55 research outputs found

    Growth and cultivation of mushrooms

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    キノコは食用および薬用として,古来より活用されており,これらは腐生性の木材腐朽菌,腐植菌,共生性の菌根菌,寄生性の冬虫夏草菌に分けられ,異なった生活様式で生態的な多様性を示している.腐生性のものは,現在盛んに栽培が行われ大きな産業に発展している。このなかで,子実体発生機構に関する知見が数多く得られ,実際の栽培面での子実体生産活動に大きく貢献している。本総説では,キノコの生育特性および子実体発生に関わる栽培環境について概説した.Fruit bodies of basidiomycetes have been utilized for a long time. They belong to three physiological categories which differ in their ecological patterns. One type comprises the wood rotting and litter decomposing fungi, and the other type the mycorrhiza and insect fungi. The wood rotting fungi especially have been developed in the field of industrial cultivation of edible mushrooms. Much work has been focused on topics of the fructification mechanism of basidiomycetes. The results of this work have contributed to the industrial scale of edible mushroom cultivation. This review describes the outlines of fructification topics in the culture environment and substrate field, and refers to the relationship between cultivation methods and the fructification mechanism


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    The production of volatiles from the sawdust-based culture of Lentinula edodes was monitored during mycelial growth and fruit body first flush for 100 days. Carbon dioxide and ethylene production was recognized in relation to mycelial growth and fruit body development. These two volatiles were released with similar pattern. It was seen that high rates of both volatiles production occurred on days 20 to 30 of fully colonized stage, and day 60 of fruit body veil break stage.シイタケ菌床から発生するガスについて,菌糸蔓延から子実体の一次発生までの期間の100日間にわたって経特約に観察した.菌床からは,二酸化炭素とエチレンが発生しており,発生パターンには類似の傾向が認められた.すなわち,菌床内への菌糸蔓延完了時の20-30日冒に発生量のピークがみられ,培養60日目に行った低温,高湿の子実体発生操作による子実体誘起に伴って再び発生量が急増し,子実体の開傘時に二回目のピークがみられることが明らかになった

    The Effects of Administration of Growth Activating Substances on the Cultivation of Shiitake Mushroom, Lentinus edodes

