101 research outputs found

    Effect of land use on infiltration characteristics of soils in Northern Akwa Ibom State, South-eastern Nigeria

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    Knowledge of infiltration characteristics of soils is necessary for designing quality soil management and conservation practices on agricultural and urban lands. This is predicated upon accurate evaluation of the infiltration characteristics of the soil. A study  was conducted to evaluate the effect of three land use practices, namely, oil palm plantation (OP), bush fallow (FL) and continuouscultivation (CC) on the infiltration characteristics of soils formed on sandstone parent material in northern Akwa Ibom State, south-eastern Nigeria. Infiltration was measured with the double ringinfiltrometer for a cumulative time of two (2) hours and the data generated fitted into the Philip two term infiltration equation. Results showed that differences in final infiltration rate (if) andcumulative infiltration (I) were significant (p≤0.05) between OP and FL. Also, there were significant (p≤0.05) differences between OP and CC in initial infiltration rate (io), final infiltration rate (if),cumulative infiltration (I), and sorptivity (S). However, the trend was OP>FL>CC. Differences between FL and CC were not significant. Generally, low infiltration characteristics were recorded in CC than in FL and OP and indicated the degradative effect of continuous cultivation on soil properties and crop production especially where crop residues are not incorporated into the soil. Results from OP and FL suggest that occasional fallowing may be necessary to alleviate infiltrationimpeding soil surface conditions and improve soil and water conservation for crop production in the study area in Akwa Ibom State.Keywords: Land use practices, infiltration characteristics, soil water storage, soil properties, sandstone parent materia

    A comparative application of Jacobi and Gauss Seidel’s numerical algorithms in page rank analysis

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    In PageRank calculation the Jacobi matrix is given by d T (damping factor times transition matrix), a sparse matrix. The solution of the iteration is x, if the limit exists. The convergence is guaranteed, if the absolute value of thelargest eigen value of ƒv1ƒ{ Mƒw is less than one. In case of PageRank calculation this is fulfilled for 0< d < 1. An improved Gauss-Seidel iteration algorithm, based on the decomposition M ƒ­ D ƒy L ƒyU where D, L and U are the diagonal, lower triangular and upper triangular parts of M would yield x D ƒvL x U x bƒw i i i ƒ­ ƒ{ ƒy ƒy ƒy ƒy 1* * * 1 1 . Introducing a relaxation parameter £f ¡Ú 0 leads to a generalization of the Gauss-Seidel methodx ƒv ƒwx D ƒvL x U x bƒw i i i i ƒ­ ƒ{ ƒy ƒ{ ƒy ƒy ƒy ƒy 1 1* * * 1 1 ƒÜ ƒÜ . This work compares the two methods with a C++ code numerically

    Pentecostalism and Nigeria’s English Usage: A Pragmatic Analysis of Select Expressions

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    The paper attempts to investigate the pragmatic choices interactants make in the use of the selected expressions: it is well, (we) thank God, glory be to God, it is not my portion, by the grace of God, I am rich, I am strong, my case is different, may God go (be) with you and the devil is a liar spoken by Nigerian English users, especially among the Pentecostal adherents in their daily communicative activities. Specifically, the study aims to analyze the semantico-pragmatic peculiarities in terms of the contextual usage of the constructions in Nigerian English. The theories considered relevant to the study are van Dijk’s Context Models and Mey’s theory of Pragmatic Acts. The theories are relevant because they account for the situational appropriateness of language use which meaning is contextually-determined by participants with shared linguistic and sociocultural background. Data for the study were generated by means of participant observation by the researcher who is also Pentecostal Christian and speaker of Nigerian English in informal and formal domains. The findings indicate that the creations are aspects of contextual (mis)appropriation of biblical incidences into Nigerian English usage in specific interactive situations to pragmatically function as: interruptive marker, expression of empathy and religiosity, pragmatic presupposition, advance rejection of tragedy, exercise of faith and escapist stance, among others. Although the contextual meanings are mutually intelligible in the Nigerian sociolinguistic milieu, but the analysis is believed to enhance the desired comprehension during interactions involving Nigerian English users of different religious affiliations, and foreign speakers of English. Key Words: Pentecostalism, Nigerian English, Pragmatic analysis, Selected expressions, Contextual uses

