791 research outputs found

    On the magnetization of two-dimensional superconductors

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    We calculate the magnetization of a two-dimensional superconductor in a perpendicular magnetic field near its Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and at lower temperatures. We find that the critical behavior is more complex than assumed in the literature and that, in particular, the critical magnetization is {\it not} field independent as naive scaling predicts. In the low temperature phase we find a substantial fluctuation renormalization of the mean-field result. We compare our analysis with the data on the cuprates.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Flows, Fragmentation, and Star Formation. I. Low-mass Stars in Taurus

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    The remarkably filamentary spatial distribution of young stars in the Taurus molecular cloud has significant implications for understanding low-mass star formation in relatively quiescent conditions. The large scale and regular spacing of the filaments suggests that small-scale turbulence is of limited importance, which could be consistent with driving on large scales by flows which produced the cloud. The small spatial dispersion of stars from gaseous filaments indicates that the low-mass stars are generally born with small velocity dispersions relative to their natal gas, of order the sound speed or less. The spatial distribution of the stars exhibits a mean separation of about 0.25 pc, comparable to the estimated Jeans length in the densest gaseous filaments, and is consistent with roughly uniform density along the filaments. The efficiency of star formation in filaments is much higher than elsewhere, with an associated higher frequency of protostars and accreting T Tauri stars. The protostellar cores generally are aligned with the filaments, suggesting that they are produced by gravitational fragmentation, resulting in initially quasi-prolate cores. Given the absence of massive stars which could strongly dominate cloud dynamics, Taurus provides important tests of theories of dispersed low-mass star formation and numerical simulations of molecular cloud structure and evolution.Comment: 32 pages, 9 figures: to appear in Ap

    Biot-Savart correlations in layered superconductors

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    We discuss the superconductor to normal phase transition in an infinite-layered type-II superconductor in the limit where the Josephson coupling between layers is negligible. We model each layer as a neutral gas of thermally excited pancake vortices. We assume the dominant interaction between vortices in the same and in different layers is the electromagnetic interaction between the screening currents induced by these vortices. Our main result, obtained by exactly solving the leading order renormalization group flow, is that the phase transition in this model is a Kosterlitz--Thouless transition despite being a three--dimensional system. While the transition itself is driven by the unbinding of two-dimensional pancake vortices, an RG analysis of the low temperature phase and a mean-field theory of the high temperature phase reveal that both phases possess three-dimensional correlations. An experimental consequence of this is that the jump in the measured in-plane superfluid stiffness, which is a universal quantity in 2d Kosterlitz-Thouless theory, will receive a small non--universal correction (of order 1% in Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+x_{8+x}). This overall picture places some claims expressed in the literature on a more secure analytical footing and also resolves some conflicting views.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures; minor typos corrected, references adde

    Localization protected quantum order

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    Closed quantum systems with quenched randomness exhibit many-body localized regimes wherein they do not equilibrate even though prepared with macroscopic amounts of energy above their ground states. We show that such localized systems can order in that individual many-body eigenstates can break symmetries or display topological order in the infinite volume limit. Indeed, isolated localized quantum systems can order even at energy densities where the corresponding thermally equilibrated system is disordered, i.e.: localization protects order. In addition, localized systems can move between ordered and disordered localized phases via non-thermodynamic transitions in the properties of the many-body eigenstates. We give evidence that such transitions may proceed via localized critical points. We note that localization provides protection against decoherence that may allow experimental manipulation of macroscopic quantum states. We also identify a `spectral transition' involving a sharp change in the spectral statistics of the many-body Hamiltonian

    Photophoresis of topical steroids in the treatment of severe forms of lichen ruber planus of oral mucosa

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    The objective of the study is to search for new methods of treatment for lichen ruber planus with high efficacy, few complications and side effects, as well as providing a long-term therapeutic effec

    Multispin correlations and pseudo-thermalization of the transient density matrix in solid-state NMR: free induction decay and magic echo

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    Quantum unitary evolution typically leads to thermalization of generic interacting many-body systems. There are very few known general methods for reversing this process, and we focus on the magic echo, a radio-frequency pulse sequence known to approximately "rewind" the time evolution of dipolar coupled homonuclear spin systems in a large magnetic field. By combining analytic, numerical, and experimental results we systematically investigate factors leading to the degradation of magic echoes, as observed in reduced revival of mean transverse magnetization. Going beyond the conventional analysis based on mean magnetization we use a phase encoding technique to measure the growth of spin correlations in the density matrix at different points in time following magic echoes of varied durations and compare the results to those obtained during a free induction decay (FID). While considerable differences are documented at short times, the long-time behavior of the density matrix appears to be remarkably universal among the types of initial states considered - simple low order multispin correlations are observed to decay exponentially at the same rate, seeding the onset of increasingly complex high order correlations. This manifestly athermal process is constrained by conservation of the second moment of the spectrum of the density matrix and proceeds indefinitely, assuming unitary dynamics.Comment: 12 Pages, 9 figure