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    緒論 1.シイタケ菌とヒポクレア属菌との拮抗 1.1.両菌の拮抗現象 1.1.1.実験方法試供菌 シイタケ菌とヒポクレア菌の拮抗 a. 摂種害菌 b. 各穣蔓延率のシイタケ菌そう c. ヒポクレア菌の接種およびシイタケ菌そうの被害率 1.1.2.結果および考察 1.2.拮抗に関与する因子 1.2.1.実験方法培養温度培地の含水率培養基の栄養条件 1.2.2.結果および考察 1.3.添加物含有培地での拮抗 1.3.1.実験方法添加物のヒポクレア菌の作用添加培地上でのシイタケ菌とヒポクレア菌の拮抗拮抗率ヒラタケ菌,ナメコ菌とヒポクレア菌の拮抗 1.4.まとめ 2.室内試験における添加物の効果 2.1.寒天培地および木粉培地での菌糸蔓延度 2.1.1.実験方法供試添加物供試原木添加物のシイタケ菌への作用ヒラタケ菌,ナメコ菌への作用 2.1.2.結果および考察 2.2.菌床栽培での菌糸蔓延度および子実体発生量 2.2.1.シイタケ菌の場合実験方法 a. 実験室のインキュベーター規模での検討 (a). 供試品 (b). 供試添加物 (c). 培地の調整 (d). 滅菌および植菌 (e). 培養および子実体発生 b. 実用的規模での検討 (a). 供試菌 (b). 供試添加物 (c). 培地の調整 (d). 滅菌および植菌 (e). 培養および子実体発生結果および考察 2.2.2.ヤナギマツタケ菌の場合実験方法 a. 供試菌 b. 培地の調製 c. 供試添加物 d. 菌糸密度の測定 e. 子実体発生操作結果および考察 2.3.まとめ 3.菌糸蔓延度の判定法 3.1.培地の呈色反応 3.1.1.実験方法菌糸蔓延度を判定できる指示薬の検索 a. 供拭菌 b. 供試試薬 c. 供試原木およびほだ木 d. 寒天培地での呈色 e. ほだ木での呈色 f. 年次の異なるほだ木でみられる呈色プロモフェノールブルーを用いての検討 a. 呈色と菌体重量の関係 b. 菌糸蔓延度の異なる小径ほだ木での呈色 c. 菌糸蔓延度の異なるほだ木での呈色 d. シイタケ種菌品種を因子としての検討 e. ほだ木樹種を因子として検討 f. シイタケ害菌の呈色反応 3.1.2.結果および考察 3.2.炭酸ガス放出量 3.2.1.実験方法供試菌寒天培地での検討シイタケ種駒での検討小径林での検討 3.2.2.結果および考察 3.3.菌そうの白色度 3.3.1.実験7方法 3.3.2.結果および考察 3.4.まとめ 4.野外試験における添加物の効果 4.1.ほだ木栽培での菌糸蔓延度および子実体発生量 4.1.1.実験方法供試菌供試原木供試添加物添加物投与方法 a. 脱脂綿挿入によるもの b. ペースト添加によるもの菌糸蔓延度炭酸ガス放出量子実体発生量 4.1.2.結果および考察 4.2.子実体形質におよぼす影響 4.2.1.実験方法自然発生 a. 供試菌 b. 原木 c. 添加物投与 d. ほだ場 e. ほだ木年次 f. 測定項目強制発生 a. 供試菌 b. 原木 c. 添加物投与 d. 発生操作ヤナギマツタケ子実体の形質 4.2.2.結果および考察 4.3.まとめ 5.ネギ煎汁中のシイタケ菌生育活性化物質 5.1.単離および同定 5.1.1.実験方法供試菌ネギ煎汁の調製生物試験 a. 培地 b. 定性的試験 c. 定量的試験 (a). 液体培地を用いる試験 (b). 固体培地を用いる試験溶媒抽出による分画透析およびゲルろ過による分画ゲルろ過の各分画についての検討その他の煎汁についての検討 5.1.2.結果および考察 5.2.核酸関連物質の生育促進活性 5.2.1.実験方法ゲルろ過による分画培地生物試験 5.2.2.結果および考察 5.3.まとめ 摘要 謝辞 付表 引用文献 Summary 写真シイタケ菌とヒポクレア菌などの害菌の間には拮抗現象が期待できることを見出した.この場合,特にシイタケ菌の蔓延率が重要な因子となり,蔓延が進み培地表面を完全に覆った状態であれば,ヒポクレア菌の侵入に対し,十分抵抗性を示す結果を得た.また,他の因子として,培養温度,培地含水率,pH,ヒポクレア菌の胞子濃度等も重要な因子であった.これらの結果から,より速くシイタケ菌糸を蔓延させ高い菌糸密度を保つことが害菌対策上,極めて重要であることが明らかになった.シイタケ菌の初期蔓延を活発にし,培地をより早く完熟化すること,また害菌の胞子濃度が低い環境を選定することがそれぞれ重要事項であることが示唆された.そこで,シイタケ菌糸を積極的に蔓延させる手段として,手近に得られる蔬菜類を中心とした天然物の熱水抽出物,パルプ廃液成分,クロレラ熱水抽出物等を添加物として取り上げ,まず室内試験を中心として検討した.シイタケ菌糸の蔓延を著しく促進する作用を示すものが見出された.これらは,寒天,木粉,小径木等培地形態の違いにより,異なった挙動を示した.寒天培地ではパルプ廃液成分,クロレラ熱水抽出物,木粉培地ではクロレラ粉末,ネギ煎汁,小径木ではニンジン煎汁,ミカン煎汁がそれぞれ有効であった.そして,大型の鋸屑培養,すなわち菌床栽培の手法で検討を行った.添加物としてネギ煎汁を投与することで,菌糸の蔓延に対し促進あるいは刺激作用を加えたものは完熟菌床に至る期間が短く,しかも,後続する子実体発生に際しても良好な効果を持続し,発生量の増加が期待できることが分った.次に,添加物投与による効果をほだ木でのシイタケ栽培に適用することを考えた.ところが,ほだ木内におけるシイタケ菌の蔓延度,特に菌糸密度の高さを示す熟度を正確に知る適当な方法がなく,室内試験で明らかにした添加物の影響についての判定が困難であった.シイタケ栽培では,熟度を正確に把握することが子実体発生のための必須条件となっているにもかかわらず,判定法がこれまでに確立されていなかった.そこで,菌糸蔓延度の判定法を確立することが添加物投与の検討を行ううえで必要事項と思われた.呈色反応,炭酸ガス放出盛量,培地表面の白色度を測定することが有効な方法であることを認めた.特に,pH指示薬であるブロモフェノールブルーを噴霧した際の呈色反応により,簡易にしかも,正確にほだ木の菌体量を把握できることを明らかにした.5年間のほだ木栽培での結果,添加物投与の効果が野外試験においても認められた.添加物投与により菌糸の初期蔓延が活発になったほだ木では,ほだ木内により速くシイタケ菌糸が蔓延し,完熟ほだ木になるまでの期間が短縮された.その結果として,害菌による被害率が低くなり,さらに後続する子実体発生量が多くなった。効果はミズナラ,コナラ,クヌギ,アラカシ,ツブラジイ,マテバシイおよびタブノキの7樹種のうち,ほとんどのもので確認された。子実体発生試験はミズナラほだ木で行ったが分散分析の結果,有意差が認められたものが多く,しかも子実体の形質が優れ,特に菌傘の厚さが増すという結果が得られた.添加物の投与時期は種駒接種と同時に行うのが,最も効果が期待できることを明らかにした.菌糸が蔓延して完熟ほだ木になった時点では添加物投与を行っても効果はみられず,この段階では保水力の高い物質を加えることにより子実体発生量が増加した.また,添加物を授与する手段として,脱脂綿に含浸させて種駒接横穴に挿入し,その上から直接種駒を打ち込む方法(脱脂綿挿入法)を新しく考案した。添加物としてはネギ煎汁が最も優れ,穫駒接種時の投与によりほだ木内への菌糸蔓延率が高まり,さらに子実体発生数が明らかに多くなり,きわだった効果をみせた。これまでの検討でシイタケ栽培における添加物として最も効果が高いネギ煎汁中に存在する生育活性化物質の単離,同定を行った。シイタケ歯の生育に対し,煎汁の固形分濃度が大きな因子となり,また,その作用は培地形態により異なる結果が得られた.ゲルろ過法により活性物質を分画でき,活性の主体は核酸関連物質であることが明らかになり,種々の分析でこれらは3\u27-AMP,アデノシンおよびアデニンであることが判明した。種々の核酸関連物質のうち,アデノシン,アデニン等がシイタケ菌の生育に対し,極めて高い促進効果を示すことを明らかにした.また,ネギ煎汁にはニンジン煎汁,モヤシ煎汁に比べ,これらの核酸成分の含有量が高いことが分った.さらに,ネギ煎汁に含有されるシスチンおよびシステイン等の含硫アミノ酸が活性を示し,アデノシンならびにアデニンと相乗効果を示した.