31 research outputs found

    Effect of phospho-compost on growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

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    The effect of phospho-compost on the growth and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) was studied at Juaboso in the Western Region of Ghana. It was a factorial experiment arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Phospho-compost, prepared from phosphate rock, cocoa pod husk, sawdust and poultry manure, was applied at the rate of 560 g plot-1 (875 kg ha-1) and worked into soil before planting. Phosphate rock was applied at the rate of 195 g plot-1 (300 kg ha-1) 1 week before planting. The triple superphosphate was applied as band placement of 90 g plot-1 (130 kg ha-1), 7 days after sowing. These application rates were equal to 60 kg P205 ha-1. Phospho-compost significantly (P < 0.05) increased number of leaves, number of nodules, plant biomass, number of pods per plant, and grain yield more than the control. Grain yield on the phospho-compost-treated plot was 25.8 per cent higher than the control. Phospho-compost treatment had a profit margin of ¢3,295,000.00 (387.65).Thisfigurecomparedfavourablywiththetreatmentusingconventionaltriplesuperphosphatefertilizer,whichrecorded¢3,422,000.00(387.65). This figure compared favourably with the treatment using conventional triple superphosphate fertilizer, which recorded ¢3,422,000.00 (402.59) profit. The controls had a profit margin of ¢2,515,000.00 (295.88).Theresultsofthestudyindicatethattheuseofphosphocompost(whichislocallyprepared)cansignificantlyincreasetheyieldofcowpea.Resourcepoorfarmerscanusephosphocomposttoimprovethefertilityofsoilforhigherproductivityofcowpea.UneeˊtudeeˊtaitentrepriseaˋJuabosodanslareˊgiondelOuestduGhanapourfairedesrecherchesdeleffetdephosphocompostsurlacroissanceetlerendementdedolique.Ceˊtaituneexpeˊriencefactoriellearrangeˊedansundessindebloccompletchoisiauhasardavecquatrereˊplications.Phosphocompost,preˊpareˊderocheduphosphate,deleˊcaledecossedecacao,desciuredeboisetdefumierdevolaille,eˊtaientappliqueˊsaˋraisonde560g/lot(875kg/ha)etmeˊlangeˊsaveclesolavantlaplantation.Larocheduphosphateeˊtaitappliqueˊeaˋraisonde195g/lot(300kg/ha)unesemaineavantlaplantation.Latriplesuperphosphateeˊtaitappliqueˊecommeunplacementenbandede90g/lot(130kg/ha),septjoursapreˋslessemailles.Cestauxdapplicationeˊtaienteˊquivalentaˋ60kgP2O5/ha.Phosphocompostaugmentaitconsideˊrablement(P<0.05)lenombredefeuilles,nombredenodules,biomassedeplante,nombredecosseparplanteetlerendementdegraineplusquelecontro^le.Lerendementdegrainesurlelottraiteˊdephosphocomposteˊtait25.8295.88). The results of the study indicate that the use of phosphocompost (which is locally prepared) can significantly increase the yield of cowpea. Resource-poor farmers can use phospho-compost to improve the fertility of soil for higher productivity of cowpea.Une étude était entreprise à Juaboso dans la région de l'Ouest du Ghana pour faire des recherches de l'effet de phosphocompost sur la croissance et le rendement de dolique. C'était une expérience factorielle arrangée dans un dessin de bloc complet choisi au hasard avec quatre réplications. Phospho-compost, préparé de roche du phosphate, de l'écale de cosse de cacao, de sciure de bois et de fumier de volaille, étaient appliqués à raison de 560 g/lot (875 kg/ ha) et mélangés avec le sol avant la plantation. La roche du phosphate était appliquée à raison de 195 g/lot (300 kg/ha) une semaine avant la plantation. La triple superphosphate était appliquée comme un placement en bande de 90 g/lot (130 kg/ha), sept jours après les semailles. Ces taux d'application étaient équivalent à 60 kg P2 O5/ ha. Phospho-compost augmentait considérablement (P < 0.05) le nombre de feuilles, nombre de nodules, biomasse de plante, nombre de cosse par plante et le rendement de graine plus que le contrôle. Le rendement de graine sur le lot traité de phospho-compost était 25.8% plus élevé que sur le lot de contrôle. Le traitement de phospho-compost avait une marge bénéficiaire de ¢3,295,000.00 (387.65) et ce chiffre se comparait favorablement avec le traitement appliquant l'engrais conventionnel la triple superphosphate, qui donnait un bénéfice de ¢3,422,000.00 (402.59).Leslotsdecontro^leavaientunemargebeˊneˊficiairede¢2,515,000.00(402.59). Les lots de contrôle avaient une marge bénéficiaire de ¢2,515,000.00 (295.88). Les résultats de l'étude indiquent que l'application de phospho-compost (qui est préparé localement) peut augmenter considérablement le rendement de dolique. Les pauvres agriculteurs ingénieux peuvent appliquer phospho-compost pour améliorer la fertilité du sol pour une productivité plus élevée de dolique. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 40 (2) 2008: pp. 169-17

    The black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae): Trapping and culturing of wild colonies in Ghana