    Effect of slope aspect and position on soil infiltrability in an ultisol in Akwa Ibom State, southern Nigeria

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    Soil infiltrability is an important hydrological process that enhances soil water storage and the minimization of runoff. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of slope aspect (north, NfS and south, SfS) and positions [(crest (CR), upper (US), middle (MS) and lower (LS)] on soil infiltrability,  that is, initial infiltration rate (io), steady-state infiltration rate (ic) and cumulative infiltration (I), and sorptivity (S) and transmissivity (A) on the University of Uyo Teaching and Research Farm (T&SF) located on an Ultisol in Akwa Ibom State, southern Nigeria. Results show that the initial  infiltration rate (io) was 43.20 cm h−1 on SfS and significantly (p < 0.05) higher than 36.60 cm h−1 on NfS. The final infiltration rate (ic) was not significantly different between NfS (9.60 cm h−1) and SfS (7.20 cm h−1). The Cumulative depth of water (I) infiltrated was similar between NfS (28.18 cm) and SfS (21.46 cm). Soil water sorptivity (S) was moderately high on the two slopes but significantly (p < 0.05) lower in NfS (0.49 cm min−1/2)  than in SfS (0.70 cm min−1/2) soil. Soil water transmissivity (A) was similar in NfS (0.19 cm h−1) and SfS (0.16 cm h−1) soil. The results indicate that the aspects were similar in io, ic, I, S and A. However, since soil texture is similar among the aspects, similar soil management practices, example tillage  and mulching, could be adopted to enhance water infiltration to improve ic for increases in soil water conservation and crop production on the  T&SF. Key words: slope aspect and position, soil infiltrability, sorptivity and transmissivity, soil water managemen

    On A Single Display Multi-View Video Over Internet Protocol (SDMV-VOIP) Streamer

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    The tremendous loss of lives and properties that may be attributed to insurgencies in recent times worldwide has become source of worry to all and sundry. The situation is so alarming that relevant authorities are searching for the urgent means of checkmating it without delays. This paper unraveled the Gaius in single display multi-view video over internet protocol (SDMV-VOIP) based security system. It incorporate remote streaming, viewing and storage of live video feeds and remote motion control of cameras; all monitored with the use of a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and or Personal Computers (PC). The presentation in this paper is software-based and the software application was developed using Java Script, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) programming language to enable the proper monitoring and control of the entire system in which video feeds from the cameras are streamed for view and storage on PC. Keywords: SDMV-VOIP, IP Camera, CCTV, PDA and PC Interfacing

    On a Packet-Wise Data Transfer Monitoring System

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    This work tends to propose a billing system that is measured by the quality of bits/bytes transfer. In order to determine the amount of network resources to be reserved, traffic and performance descriptors must be defined. Allocated resources are used only when customers send or receive traffic, whereas when customers are inactive, resources may remain unused. Network administrators clearly prefer to charge users in proportion to the reserved resources, that is to say in proportion to the potential use of the service. In packet-wise billing system, subscribers are bill based on the actual amount of data transferred as in terms of byte. This research was carried out at unical e-library because of their facility, the researcher designed a server which serves as the billing system, in the server which is ubuntu driven, the researcher install the radius server, PHP Admin and mysql. The reason being that the radius server will do the authentication, accounting and access control, then the researcher use the packet sniffer to retrieve packet from the network using mikrotik router to connect the server and the client computer. It was discovered that when a user tries to connect to the server, it will be requested to enter a username and password that will give him/her access to the server. With this a capture will display showing that the user was successfully logged in with it bandwidth detail on it instead of time. So with this, a user can freely enjoy the service of the internet Keywords: reserved packets,, bandwidth, packet-wise billing system, processor clock timer,   weighted fair queuing, Flat rate model

    Packets routing and bandwidth sensing in a network traffic: Ant colony optimization tactic.