これらの結果からネギ煎汁中のシイタケ薗生育活性化物質の主体はアデノシン,アデニン等の核酸関連物質とシスチン,システイン等の含硫アミノ酸であると考えられた.As a result of tests on the administration of additives in the production of the shiitake mushroom (Lentinus edodes (Berk.) Sing.), the following was made clear. 1. Antagonism of Shiitake Fungi with Hupocrea spp. Fungi An antagonistic phenomenon was discovered between shiitake fungi and Hypocrea spp., an injurious fungi. Namely, results showed if shiitake fungi did not completely cover the surface of a medium, such as an agar medium, Hypocrea spp, invaded the shiitake fungi. On the other hand, if the surface of the medium was covered throughout, the shiitake fungi showed sufficient resistance against Hypocrea, and shiitake fungi increased its biomass. Further, other important factors such as; culture temperature, the water content of a medium, pH, the amount of spores of Hypocrea spp. fungi or the like were also found. Accordingly, as a measure to protect shiitake fungi from injurious fungi, it is extremely important to grow shiitake fungi rapidly to keep a high mycelial biomass in the medium. Results indicate that initial activity of shiitake fungi is an important factor in protecting from an injurious fungi (Chapter I). 2. Effect of Additives in Indoor Tests As a means for promoting the growth of shiitake mycelium, several additives were tested, that is; hot water extracts of natural substances centering around vegetables; liquor-components from sulfite pulping (lignin carbohydrate complex sulfonate) ; hot water extract of chlorella; or the like. They were chosen to perform experiments in a laboratory, at first. The liquor components from sulfite pulping and chlorella extract were effective in the agar medium. Chlorella and welsh onion extracts were effective in the wood flour medium. Lastly, carrot and orange peel extracts were effective with the small log. Following tests for selecting proper additives, a sawdust substrate cultivation test was conducted. To promote the growth of mycelium, the administration of the welsh onion extract was applied as an additive, resulting in a shorter spawning period. Furthermore, successive growth of mycelium was positively affected in succeeding generations, resulting in an increase in the production of fruit bodies (Chapter II). 3. Determination of Mycelial Biomass An idea was pondered as to whether the administration of additives would promote the production of shiitake mushroom on natural bed log cultivations. There was no proper means, however, for accurately determining the mycelial biomass of shiitake fungi in a bed log. Therefore, it was difficult to judge the effect of additives discovered in indoor tests. In the production of shiitake mushroom, though the accurate determination of the mycelial biomass is an essential matter for the formation of a fruit body, a weighing method has not been established up to date. Therefore, the establishment of a method for judging the mycelial biomass was considered to be a necessary matter in order to perform an investigation on the administration of additives. Some methods were effective, that is; measuring color reaction; the evolution quantity of carbon dioxide; and, the surface whiteness of a medium. Especially, it was shown that the mycelial biomass in bed log could be simply and accurately determined by color reaction generated when bromophenol blue, a pH indicator, was sprayed (Chapter Ⅲ). 