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    The larvae of the black soldier fly (BSF), Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae), are promising candidates to be utilized in alternative organic waste management and for fish and livestock feed production. The scalability of this technology in Ghana will depend on a steady source of large numbers of BSF larvae. The objectives of this study were to identify the most attractive organic manure dumps or heaps in the study area for trapping wild BSF egg clutches and assess the effect of local environmental conditions on the trapping and laboratory rearing of BSF. The study compared the number of egg clutch trapped at different microhabitats including piggery, chicken and sheep waste dumps and on a compost heap. The piggery dump waste was the most suitable site for trapping BSF egg clutches. No egg clutch was deposited nearby poultry and sheep waste microhabitats. Results showed no differences in temperature between microhabitats during egg trapping but relative humidity differed between poultry, sheep and compost, however this did not have any effect on egg clutch trapping. No significant differences in temperature and humidity were observed during larval rearing. Significant differences in weight and length of larvae from both piggery and compost sites were observed on days 5 and 10 after egg hatch. A small scale laboratory colony rearing has been successfully established in Ghana. The design of the larval breeding system appears to be suitable for respective up-scaling that could provide sufficient larval quantities for composting organic waste and producing feed components for livestock and fish

    Innovations in market crop waste compost production: Use of black soldier fly larvae and biochar

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    Purpose Compost production technology and use are known among Ghanaians farmers. However, the long composting period averaging three months has had adverse effect on adoption. The black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae (BSFL) feed voraciously and breaks down organic wastes fast. Addition of rice husk biochar (RHB) neutralises acidity and aerates the compost. Combined application of BSFL and RHB to feedstocks could therefore reduce composting period and improve compost quality. Method Two studies were conducted with market crop waste (MCW) as feedstock. Firstly, feedstocks at two particle sizes (x 10 mm), with and without BSFL were evaluated to determine degradability, chemical content of the degraded residue and to select appropriate feedstock size ideal for composting. Secondly, the selected feedstocks size of between 5 mm and 10 mm were inoculated with or without BSFL and RHB of 0%, 5% 10% and 15% added. Composting trials were conducted in barrels inclined at 30o to facilitate drainage. Physicochemical and biological parameters of feedstock were monitored until maturity. Results Degradability of MCW by BSFL was feedstock specific rather than feedstock size. Inoculation of BSFL and biochar addition reduced composting period from 76 to 45 days. Biochar addition at 15% increased P availability to 1882 mg kg-1 but reduced total N to 10.5 g kg-1. E coli levels decreased in the BSFL-biochar composts to acceptable limits. Conclusion Composting MCW with BSFL and biochar reduced composting period and improved compost quality

    Diplodia natalensis, Pole Evans: a causal agent of citrus gummosis disease in Ghana

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    Isolations were made from the barks of gummosis-infected citrus trees from orchards of the University of Ghana Agricultural Research Station at Kade. The isolation media used were 1.5% water agar, 1.5% water agar + nystatin and 1.5% water agar + benomyl. Four isolates including Diplodia natalensis Pole Evans, Fusarium solani Appel + Wr. and two other unidentified fungi were obtained. When the isolates were tested for pathogenicity, only D. natalensis induced the disease symptoms in the inoculated seedlings. This result strongly suggests that D. natalensis is one of the pathogens causing citrus gummosis disease in Ghana. JOURNAL OF THE GHANA SCIENCE ASSOCIATION Volume 1 Number 2, January (1999) pp. 15-2

    Effect of N-enriched co-compost on transpiration efficiency and wateruse efficiency of maize (Zea mays L.) under controlled irrigation

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    A B S T R A C T Population growth, urban expansion and economic development are increasing competition for water use between agriculture and other users. In addition, the high rate of soil degradation and declining soil moisture in the Sub-Saharan African Region have called for several crop production management and irrigation options to improve soil fertility, reduce water use by crops and produce &apos;more crops per drop of water&apos;. Notwithstanding this, considerable variations exist in the literature on water-use efficiency, WUE cwu (economic yield per water used) for maize (Zea mays L.) across climates and soil management practices. Different views have been expressed on the effect of different rates of nitrogen (N) application on transpiration efficiency, TE (biomass produced per unit of water transpired). The objectives of the study were to assess the effect of different rates of N-enriched municipal waste co-compost and its derivatives on TE, WUE cwu and yield of maize (Z. mays L.) in comparison to inorganic fertiliser. The greenhouse pot experiment was conducted in Accra, Ghana on a sandy loam soil (Ferric Lixisol) using a split plot design. The main plot treatments were soil (S), dewatered faecal sludge (DFS), municipal solid waste compost (C), co-compost from municipal solid waste and dewatered faecal sludge (Co), compost enriched with (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (EC), co-compost enriched with (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (ECO), (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 and NPK15-15-15 + (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . The sub-plot treatments were different rates of application of nitrogen fertiliser applied at the rate of 91, 150 and 210 kg N ha À1 respectively. Maize cv. Abelehii was grown in a poly bag filled with 15 kg soil. Eight plants per treatment were selected randomly and used for the collection of data on growth parameters forth-nightly. At physiological maturity two plants per treatment were also selected randomly from each treatment plot for yield data. The results showed that TE of maize (Z. mays) varied for the different treatments and these are 6.9 Pa in soil (S) alone to 8.6 Pa in ECO. Increase in N application rate increased TE at the vegetative phase for fast nutrient releasing fertilisers (DFS, ECO, EC, NPK + (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ) and at the reproductive phase for slow nutrient releasing fertilisers (C and CO). Water-use efficiency increased significantly as rate of N application increased. Treatment ECO improved crop WUE cwu and was 11% and 4 times higher than that for NPK + (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 or soil alone; and 18-36% higher than those for DFS and CO. Treatment ECO used less amount of water to produce dry matter yield (DMY) and grain yield (GY) that was 5.2% and 12.6%, respectively, higher than NPK + (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 . Similarly, the DMY and GY for ECO was 8.9-18.5% and 23.4-34.7%, respectively, higher than DFS and CO. High nutrient (N and K) uptake, TE, and low leaf senescence accounts for 83% of the variations in DMY whereas WUE cwu accounts for 99% of the variations in GY. Thus, the study concluded that different sources of fertiliser increased TE and WUE cwu of maize differently as N application rate increases.