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    Packets routing and bandwidth sensing in a network platform remains an integral part of the study of signal flow.The algorithm to route packets in a network link called the AntNet algorithm was inspired by the behavior of real ant colonies. At each node in the network, a forward ant deposits some amount of pheromones at different links that responds to the node’s queue length. In this paper, we propose the inclusion of the computation of paths to adapt with the Depth Search Ant Explorer Network (DS-ANTENet) algorithm for discrete problems as an IP based mechanism. This method is tested and the efficiency is compared to the original AntNet algorithm and the Link-State algorithm to check the transmission of computing traffic flows between the nodes. We then made comparison with the algorithms proposed in the literature. The protocols were sorted out in terms of average number of lost packets ranging from the higher priority queue to the lower priority queue which then resulted to the fact that; First, AntNetBW (loss ratios reduction of 9.6% when compared to the AntNet and the Link-State algorithm respectively. Secondly,  SANTENetBW (loss ratios reduction of 8.3% and 36.7% when compared to the AntNet and the Link-State algorithm respectively. Finally, DS-ANTENet (loss ratios reduction 0.7% and 33.2% when compared to the AntNet and the Link- State algorithm respectively.Keywords: Packets Routing, Bandwidth Sensing, Network Traffic, Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, AntNe

    Pheromone deposition/updating strategy in a network: using ant colony optimization (ACO) approach

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    The study and understanding of the social behavior of insects has contributed to the definition of some algorithms that are capable of solving several types of optimization problems. The most important and challenging problems that the ants encounters when routing through a network arc, is their ability to searching for the path with a shorter length as well as to minimize the total cost incurred in the process of routing  through the network. In this paper, we introduced some features to the existing Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithm to help tackle this problem. First, we defined two kinds of pheromone and then we also defined three kinds of heuristic information to guide the searching direction of ants for this bi-criteria problem. Each of the ants uses the heuristic types and the pheromone types in each iteration based on the probability, controlled by two parameters. These two parameters are adaptively adjusted in the process of the algorithm. Second, we used the information of the partial solutions to modify the bias of ants so that inferior choices will be ignored. Finally, we tested the performance of the experimental results of the algorithm in an application under different Deadline constraints and the performance of the algorithm prove to be more promising, for it outperformed the performance of most of the algorithm we downloaded on line.Keywords: Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, Pheromone Deposition, Pheromone Updating strategy, Cost Minimization, Network Routing, Optimization problem.

    Evaluation of Heavy Metals Loading of River Ijana in Ekpan – Warri, Nigeria

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    The concentration of Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn) which may affect human health and the “health” of the aquatic ecosystem were determine in the River Ijana Ekpan, using a pye unicam Atomic Absorption Spectrometry SP model 2900. The level of heavy metal in the study area varied between Cd (0.010 ± 0.004mgl-1) and (0.100 ±0.014mg1-1); Cr (0.037 ± 0.006mg1-1) and (0.067 ± 0.020mg1-1), Cu (0.020 ± 0.004mg1-1) and (0.050 ± 0.029mg1-1); Fe (0.046 ± 0.007 mg1-1) and (0.229 ± 0.008mg1-1); Ni (0.030 ± 0.004mg1-1) and (0.080 ± 0.010mg1-1); Pb (0.025 ± 0.006mg1-1) and (0.058 ± 0.008mg1-1) and Zn (0.088 ± 0.012mg1-1) and (0.122 ± 0.007mg1-1). The concentration of these parameters of pollution contained in the study area (SS1 – SS3) indicated that the River is fairly polluted. The possible sources of these parameters of pollution are diverse: originating from anthropogenic / natural and point sources. @JASE


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    The internet has changed the face of communication and enables more people to reach more other people than ever before. In this work, we employ the robustness of the internet by developing a smart agent alert system that delivers spy information instantly. The short message service (SMS) and Email capabilities were maximized to achieve this, seven model blocks were used: SMS model, Email model, the administrator console, the mail checker, web handler, the web interface and database model. SMS model is responsible for routing the SMS, it connect with the short message service centre (SMSC). When the system sends a text message to a user, the phone actually sends the message to the SMSC, which stores the message and then delivers it when the recipient is on the network. Email model is responsible for sending the message to the user; it connects to the mail checker to report back to the system where the mail is delivered to the user. The administrator console is an administration tool that enables Email and SMS Alert (EMSA) System administrators to administer the EMSA system components. As an integral part of the EMSA System, the console works as an independent process. It enables EMSA system administrators to manage actions related to user and changing data, activation and deactivation of the EMSA system, and controlling the web handler and mail checker. KEYWORDS: Alert system, Smart Agent, Short message service (SMS)