4. Effect of Additives in Field Tests The amount of fruit bodies harvested from natural bed logs was analyzed for five years. The effect on the administration of additives was confirmed in field tests. In bed logs having greater mycelial biomass, by means of the administration of additives, the spawn run time was shortened. As a result, the damage rate caused by Hypocrea spp. decreased and, further, in succeeding generations, the amount of fruit bodies was increased. This effect was cofirmed in almost all seven species of trees, that is; Quercus mongolica ; Q. serrata ; Q. acutissima ; Q. glauca ; Castanopsis cuspidata ; Pasania edulis ; and Persea thunbergii, Tests of fruit body production were conducted using a Q. mongolica bed log and, using a variance analysis, a significant difference was confirmed in many cases and, moreover, results showed that the size of fruit bodies was excellent and the pileus thickness was greatly increased. By performing the administration of additives simultaneously with the inoculation of a spawn plug, the maximum effect of generating fruit bodies will be achieved. On the other hand, if the additives are administered at a time when the mycelium covers the bed log completely, instead of administering them simultaneously with the inoculation of a spawn plug, no positive effects were confirmed. By adding a substance having a high water retentivity when the mycelium covers the bed log completely, it was found though, that the amount of fruit bodies was increased. Further, as a means for administering the additives, a mothod for inserting absorbent cotton, impregnated with additives, in a spawn plug inoculating hole and directly inoculating the spawn plug, was newly devised. As for the additives, the hot water extract of a welsh onion was most efficient and growth into the bed log was enhanced by the administration of the extract at the inoculation time of the spawn plug and, further, the amount of fruit body production was clearly increased and a marked effect was developed (Chapter Ⅳ). 5. Growth Activating Substances to Shiitake Fungi in Hot Water Extract of Welsh Onion On the basis of the foregoing tests, the growth activating substance present in the hot water extract of the welsh onion had the highest effect as an additive in the cultivation of shiitake. The concentration of extract becomes an important factor with respect to the growth of shiitake mycelium and, further, according to different medium, several results were obtained. Active substances could be fractionated by gel-filtration, it was mainly based on nucleic acid related substances. These substances were adenosine-3\u27-triphosphate, adenosine and adenine by various analytical methods, that is; colorimetric analysis; ultraviolet spectrum; thin-layer chromatography; high-performance liquid chromatography; and, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Adenosine, adenine or the like among various nucleic acid related substances showed extremely high growth promoting effects with respect to shiitake mycelium. Further, it was found out that the content of these nucleic acid components was high in the welsh onion extract as compared with extracts of carrot or bean sprout. Furthermore, sulfur-containing amino acids such as cystine, cysteine or analogues contained in the welsh onion extract showed activity and imparted synergistic effects to adenosine and adenine. From the results, the growth activating substances of shiitake mycelium in the welsh onion extract were based on nucleic acid related substances such as adenosine, adenine or the like and sulfur-containing amino acids such as cystine, cysteine or the like (Chapter V)

