical distancing and ban on large gatherings have significantly altered conferencing activities of medical professional associations. With no end in sight to the pandemic, it is certain that medical professional associations may have to make do with purely virtual or hybrid conferencing for some time to come. The objective of this paper is to highlight the benefits, disadvantages and challenges of virtual conferencingMethods: We searched Pubmed, Embase, Scopus, and AJOL databases from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021 for publications describing the benefits, disadvantages and challenges of virtual conferencing during the pandemic. This, together with authors' experience formed the resource base for this work.Conclusion: We propose ways the scientific community in Nigeria can maximize the virtual conferencing while the pandemic lasts. We also advocate increased discussion about how to improve the virtual conferencing culture and the development of guidelines for purely virtual or hybrid scientific conferences

    Primary caregivers of the mentally ill experience more burden: A comparative study of mental versus physical illness

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    Background: Caring for patients with chronic illnesses whether mental or physical imposes a burden on caregivers. Schizophrenia and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) are both chronic illnesses which require long term care, though they differ in pathophysiologic concepts. Planning strategies for improving the quality of life of caregivers of these patients will require that clinicians answer the pertinent question of who experiences more burden.Objective: This study assessed and compared the burden of care in caregivers of patients with schizophrenia and Type 2 DM, determined caregiver and patient characteristics that predict burden in both groups.Design: Cross-sectional study.Setting: Endocrinology and Psychiatry outpatient clinics of the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria.Participants: One hundred patients with schizophrenia and 100 patients with Type 2 DM, along with their primary caregivers.Outcome measures: Caregiver burden was assessed using the ZBI. Results: Caregivers of schizophrenia patients experienced significantly higher burden than caregivers of Type 2 DM (p=0.025). Predictors of burden in schizophrenia patients’ caregivers were caregiver age (OR=2.088), being a lone caregiver (OR=1.39), perceiving caregiving as problematic (OR=6.194), GHQ-12 scores of caregiver (OR=7.46) as well as the presence of psychopathology (OR=2.61). The predictors of burden in Type 2 DM patients’ caregivers were caregiver gender (OR=4.049) presence of physical complications (OR=1.547). Conclusion: Caregivers of patients with schizophrenia were found to experience significantly higher levels of burden and psychological distress and this is important in planning care strategies for this group of patients

    Risperidone-Induced hyperprolactinemia in a Pre-menopausal Woman: A case report

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    A common side effect of antipsychotic medications used to treat psychotic patients is hyperprolactinemia. Its occurrence leads to dysfunction of the reproductive, endocrine and metabolic systems. This side effect which may be symptomatic or asymptomatic, is commonly under reported and under treated and may result in poor compliance. We present the case of a 35year old patienttreated for psychotic depression with atypical antipsychotics, Risperidone and Amitrypiline, who presented with galactorrhea and amenorrhea which led her to stop her medications and consequently, a resurgence of the primary illness. Hormonal assay showed elevated Prolactin level which reduced significantly with institution of dopamine agonist Bromocriptine and a switch in medicationto Aripripazole. These are examples of treatment strategies suggested in literatures reviewed. We recommended that clinicians pay more attention to hyperproclactenimia as an important side effect seen in patients taking antipsychotics which may reduce compliance. Key words: Hyperprolactinemia, Antipsychotic, Risperidone&nbsp