103 research outputs found


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(医学)Philosophy in Medical Sciencedoctora

    Evaluation of VI index forecasting model by machine learning for Yahoo! stock BBS using volatility trading simulation

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    The risk avoidance is very crucial in investment and asset management. One commonly used index as a risk index is the VI index. Suwa et al. (2017) analyzed stock bulletin board messages and predicted it rise. In our study, we developed a simulation of trading Nikkei stock index options using intra-day data and verified the validity of the VI index prediction model proposed by Suwa et al. In a period from November 18, 2014, to June 29, 2016, we conducted a simulation using a long straddle strategy. The profit and loss from trading with the instructions of their model was +3,021 yen. The benchmark\u27s profit and loss was -3,590 yen. The improvement with their model was +6,611 yen. Therefore, we confirmed that Suwa et al.\u27s VI index prediction model might be effective

    Major Depressive Disorder Complicated with Spinocerebellar Ataxia: Report of 2 Cases

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    Background: It is known that patients with spinocerebellar ataxia (SCA) tend to exhibit depressive symptoms. But the pathology of depressive symptoms complicated with SCA, including the reaction to the stress resulting from decreased motor function and central dysfunction due to neurodegeneration, is controversial and remains to be elucidated. To our knowledge, there have been hardly any reports on treatment methods of major depressive disorder (MDD) complicated with SCA. Case Reports: We report 2 cases in which selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) were effective against MDD complicated with SCA. Interestingly, one of the patients developed the symptoms of spinocerebellar degeneration (SCD) during the course of the MDD, and the other patient developed the symptoms of MDD during the course of SCA, but complete remission of the MDD occurred in both cases. In our cases, the depressive symptoms may have been caused mainly by an abnormality of reversible neural transmission including serotonin transmission due to central dysfunction, and there is the unlikely possibility that the depressive symptoms are reactive to the stress due to decreased motor function, because the depressive symptoms decreased with SSRIs. Conclusion: Although cerebellar degeneration is irreversible in SCA patients, our cases suggest that MDD complicated with SCA may be reversible and treatable using antidepressants such as SSRIs with few adverse events. Therefore, it is important for neurologists to detect MDD complicated with SCA early and consult a psychiatrist in order to improve quality of life of SCA patients

    Antimicrobial prescription practices for outpatients with uncomplicated cystitis in Japan

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    To promote antimicrobial stewardship, we studied antimicrobial prescription rates for uncomplicated cystitis, a common outpatient disease requiring antibiotic treatment. This multicenter retrospective study was performed from January 1, 2018, to December 31, 2020, in Japan, targeting outpatients aged >= 20 years whose medical records revealed International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) codes suggesting uncomplicated cystitis (N300). The data of 1445 patients were collected and that of 902 patients were analyzed. The overall median patient age was 71 years and a proportion of those aged less than 50 years was 18.8% with a female dominance (82.6%). Antimicrobials were prescribed for 884 patients (98.0%) and a total of 623 patients (69.1%) were treated with broad-spectrum drugs, including fluoroquinolones (36.0%), third-generation cephalosporins (29.9%) and faropenem (3.1%). A logistic regression model revealed that the broad-spectrum agents were significantly prescribed for the older patients, male patients, and those who visited internists. Recurrence was observed in 37 (4.1%) cases, and the multivariate analysis suggested any of age, sex, or antimicrobial types were not associated with the recurrence. Collectively, approximately two-thirds of antimicrobials prescribed for uncomplicated cystitis were broad-spectrum agents. The present data would be an indicator for antimicrobial prescriptions in uncomplicated cystitis in Japan

    A macroevolutionary role for chromosomal fusion and fission in Erebia butterflies.

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    The impact of large-scale chromosomal rearrangements, such as fusions and fissions, on speciation is a long-standing conundrum. We assessed whether bursts of change in chromosome numbers resulting from chromosomal fusion or fission are related to increased speciation rates in Erebia, one of the most species-rich and karyotypically variable butterfly groups. We established a genome-based phylogeny and used state-dependent birth-death models to infer trajectories of karyotype evolution. We demonstrated that rates of anagenetic chromosomal changes (i.e., along phylogenetic branches) exceed cladogenetic changes (i.e., at speciation events), but, when cladogenetic changes occur, they are mostly associated with chromosomal fissions rather than fusions. We found that the relative importance of fusion and fission differs among Erebia clades of different ages and that especially in younger, more karyotypically diverse clades, speciation is more frequently associated with cladogenetic chromosomal changes. Overall, our results imply that chromosomal fusions and fissions have contrasting macroevolutionary roles and that large-scale chromosomal rearrangements are associated with bursts of species diversification