    Cattle Bedding Waste Used as a Substrate in the Cultivation of Agaricus blazei Murill

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    The potential use of beef cattle bedding compost as a substrate for the production of the biomedical mushroom Agaricus blazei Murrill was tested and evaluated on various compost concentrations with fortified supplements. All tested concentrations (100% with equal supplement), 75, 50 and 25%) were found to be suitable for mycelial growth and fruit body development. Biological efficiency (BE) ranged from 28.6% to 70.9% in the two harvests of mushrooms. Compost with 100% and 75% were far superior to all other compost concentrations. The yield was greatest on 100% and 75% compost, with BE of 70.9% and 63.4%, respectively. Compost with 50% and 25% yielded significantly less with BE of 45.1% and 28.6%, respectively. Compost with 75% influenced faster mycelial extension, earlier spawn run, primordial initiation, earlier fruiting with bigger mushroom size, whereas higher supplement (100%) achieved a higher yield with smaller mushroom size. Our results showed that beef cattle bedding compost is a potential substrate in A. blazei cultivation; however, compost concentration selection is important to improve biological efficiency and mushroom yield

    Characteristics of mycelial growth and fruit body-polysaccharide of Inonotus obliquus on various substrates

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    カバノアナタケの菌糸生長に対する培養条件を検討し,子実体を誘起した。さらに子実体の機能性成分として知られる多糖類の含有量と培地添加物の相関を検討した。生育特性を検討した結果,温度は30℃,pHは7,炭素源はグルコース,フルクトース,マンノース,マルトース,窒素源はイーストエキス,モルトエキス,ペプトンで菌糸の生長が良好であった。次いで,米ヌカまたはコーンパウダーを加えた木粉培地で子実体の形成を検討した。その結果,米ヌカ培地で発生した子実体中に多糖類が多く含有されることが明らかになった。The effect of cultural conditions on mycelial growth and fruit body-polysaccharide of Inonotus obliquus was studied. The optimum condition of mycelial growth was 30℃ and pH 7 on the PDA medium. Mannose, maltose, fructose and glucose were beneficial carbon sources for mycelial growth. Peptone, malt extract and yeast extract were favorable nitrogen sources. Formation of fruit body was success on sawdust substrate supplemented with rice bran or corn powder. Polysaccharide was formed well in fruit body grown on the rice bran media

    Histopathological Features of Cysts in Wild Medaka Fish

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    Effect of Urea Addition on Soda Pulping of Oak Wood

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    Xylem Transport of Deciduous Broad-Leaved Trees During Early Spring (Review)

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    葉でつくられる光合成産物は成長点など物質代謝の活発な部位へ師管を経て運ばれ, 素材として細胞構成成分の生合成に,あるいは呼吸基質として生合成のためのエネルギー源に,それぞれ使用されるのが通常である.しかし樹木における有機物質の転流 は師部経由に限定されてはいない.ここではいくつかの落葉広葉樹について,春先の越冬貯蔵栄養分の成長点に向けての動員は主として木部経由で進むことを紹介した. これに関連して,越冬栄養分の貯蔵器官とされる木部柔細胞と,輸送器官とされる 木部道管との間でみられる物質交換についても言及した.Photo-assimilates produced in leaves is transported through a sieve tube to the meristem which acts viguously in metabolism. It is usually used as a component of cell construction or as energy for biosynthesis. On the other hand, organic material transport in the tree is not limited to the sieve tube. It is asserted here that the main route is xylem transport of over-wintering nutrient reserves to the meristem in various deciduous broad-leaved trees. Reference is made to solute exchange observed between xylem parenchyma and xylem vessel which are storage organ of over-wintering nutrient reserves and transport organ, respectively

    Bud Break and Water Movement of Deciduous Broad-Leaved Trees

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    根で吸収され葉で蒸散される水が樹幹を上昇するための駆動力の中心は,成長期で は蒸散がもたらす負圧とされている.しかし開芽より開花が先行する落葉広葉樹では, 開花に必要な水は葉がないまま,しかも休眠がまだ破れない早い時期から動き始める. その際の水移動の駆動力は,やはり成長期と同じように蒸散による負圧であろうか. ここでは水移動に関係する組織構造からみた場合,落葉広葉樹は針葉樹や常緑広葉 樹と比べて,どのような特徴を持ち分化度からどう位置づけられるかを先ず検討した. 次いで落葉広葉樹の水の動きを春の活動再開を軸として検討したのち,水移動の駆動 力として,先ず休眠枝の蒸散による負圧,ついで木部液の溶質濃度がもたらす正圧, 最後にAcerで特異的にみられる冬期の凍結-解凍サイクルに対応する負圧-正圧サ イクルの3要因をとり上げ,それぞれについて概説したのち次のようにとりまとめた. 休眠枝でみられるゆるやかな蒸散はある大きさの負圧を生じ,この負圧が根からの 吸水や,樹幹での水上昇の駆動力の主体をなしている.さらにBetulaやAcerでは, この時期にみられる木部液の正圧がこれに加わり,水移動を助け開花に必要な栄養素 の輸送に与かっている.このほかAcerに限り,その固有の凍結-解凍サイクルに由来する負圧-正圧サイクルがみられ,春先の水移動を円滑にしている.Negative pressure is produced by loose transpiration observed on a dormant shoots. This pressure acts mainly as the driving force of water absorption from roots and water uptake in the trunk. Moreover, positive pressure of sap solute observed in winter promotes water movement, contributing to nutrient translocation necessary for flowering in Betula and Acer. The negative positive pressure cycle originating in the freezing-thawing cycle characteristic of Acer species in early spring facilitates water movement