176 research outputs found

    Quantization of chiral antisymmetric tensor fields

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    Chiral antisymmetric tensor fields can have chiral couplings to quarks and leptons. Their kinetic terms do not mix different representations of the Lorentz symmetry and a local mass term is forbidden by symmetry. The chiral couplings to the fermions are asymptotically free, opening interesting perspectives for a possible solution to the gauge hierarchy problem. We argue that the interacting theory for such fields can be consistently quantized, in contrast to the free theory which is plagued by unstable solutions. We suggest that at the scale where the chiral couplings grow large the electroweak symmetry is spontaneously broken and a mass term for the chiral tensors is generated non-perturbatively. Massive chiral tensors correspond to massive spin one particles that do not have problems of stability. We also propose an equivalent formulation in terms of gauge fields.Comment: additional material, concentrating on interactions with chiral fermions, 38 pages, 1 figur

    Non-BPS Brane Dynamics And Dual Tensor Gauge Theory

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    The action for the long wavelength oscillations of a non-BPS p=3 brane embedded in N=1, D=5 superspace is determined by means of the coset method. The D=4 world volume Nambu-Goldstone boson of broken translation invariance and the two D=4 world volume Weyl spinor Goldstinos of the completely broken supersymmetry describe the excitations of the brane into the broken space and superspace directions. The resulting action is an invariant synthesis of the Akulov-Volkov and Nambu-Goto actions. The D=4 antisymmetric tensor gauge theory action dual to the p=3 brane action is determined.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Spin-1 duality in DD-dimensions

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    It is known that the Maxwell theory in DD dimensions can be written in a first order form (in derivatives) by introducing a totally antisymmetric field which leads to a (D3)(D-3)-form dual theory. Remarkably, one can replace the antisymmetric field by a symmetric rank two tensor (Wμν=WνμW_{\mu\nu}=W_{\nu\mu}). Such master action establishes the duality between the Maxwell-theory and a fourth order higher rank model in a DD-dimensional flat space time. A naive generalization to the curved space shows a connection between the recently found D=4 critical gravity and the Maxwell theory plus a coupling term to the Ricci tensor (RμνAμAνR_{\mu\nu}A^{\mu}A^{\nu}). The mass of the spin-1 particle which appears in the D=4 critical gravity linearized around anti-de Sitter space is the same one obtained from the Ricci coupling term. We also work out, in flat space time, the explicitly massive case (Maxwell-Proca) which is dual to a second order theory for WμνW_{\mu\nu}.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, typos fixed (eqs (46) and (55)), absence of spin-2 modes pointed ou

    The 2(2S+1)- Formalism and Its Connection with Other Descriptions

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    In the framework of the Joos-Weinberg 2(2S+1)- theory for massless particles, the dynamical invariants have been derived from the Lagrangian density which is considered to be a 4- vector. A la Majorana interpretation of the 6- component "spinors", the field operators of S=1 particles, as the left- and right-circularly polarized radiation, leads us to the conserved quantities which are analogous to those obtained by Lipkin and Sudbery. The scalar Lagrangian of the Joos-Weinberg theory is shown to be equivalent to the Lagrangian of a free massless field, introduced by Hayashi. As a consequence of a new "gauge" invariance this skew-symmetric field describes physical particles with the longitudinal components only. The interaction of the spinor field with the Weinberg's 2(2S+1)- component massless field is considered. New interpretation of the Weinberg field function is proposed. KEYWORDS: quantum electrodynamics, Lorentz group representation, high-spin particles, bivector, electromagnetic field potential. PACS: 03.50.De, 11.10.Ef, 11.10.Qr, 11.17+y, 11.30.CpComment: 13pp., merged hep-th/9305141 and hep-th/9306108 with revisions. Accepted in "Int. J. Geom. Meth. Phys.

    Asymptotically free four-fermion interactions and electroweak symmetry breaking

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    We investigate the fermions of the standard model without a Higgs scalar. Instead, we consider a non-local four-quark interaction in the tensor channel which is characterized by a single dimensionless coupling ff. Quantization leads to a consistent perturbative expansion for small ff. The running of ff is asymptotically free and therefore induces a non-perturbative scale Λch\Lambda_{ch}, in analogy to the strong interactions. We argue that spontaneous electroweak symmetry breaking is triggered at a scale where ff grows large and find the top quark mass of the order of Λch\Lambda_{ch}. We also present a first estimate of the effective Yukawa coupling of a composite Higgs scalar to the top quark, as well as the associated mass ratio between the top quark and the W boson.Comment: 24 page

    A note on the (anti-)BRST invariant Lagrangian densities for the free abelian 2-form gauge theory

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    We show that the previously known off-shell nilpotent (s_{(a)b}^2 = 0) and absolutely anticommuting (s_b s_{ab} + s_{ab} s_b = 0) Becchi-Rouet-Stora-Tyutin (BRST) transformations (s_b) and anti-BRST transformations (s_{ab}) are the symmetry transformations of the appropriate Lagrangian densities of a four (3 + 1)-dimensional (4D) free Abelian 2-form gauge theory which do not explicitly incorporate a very specific constrained field condition through a Lagrange multiplier 4D vector field. The above condition, which is the analogue of the Curci-Ferrari restriction of the non-Abelian 1-form gauge theory, emerges from the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion of our present theory and ensures the absolute anticommutativity of the transformations s_{(a)b}. Thus, the coupled Lagrangian densities, proposed in our present investigation, are aesthetically more appealing and more economical.Comment: LaTeX file, 12 pages, one wrong reference deleted, correct reference adde

    Kalb-Ramond fields in the Petiau-Duffin-Kemmer formalism and scale invariance

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    Kalb-Ramond equations for massive and massless particles are considered in the framework of the Petiau-Duffin-Kemmer formalism. We obtain 10×1010\times10 matrices of the relativistic wave equation of the first-order and solutions in the form of density matrix. The canonical and Belinfante energy-momentum tensors are found. We investigate the scale invariance and obtain the conserved dilatation current. It was demonstrated that the conformal symmetry is broken even for massless fields.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    A new fusion procedure for the Brauer algebra and evaluation homomorphisms

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    We give a new fusion procedure for the Brauer algebra by showing that all primitive idempotents can be found by evaluating a rational function in several variables which has the form of a product of R-matrix type factors. In particular, this provides a new fusion procedure for the symmetric group involving an arbitrary parameter. The R-matrices are solutions of the Yang--Baxter equation associated with the classical Lie algebras g_N of types B, C and D. Moreover, we construct an evaluation homomorphism from a reflection equation algebra B(g_N) to U(g_N) and show that the fusion procedure provides an equivalence between natural tensor representations of B(g_N) with the corresponding evaluation modules.Comment: 31 page

    Nonlinear realization of local symmetries of AdS space

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    Coset methods are used to construct the action describing the dynamics associated with the spontaneous breaking of the local symmetries of AdS_{d+1} space due to the embedding of an AdS_d brane. The resulting action is an SO(2,d) invariant AdS form of the Einstein-Hilbert action, which in addition to the AdS_d gravitational vielbein, also includes a massive vector field localized on the brane. Its long wavelength dynamics is the same as a massive Abelian vector field coupled to gravity in AdS_d space.Comment: 17 page