342 research outputs found

    A comparison of calcium-activated potassium channel currents in cell- attached and excised patches

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    Single channel currents from Ca-activated K channels were recorded from cell-attached patches, which were then excised from 1321N1 human astrocytoma cells. Cells were depolarized with K (110 mM) so that the membrane potential was known in both patch configurations, and the Ca ionophore A23187 or ionomycin (20-100 microM) was used to equilibrate intracellular and extracellular [Ca] (0.3 or 1 microM). Measurements of intracellular [Ca] with the fluorescent Ca indicator quin2 verified that [Ca] equilibration apparently occurred in our experiments. Under these conditions, where both membrane potential and intracellular [Ca] were known, we found that the dependence of the channel percent open time on membrane potential and [Ca] was similar in both the cell- attached and excised patch configuration for several minutes after excision. Current-voltage relations were also similar, and autocorrelation functions constructed from the single channel currents revealed no obvious change in channel gating upon patch excision. These findings suggest that the results of studies that use excised membrane patches can be extrapolated to the K-depolarized cell-attached configuration, and that the relation between [Ca] and channel activity can be used to obtain a quantitative measure of [Ca] near the membrane intracellular surface

    Quasiparticle Density of States of Clean and Dirty s-Wave Superconductors in the Vortex State

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    The quasiparticle density of states (DOS) in the vortex state has been probed by specific heat measurements under magnetic fields (H) for clean and dirty s-wave superconductors, Y(Ni1-xPtx)2B2C and Nb1-xTaxSe2. We find that the quasiparticle DOS per vortex is appreciably H-dependent in the clean-limit superconductors, while it is H-independent in the dirty superconductors as expected from a conventional rigid normal electron core picture. We discuss possible origins for our observations in terms of the shrinking of the vortex core radius with increasing H.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol. 68 No.

    Periā€operative cardiac arrest in children as reported to the 7th National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists

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    The 7th National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anaesthetists studied periā€operative cardiac arrest. An activity survey estimated UK paediatric anaesthesia annual caseload as 390,000 cases, 14% of the UK total. Paediatric periā€operative cardiac arrests accounted for 104 (12%) reports giving an incidence of 3 in 10,000 anaesthetics (95%CI 2.2ā€“3.3 per 10,000). The incidence of periā€operative cardiac arrest was highest in neonates (27, 26%), infants (36, 35%) and children with congenital heart disease (44, 42%) and most reports were from tertiary centres (88, 85%). Frequent precipitants of cardiac arrest in nonā€cardiac surgery included: severe hypoxaemia (20, 22%); bradycardia (10, 11%); and major haemorrhage (9, 8%). Cardiac tamponade and isolated severe hypotension featured prominently as causes of cardiac arrest in children undergoing cardiac surgery or cardiological procedures. Themes identified at review included: inappropriate choices and doses of anaesthetic drugs for intravenous induction; bradycardias associated with high concentrations of volatile anaesthetic agent or airway manipulation; use of atropine in the place of adrenaline; and inadequate monitoring. Overall quality of care was judged by the panel to be good in 64 (62%) cases, which compares favourably with adults (371, 52%). The study provides insight into paediatric anaesthetic practice, complications and periā€operative cardiac arrest

    Stabilized tin-oxide-based oxidation/reduction catalysts

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    The invention described herein involves a novel approach to the production of oxidation/reduction catalytic systems. The present invention serves to stabilize the tin oxide reducible metal-oxide coating by co-incorporating at least another metal-oxide species, such as zirconium. In one embodiment, a third metal-oxide species is incorporated, selected from the group consisting of cerium, lanthanum, hafnium, and ruthenium. The incorporation of the additional metal oxide components serves to stabilize the active tin-oxide layer in the catalytic process during high-temperature operation in a reducing environment (e.g., automobile exhaust). Moreover, the additional metal oxides are active components due to their oxygen-retention capabilities. Together, these features provide a mechanism to extend the range of operation of the tin-oxide-based catalyst system for automotive applications, while maintaining the existing advantages

    Methodology for the effective stabilization of tin-oxide-based oxidation/reduction catalysts

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    The invention described herein involves a novel approach to the production of oxidation/reduction catalytic systems. The present invention serves to stabilize the tin oxide reducible metal-oxide coating by co-incorporating at least another metal-oxide species, such as zirconium. In one embodiment, a third metal-oxide species is incorporated, selected from the group consisting of cerium, lanthanum, hafnium, and ruthenium. The incorporation of the additional metal oxide components serves to stabilize the active tin-oxide layer in the catalytic process during high-temperature operation in a reducing environment (e.g., automobile exhaust). Moreover, the additional metal oxides are active components due to their oxygen-retention capabilities. Together, these features provide a mechanism to extend the range of operation of the tin-oxide-based catalyst system for automotive applications, while maintaining the existing advantages

    The landslide story

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    The catastrophic Wenchuan earthquake induced an unprecedented number of geohazards. The risk of heightened landslide frequency after a quake, with potential secondary effects such as river damming and subsequent floods, needs more focused attention

    Verifying a Computational Method for Predicting Extreme Ground Motion

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    Large earthquakes strike infrequently and close-in recordings are uncommon. This situation makes it difficult to predict the ground motion very close to earthquake-generating faults, if the prediction is to be based on readily available observations. A solution might be to cover the Earth with seismic instruments so that one could rely on the data from previous events to predict future shaking. However, even in the case of complete seismic data coverage for hundreds of years, there would still be one type of earthquake that would be difficult to predict: those very rare earthquakes that produce very large ground motion

    The SCEC/USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise

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    Numerical simulations of earthquake rupture dynamics are now common, yet it has been difficult to test the validity of thesesimulations because there have been few field observations and no analytic solutions with which to compare the results. This paper describes the Southern California Earthquake Center/U.S. Geological Surve(SCEC/USGS) Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise, where codes that simulate spontaneous rupture dynamics in three dimensions are evaluated and the results produced by these codes are compared using Web-based tools. This is the first time that a broad and rigorous examination of numerous spontaneous rupture codes has been performedā€”a significant advance in this science. The automated process developed to attain this achievement provides for a future where testing of codes is easily accomplished. Scientists who use computer simulations to understand earthquakes utilize a range of techniques. Most of these assume that earthquakes are caused by slip at depth on faults in the Earth, but hereafter the strategies vary. Among the methods used in earthquake mechanics studies are kinematic approaches and dynamic approaches. The kinematic approach uses a computer code that prescribes the spatial and temporal evolution of slip on the causative fault (or faults). These types of simulations are very helpful, especially since they can be used in seismic data inversions to relate the ground motions recorded in the field to slip on the fault(s) at depth. However, these kinematic solutions generally provide no insight into the physics driving the fault slip or information about why the involved fault(s) slipped that much (or that little). In other words, these kinematic solutions may lack information about the physical dynamics of earthquake rupture that will be most helpful in forecasting future events. To help address this issue, some researchers use computer codes to numerically simulate earthquakes and construct dynamic, spontaneous rupture (hereafter called ā€œspontaneous ruptureā€) solutions. For these types of numerical simulations, rather than prescribing the slip function at each location on the fault(s), just the friction constitutive properties and initial stress conditions are prescribed. The subsequent stresses and fault slip spontaneously evolve over time as part of the elasto-dynamic solution. Therefore, spontaneous rupture computer simulations of earthquakes allow us to include everything that we know, or think that we know, about earthquake dynamics and to test these ideas against earthquake observations
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