    ダイガクセイ ヲ タイショウ ト シタ イノシシ ニク ト ブタ ニク ノ カンノウ ヒョウカ

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    イノシシ肉とブタ肉の味について,大学生を対象とした官能検査を行った。両者を焼き肉の形で比較したところ,柔らかさではブタが,香りではイノシシが勝っていた。イノシシ肉各部位(ロース,バラ,モモ)間に有意な味の差は見られなかったが,夏肉の評価は冬肉よりも有意に低かった。ブタ肉価格を100としたときに,回答者が妥当と思うイノシシ肉の価格は平均112-138,中央位100-120,最頻値80-100の範囲にあった。このようにイノシシ肉とブタ肉の評価額に大きな差は無かったが,イノシシ肉をブタ肉の2~4倍に高く評価した回答者も一部に見られた。回答者の性別による差のみられた項目はなかった。野生動物肉を食べることへの抵抗感はみられなかった。現在のイノシシ肉は家庭消費肉としての価格競争力は有していないので,消費拡大には価格以外の訴求力が必要と思われる。Quality of wild boar and swine meats were compared through sensory evaluation by university students. While boar meat had a characteristically meaty scent, swine meat was strongly preferred for its softness. There were no qualitative differences in boar meat parts (loin,back rib and thigh). Juicy texture of winter boar meat was superior to dry texture of summer one in most criteria. In general, willingness to pay among respondents for boar and swine meats was roughly the same. Assuming the price of swine meat as 100, appropriate pricing by respondents for various parts of boar meat was 112-138 on average, 100-120 in median, and 80-100 in mode. But some respondents evaluated boar meat as high as high as 400 level. There were no differences in the answer of male and female respondents. Respondents showed no hesitation to eat wildlife meat. For domestic consumption, boar meat seems not to be price-competitive to swine meat. Since there are some people who highly valuate boar meat, appealing to other features of boar meat seems necessary to increase consumption

    コウイキ ジュウガイ ボウシ サク ノ カイコウブ ガ ニホンジカ シンニュウ ボウシ ニ オヨボス エイキョウ

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    広域で設置される獣害防止柵では道路や河川などと交わる場所に柵のない開口部が生じる。本研究ではニホンジカの高密度生息地域である神奈川県丹沢山系に設置された広域獣害防止柵(52km)を対象に,開口部の存在がシカ侵入防止に及ぼす影響について調査した。開口部は2.0箇所/kmの割合で存在しており,道路と河川による開口部が多くほぼ同数(各0.8箇所/km)を占めた。開口部のシカ通過頻度は,開口部幅3.0m以下で有意に低くなった。広域柵には倒木や野生動物の働きによって生じた破損開口部も存在したが,野生動物由来の破損部を通過するシカは少なかった。柵の山側から農地に侵入してくるシカは,開口部1箇所あたり0.24頭/日と推定された。山から里への移動は日没後に,里から山への移動は早朝に活発となった。すなわち,農地への侵入は夜間に行われており,侵入したシカは柵から最遠2kmの農地にまで侵入していた。しかし日没後と早朝に開口部を逆方向に通過する個体も少なからずみられ,それぞれ前者の37%および30%を占めた。これは昼間に人里側のヤブに潜む個体と考えられた。獣害防止のためには人里のヤブ刈り払いが重要といえる。Regional wildlife control fences are often interrupted by roads and streams. To investigate the negative impacts of these openings for efficiency of fences, a sensor camera survey was conducted at a sika deer fence that was constructed along the foot of the Tanzawa Mountains in Kanagawa Prefecture over 52km. Openings were found at the ratio of about 2.0 per kilometer. The frequency of gaps by road and human trails was 0.8/km, and 0.8/km by streams. Passing frequency of the deer became low at narrow openings (<3 m). Although there were holes that were created by mid-size animals, the passing frequency of the deer for those holes was low. Daily invading frequency of the deer from mountainside to farmland through the fence was estimated to be 0.24 deer/km, indicating the effectiveness of the fence. During the nighttime, the deer invaded farmlands over a distance of two km from the edge of the mountain woodland. The deer indicated a bimodal nocturnal activity pattern. Many of them passed through gaps from mountain side to farmland around 17 : 00-20 : 00, and returned to the mountain side around 4 : 00-6 : 00. However, about one-third of the deer tended to move reversely. As the latter deer seem to be hiding in the bushes at farmland side during daytime, clearing of those bushes is necessary for removing such deer

    カナガワケン アツギシ ノ キョジュウチイキ ニ ヨル ジュウガイ ニ タイスル ジュウミンカンジョウ

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    厚木市の中山間地域と平地農業地域における獣害に対する住民感情を2009-2010年にアンケート調査し,1,462件の回答を得た。販売農家は中山間地域で9割以上,平地農業地域で5割が獣害被害を受けていた。いずれの地域でも農作業への関わりの高い住民は野生動物に強い「怒り」を感じるのに対し,農作業への関わりが低くなると「かわいい,うれしい」と感じる傾向が見られた。捕獲駆除については,中山間地域では農作業に関わりの高い住民の賛成率が高まる傾向があったのに対し,平地農業地域では逆の傾向がみられた。性別で見ると,男性の捕獲駆除賛成率が中山間地において高かったのに対し,女性における地域差は少なかった。行政への要望として,中山間地域では情報提供や資金・物品提供など農地を守るために直接役立つ対策への要望が強かったが多いのに対し,駆除の促進への要望順位は低かった。しかし,アンケートから判明した住民の求める要望と,行政が行っている実際の獣害対策を比較すると,住民の要望が反映されているのは駆除対策だけであった。To understand sentiments of residents against wildlife damage, a questionnaire survey was conducted in 2009-2010 at hilly areas and flat agricultural areas in Atsugi, Japan. Answers (1,462) indicated that more than 90% of full-time farmers at hilly areas and 50% of those at flat areas were suffering from wildlife damage. Full-time farmers tended to feel `anger\u27 to wildlife, while non-farmers tended to show `affection\u27 to them. At hilly areas, support for wildlife population control measures became higher, according to the increase of residents\u27 dependence on agriculture. At flat agricultural areas, however, the reverse tendency was seen. At hilly areas, males were more supportive of population control than females. For females, their attitudes to population control were not different according to area. Priority requests of residents to administration were supply of information, funds and goods that were necessary to protect their own cultivated fields. Wildlife population control was not a priority request. There were discrepancies between requests of residents and actual administrative wildlife measures, as some measures were not well known to residents